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Exercises for the rectus abdominal muscles

Are you interested in specifically training your rectus abdominis? We present a range of effective exercises here to strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles. From traditional crunches to planks, we offer various workouts to define your rectus abdominis and build a strong core.

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Exercises for the rectus abdominal muscles

Are you considering the idea of dreaming about having well-defined and strong rectus abdominis muscles? Within this comprehensive compilation, we provide a wide array of effective exercises to specifically target your rectus abdominis. Whether it's about crunches, planks, or leg raises, explore various techniques to strengthen and shape your abdominal muscles. Let's embark on the journey to achieve a six-pack!

Knee raises on the machine for the side abdominal muscles

During leg raises on the machine for the oblique muscles, you can emphasize the oblique abdominal muscles while simultaneously engaging the lower abdominal muscles. For this, a dip bar is used. The knees are raised to the side, activating the lower abdominal muscles only secondarily.

Leg raises with hip roll

Leg raises with a hip roll is an abdominal exercise performed on the floor. Since no equipment is needed, this exercise can be done anywhere. Due to its simple execution, leg raises with a hip roll are particularly suitable for beginners.

Hanging leg raises for the obliques

Hanging leg raises for oblique muscles offer various exercise variations. All variations are suitable for training the oblique abdominal muscles and secondarily activate the lower abdominal muscles. You hang from a pull-up bar, lift your legs, and twist them to the side. This exercise is more suitable for advanced fitness enthusiasts due to its complex execution.

Belly roll with the barbell

If no wheel roller is available, ab rollout can also be performed with a barbell. Lie with your stomach facing the ground and roll the upper body forward to bring the chest as close to the ground as possible.

Abdominal roll with the wheel roller

For the ab rollout with the wheel roller, you use a training device to effectively train your abs. Roll forward with your body without laying down your upper body. The wheel roller can assist in the movement, making this exercise suitable for beginners as well.

Flutter kicks for the stomach

Flutter kicks for the abdomen are possible in various variations. You can be on the floor or an elevation, training the lower abdominal muscles by lifting your legs.

Leg raises on the dip bar

The exercise Thigh Raises on the wall bars allows athletes to specifically strengthen the lower abdominal muscles. In this exercise, one positions oneself at the wall bars with legs extended downward. In contrast to other exercises like knee raises, the legs remain fully extended throughout the entire exercise.

Knee raises on the machine (classic)

Knee Raises on the apparatus ensures that athletes can fully concentrate on the knee raises due to the fixed position in the device. Suitable apparatus is available in most fitness studios. Here, the lower part of the abdominal muscles can be specifically trained with knee raises on the apparatus.

Leg raises lying with partner

During leg flaps while lying down with a partner, you receive support from your training partner. The lying athlete is held at the legs by their standing partner to ensure stability and draw strength entirely from the abdominal muscles. Subsequently, the legs are raised. Since many athletes prefer working with a training partner, this exercise adds variety and fun to the training plan.


The candle pose is not only a abdominal fitness exercise but also a yoga position that contributes to relaxing the pelvic area. To do this, lie on your back on the floor. Then, move your body into a vertical position. To maintain the candle pose, abdominal training should be advanced. Incorrect execution poses the risk of spinal injuries.

Classic leg raises for the abdominal muscles

Traditional leg raises for abdominal muscles are among the preferred fitness exercises for beginners in abdominal training. Since no training equipment is required for this exercise, it can be performed anywhere. From a lying position, lift the legs into the air and then lower them. The training stimulus mainly targets the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle.

Hanging leg raises for the rectus abdominal muscles

The fitness exercise Hanging Leg Raises for the rectus abdominis is particularly suitable for experienced athletes. After all, you must maintain a hanging position to then lift the legs. Various variations of this exercise are available. The training primarily targets the rectus abdominis muscles, especially the lower part.

Mountain climber on the TRX ropes

The TRX Rope Climber exercise is an intriguing choice for many athletes, emphasizing the arms and bearing the entire weight on them. This not only engages the musculature of the upper body but also intensively involves the legs and buttocks in the training. Simultaneously, the TRX ropes allow for a flexible execution of the exercise and enhance balance.

Vertical Mountain Climber

The Vertical Mountain Climber is a lesser-known variation. Few athletes associate this exercise with the conventional Mountain Climbers. One leg is drawn vertically toward the body's center, while the arms are diagonally stretched upward. The emphasis here lies on the training of leg and abdominal muscles.

