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Shoulder exercises

Do you want to train and sculpt your shoulders specifically? In our comprehensive overview, you'll discover a variety of workouts to strengthen your shoulder muscles. From military presses to Arnold dumbbell presses, we offer a wide range of exercises to engage your shoulders and develop a broad, defined shoulder area.

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Exercises for the shoulders

Are you looking to build strong and muscular shoulders? In our comprehensive overview, you'll discover a multitude of effective exercises to strengthen and define your shoulder muscles. Whether it's Military Press, Lateral Raises, or Arnold Dumbbell Press, you'll find exercises suitable for every fitness level. Let's get those impressive shoulders!

Reverse butterfly on the cable pull from below

The Reverse Butterfly on the cable machine from below is an unconventional exercise in the gym. Only a few fitness enthusiasts opt for this shoulder exercise, as the forward-leaning posture is not comfortable for everyone. In addition to training the rear shoulder muscles, you also engage the trapezius muscle with its middle fibers (musculus trapezius pars transversa). With the two handles, you pull the weights from bottom to top in this exercise. The natural limitation here is also the convergence of the shoulder blades in the middle.

Seated bent over lateral raise

For seated leaning lateral raises, you only need two dumbbells. The execution is successful if you sit on a bench in the gym or use a chair at home. While sitting, you can focus more on the execution of the movement, making this exercise suitable for beginners.

Seated leaning lateral raises are ideal for all athletes who do not want to neglect their rear shoulder and trapezius muscles.

Face pulls with the Theraband

Face Pulls are a popular exercise to strengthen the rear shoulder muscles. In comparison to some other shoulder exercises, you can also perform Face Pulls with the Theraband. Therefore, this fitness exercise is suitable for training anywhere. Instead of using the cable machine, you use a Theraband, which should be attached at face height. Then you can perform the characteristic movement of Face Pulls.

Cable face pulls

Face Pulls on the cable machine are an exercise to train your rear shoulders. Athletes often choose this exercise to strengthen the less visible shoulder region. A cable machine is available in almost every gym, making Face Pulls an excellent addition to your training plan. Additionally, you strengthen your external rotators.

Bent-over lateral raises while standing

The traditional standing leaning lateral raises are for athletes who have no difficulty maintaining an upright posture throughout the exercise. Neither a rounded back nor a strong arch is advisable when choosing the classic standing leaning lateral raises for your trapezius training. The main target muscle is the rear shoulder muscles and the trapezius muscle.

Bent-over lateral raises on the incline bench

An alternative method for training your upper back is leaning lateral raises on the incline bench. The 45-degree incline bench facilitates the execution, as your back effortlessly maintains a natural posture.

With two dumbbells, you can now perform the typical movement and not only strengthen the rear shoulders but also your trapezius muscle. Since the rear shoulder muscles are often neglected in the training plan, this exercise helps you holistically train the upper back.

Reverse flys on the cable from above

Engaging in Reverse Flies on the cable machine from an elevated position is a well-received fitness regimen designed to target the muscles of the posterior shoulder. Concurrently, it fortifies the central area of the trapezius muscle (musculus trapezius). To perform this motion, situate the attachments on the cable machine in a high position and then execute the characteristic Reverse Fly movement. The cable machine accommodates both novices and seasoned individuals, facilitating a dynamic and adaptable range of motion.

Butterfly reverse on the cable tower from the front

The quintessential shoulder exercise on the cable machine is the Front Butterfly on the cable tower when approached from the front. This routine predominantly engages the muscles of the rear shoulder. Additionally, it provides reinforcement for fortifying the trapezius muscle (musculus trapezius) and the minor as well as major rhomboid muscles (musculus rhomboideus minor et major). While undertaking this exercise, position yourself centrally in front of the cable tower, emphasizing the necessity to concentrate solely on the targeted muscles in the shoulder and back regions.

Seated Barbell Front Raise

The seated barbell front raise represents a seldom-practiced fitness exercise aimed at targeting the muscles of the frontal shoulder. With the stability offered by the seat and backrest, your body maintains a steady posture during the movement. When executing the exercise, sustain a composed position and minimize reliance on momentum. However, the seated barbell front raise presents limited flexibility, and the absence of a free hand for assistance makes it more suitable for advanced athletes.

