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Bench press on the multi press

Training on the Smith machine offers two advantages: the risk of injuries decreases, and the movements are guided. To ensure that everything runs smoothly during training, you will receive additional information here about the targeted muscles and the execution of the exercises.


Targeted muscles during Smith Machine Bench Press for the middle chest During bench pressing on the Smith machine for the middle chest, the primary muscles worked are the major pectoral muscle (musculus pectoralis major) and the triceps (musculus triceps brachii). Additionally, the front part of the deltoid muscle (musculus deltoideus pars clavicularis), the anconeus muscle (musculus anconaeus), and the anterior serratus muscle (musculus serratus anterior) are engaged in a supporting role.


Execution of Smith Machine Bench Press for the middle chest Smith Machine Bench Press for the middle chest is particularly suitable for beginners. To ensure that everything proceeds correctly, detailed information on body position and execution of the movements is provided.

Body position

The flat bench is positioned under the Smith machine. Lie on your back on the flat bench, with both legs firmly on the ground to ensure maximum stability. Then, grip the barbell with an overhand grip. Tighten your body and initiate the Smith Machine Bench Press for the middle chest.

Movement execution

Move the barbell out of the Smith machine, with your hands positioned slightly wider than your shoulders. Lower the barbell slowly above the chest while simultaneously inhaling. Keep the elbows close to the body and avoid outward movement. Pause just before the chest and initiate the backward movement. Exhale as you press the weight back up to the starting position.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

For more information on the muscles involved and common mistakes in bench pressing on the Smith machine, visit the webpage dedicated to bench pressing on the Smith machine.

Alternative variants to the bench press on the multi press

To add variety to your workout, you can also try similar exercises or other variations of bench pressing on the Smith machine.


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