Cross body mountain climber

The Cross-Body Mountain Climber exercise challenges the abdominal muscles more than other variants. Nevertheless, athletes generate an intense training stimulus for the buttocks and legs. The differing movement from the classic Mountain Climber involves moving one leg diagonally to the side from a push-up position. In contrast to the classic variations, where the leg is only moved straight forward.

Mountain climber with wide legs

The variation of the Mountain Climber with wide legs differs from the classic exercise by having the legs positioned farther apart. The fitness exercise is then performed in the usual manner, with a heightened focus on the leg and gluteal muscles. The wider leg stance increases the difficulty level, so it is crucial to adequately warm up beforehand to avoid lower back injuries.

Classic mountain climbers

The traditional Mountain Climbers are a full-body exercise that strengthens both legs and abdominal muscles. This exercise is also known as the "Bergsteiger" (mountaineer). From a high plank position, the legs are alternately moved toward the body to generate the training stimulus. The dynamic execution makes traditional Mountain Climbers ideal for a full-body workout, enhancing the cardiovascular system and burning calories.

Russian twist with partner

Russian Twists with a partner are suitable for athletes who enjoy training together. The two fitness enthusiasts sit facing each other, exchanging a ball. They rotate their upper bodies in one direction after catching the ball to train the oblique abdominal muscles. The movement is alternating, ensuring both sides are trained.

Russian Twist with additional weight

For those seeking a greater challenge or not sufficiently challenged by the conventional Russian Twist variation, incorporating Russian Twists with additional weight is an option. To do this, grab a weight plate that you can either press against your chest or hold with arms extended. The additional weight movement in both directions provides a more intense training stimulus.

Classic Russian twists

Traditional Russian Twists are a popular exercise in the fitness realm, aiming to strengthen the side abdominal muscles, with the straight abdominal muscles being activated secondarily. Thanks to its straightforward execution, this exercise is suitable for athletes at any fitness level. As no training equipment is needed, traditional Russian Twists can be easily performed anywhere.

Toe-Touches Twist/Windmill

The fitness exercise Toe Touches Twist or Windmill is performed while standing and primarily targets the side abdominal muscles, with secondary activation of the straight abdominal muscles, effectively stretching the body. In this movement, you reach your hand towards the opposite foot. As the other arm simultaneously stretches upward, the motion resembles a windmill. Athletes benefit from this pleasant stretch while simultaneously training the oblique abdominal muscles.

Toe touches while standing straight down

Toe-Touches standing straight down is an abdominal muscle exercise that emphasizes stretching. This exercise is suitable for beginners due to its uncomplicated execution. In an upright position, you attempt to reach down to your toes with your hands.

Toe touches while sitting

Toe Touches Sitting is a modified variation of the classic crunches, also activating the straight abdominal muscles. You perform Toe Touches Sitting by reaching your hands towards your toes. It is not crucial to touch the toes; rather, the goal is to execute the movement as far as possible to build tension in the abdomen.

Sitting cable crunches

Crunches on the cable pull in a sitting position enable isolated activation of the upper abdominal muscles. The sitting position in front of the cable pull makes it easier to maintain balance. Beginners can fully concentrate on the correct execution of the movement using the cable pull.

Standing cable crunch

The seated cable crunch provides an effective way to train the strength of the upper abdominal muscles. Simultaneously, this abdominal exercise adds variety to the training routine, as the cable pull is seldom used in abdominal workouts. To perform the seated cable crunch, position yourself facing the cable machine and lean forward at the hips.

Crunch kneeling on the rope

The standing crunch with cable presents a more challenging variation, as the cable pull is integrated into the fitness exercise. While standing in front of the cable machine, you can specifically target the upper abdominal muscles. The weight of the cable makes the execution not only more demanding but also more intricate.

straight crunches on the bench

Inclined crunches on the bench differ in one aspect from traditional crunches. This fitness exercise is performed on an inclined bench, while the movement remains the same. Being able to secure your feet on the bench may make holding the position potentially easier than with crunches on the floor.

Weighted crunches

Crunches with additional weight are ideal for athletes who reach their limits with conventional floor crunches. Adding weight increases the difficulty level and effectiveness of the crunches.

Crunches on the floor

Mat crunches are a fundamental exercise for the abdominal muscles and are among the most commonly practiced fitness routines. From a lying position, lift your upper body slightly to activate the abdominal muscles.

Classic butterfly crunches

Traditional butterfly crunches do not differ significantly from classic crunches. The distinction lies in how athletes position their feet and legs. The insides of the feet touch, causing the legs to automatically point outward.

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