Barbell front raise while standing

The standing barbell front raise is a fitness exercise more apt for advanced athletes. Given the absence of a hand for supporting the execution, familiarity with the movement and pre-established shoulder muscle strength is advised. The emphasis lies on the muscles of the front deltoid. Athletes often opt for excessive weight during standing barbell front raises, compensating for strength deficits with body momentum. Consequently, choosing standing barbell front raises for your training is recommended only if you opt for moderate weights and can flawlessly execute the movement.

Dumbbell front raises with both arms

The classic shoulder exercise Front Raises can be approached in diverse manners, and bilateral dumbbell front raises stand among the classics. Individuals confident in their execution can opt for the bilateral variation. All that's needed is two dumbbells and a stable stance, with a clear focus on the muscles of the front shoulder. Additionally, there is a slight stimulation of the upper fibers of the chest muscles.

One-arm dumbbell front raise

For those seeking complete concentration on execution, performing Front Raises with the dumbbell unilaterally can effectively target the muscles of the front shoulder. Focusing on one side allows athletes to execute the fitness exercise more precisely, with the other hand providing support for increased stability. Due to its straightforward execution, Front Raises with the dumbbell unilaterally prove ideal for both beginners and advanced individuals. The dumbbell version offers greater flexibility in movement compared to the barbell variant.

Arnold press standing with kettlebells

The standing Kettlebell Press after Arnold provides an effective method to train your deltoid muscles. This exercise is named after the famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. In the standing variation, you use a Kettlebell to strengthen the front part of your deltoid muscles. Simultaneously, you give a training stimulus to other areas of your shoulder and triceps (musculus triceps brachii). The standing Kettlebell Press after Arnold is especially suitable for advanced individuals who are already familiar with shoulder training.

Seated Arnold press with dumbbells

The Arnold Press is a popular shoulder exercise named after the Austrian bodybuilder and former US governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is said to have used this exercise to sculpt his broad shoulders. Nowadays, this fitness exercise is not seen too often in the gym. However, the Arnold Press seated with dumbbells is an ideal way to train the front part of your deltoid muscles. Other areas of the shoulder muscles are also activated. Sitting provides the advantage of a stable body position, allowing you to fully concentrate on the correct execution.

Lateral raises on the cable pulley on both arms

The option of performing bilateral lateral raises on the cable machine offers an effective way to train the lateral shoulders simultaneously. The cable machine allows for flexible movement and reduces the risk of injury. Therefore, athletes with varying levels of experience can opt for bilateral lateral raises on the cable machine. Generally, advanced and professional individuals feel comfortable performing bilateral lateral raises on the cable machine.

One-arm lateral cable pulley raises

Training your shoulders is also possible with unilateral lateral raises on the cable machine. In this variation, you use flexible cables to strengthen your lateral shoulders. The advantage of the unilateral execution is that you can better focus on the movement. Avoiding momentum is crucial to not compromise the effectiveness of the training. The passive arm can provide stability if needed.

Overhead press with the barbell while sitting

The variation of the overhead press with a barbell while seated is a form of shoulder pressing. This exercise is less commonly seen in the gym. Most athletes prefer the classic fundamental exercises. However, the shoulders can still be effectively trained with the overhead press using a barbell while seated. It's important to assume an appropriate angle with your upper body.

Standing dumbbell lateral raises

Standing dumbbell lateral raises are a fitness exercise that allows you to strengthen the lateral shoulders. In the gym, you often see athletes choosing standing dumbbell lateral raises. Additionally, the upper fibers of the trapezius muscle (musculus trapezius pars descendens) are strengthened. It's crucial to have a stable stance and avoid using momentum from the body. Standing dumbbell lateral raises can contribute to shoulder strengthening for beginners, advanced individuals, and professionals.

Seated dumbbell lateral raises

The exercise of seated dumbbell lateral raises is widely popular, especially when it comes to training the lateral shoulders. While seated, you can fully concentrate on the execution and maintain balance more easily. In addition to targeting the deltoid muscles, this exercise also stimulates the upper fibers of the trapezius muscle (musculus trapezius pars descendens).

Standing shoulder press with the band

The standing Theraband shoulder press is a variation of the classic shoulder press, performed exclusively with the Theraband. By securing the Theraband with your feet, you can effectively train the lateral shoulders and the trapezius muscle (musculus trapezius). The Theraband allows for a flexible range of motion, contributing to injury prevention.

Standing shoulder press with dumbbells

When performing the shoulder press with dumbbells standing, the focus is on the lateral shoulder muscles. Compared to the seated variation, this fitness exercise is more suitable for advanced individuals. Maintaining an improved balance is essential for effectively strengthening the muscles during standing shoulder press with dumbbells. This exercise is considered one of the most popular methods for training the deltoid muscles. Thorough research on the optimal movement sequence is advisable due to the potential strain on the joints from excessively lowering the arms.

Shoulder press with kettlebells on both arms

Bilateral shoulder press with kettlebells serves as an alternative for training the lateral shoulder muscles. In this exercise, you grasp the kettlebells with both hands, targeting not only the shoulder muscles but also the neck. Although bilateral shoulder press with kettlebells provides an interesting variation from other shoulder exercises, most athletes prefer the use of dumbbells and similar equipment, making this variation relatively rare.

Seated shoulder press with dumbbells

Shoulder press is a fundamental exercise for targeted shoulder muscle training. A well-known variation in the gym is seated shoulder press with dumbbells. Grabbing two dumbbells, you sit on a weight bench. Using dumbbells offers increased freedom of movement, as they provide greater flexibility.

Shoulder press with the Theraband while sitting

Various fitness exercises can be effortlessly incorporated into daily life with the Theraband. When performing shoulder press with the Theraband seated, you have the opportunity to train your lateral shoulders and neck muscles. To do this, sit on a chair and secure the Theraband beneath you. Subsequently, you can specifically carry out the shoulder press with the Theraband while sitting. Thus, the classic foundational exercise becomes possible at home or on the go.

Standing military press

The standing shoulder press is an effective fitness exercise to strengthen the front shoulders. This exercise is also referred to as barbell shoulder press or overhead press with the barbell. The name is derived from the historical use of the exercise. In the past, the standing shoulder press was often used by soldiers looking to maximize their physical strength. However, this exercise is specifically geared towards advanced athletes. Beginners can, alternatively, train their deltoid muscles with exercises such as front raises, shoulder presses with dumbbells, and similar variations.

One-arm kettlebell shoulder press

During the single-arm shoulder press with the kettlebell, the shoulders are trained one after the other. To perform this exercise, you take the kettlebell in one hand and execute the movement with concentration. This exercise allows you to fully focus on the correct movement with one arm, and the second arm can provide support if needed, especially if the weight is too heavy.

Front raise on the cable pulley

Front raises on the cable machine are a common fitness exercise to strengthen the front shoulder muscles. Every gym is equipped with a cable machine, and the execution of the movement is relatively simple. Therefore, both beginners and advanced individuals can rely on front raises on the cable machine. Different grips can be used to effectively and comfortably perform front raises.

Front raise with weight plate

Front raises with a weight plate are an option for those who don't have access to a barbell or dumbbell. A single weight plate held with both hands is sufficient. The execution is straightforward, and there is ample room for movement. Consequently, beginners can confidently turn to front raises with a weight plate.

Front raise with the Theraband

The shoulder exercise front raises can be a valuable addition to the training plan in any situation. With front raises using the Theraband, you can easily train the front shoulder muscles at home. This exercise also provides a training stimulus to the lateral and posterior parts. Only a Theraband is needed. Thus, front raises with the Theraband are exciting for athletes who want to train independently of location. Simply position yourself in the middle of the band, and the training can commence.

Shoulder press on the machine

Shoulder pressing on the machine is a shoulder fitness exercise that is particularly suitable for beginners. During this exercise, beginners can concentrate on the execution of the movement. The focus is on muscle building, while the machine restricts freedom of movement and dictates the correct execution. Therefore, beginners can deliberately integrate shoulder pressing on the machine into their training to initially strengthen their deltoid muscles.

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