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Muscle building training

The aesthetics of muscle growth is a significant goal for many gym-goers and home trainers. While competitions are typically not the main focus, this aligns with the fundamental principles of classic bodybuilding. To achieve this goal, a suitable training plan is essential. Just as there are effective training methods for weight loss, there are also proven approaches to muscle-building training. Learn more about this here.

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The most important factors for successful muscle building training

Muscle development has been extensively researched, and we have gained an understanding of the factors that influence muscle fiber growth. These factors can be categorized into two groups: those influenced during the workout and those relevant outside of training.


The numerous factors discussed below might give the impression that paying attention to every detail is necessary for muscle growth. However, as an amateur athlete, having a solid overview of these factors is sufficient. If you aspire to pursue professional bodybuilding, you will undoubtedly strive to perfect each of these aspects. If strength training (further details below) is your hobby, you can still make significant progress even if you don't implement every single point perfectly but rather consider them diligently. It's about the bigger picture and consistent commitment.

Muscle building factors during training

Fundamentally, the purpose of training is to create a stimulus that stimulates muscle growth, commonly referred to as hypertrophy. The subsequent criteria should be taken into account during each exercise session.

What is the ideal number of sets I should perform?

The number of exercise repetitions varies significantly and depends on the choice and quantity of exercises performed. In a training plan that focuses on challenging compound exercises, fewer sets are often sufficient. For lighter exercises targeting fewer muscle groups, multiple sets may also be advisable. The most common choices are three or four sets.

The number of repetitions?

The range of repetition numbers for efficient muscle building is well-documented and spans from 6 to 15 repetitions. Most athletes fall within the range of 8 to 12 repetitions, which is considered common.

Training volume

The amount of training volume in the realm of strength training pertains to the total number of exercises performed per week. Understanding that a greater training volume doesn't necessarily equate to larger muscle volume is crucial. Overtraining is a real risk that occurs when the body is excessively burdened. In such a scenario, making progress becomes challenging.

Training duration

The duration of strength training primarily focuses on hormone secretion. Studies have demonstrated a noticeable increase in stress hormone levels after about one hour of training. However, these stress hormones are undesirable for muscle-building goals as they have a catabolic, muscle-degrading effect. Therefore, recommendations suggest that training sessions should ideally be completed within a maximum of 60-90 minutes.

Repeat Duration (Time Under Tension)

The duration during which muscle growth occurs, or more precisely, the time period in which muscles are under tension (referred to as "time under tension" in English), is actually more significant than the number of repetitions. However, the repetition count has become the more common measure, as accurately measuring the specific time under tension is challenging. The recommended timeframe for effective muscle growth is between 40 and 60 seconds of stress per set. Consequently, a single repetition in a set of 12 repetitions should ideally take about 3 to 5 seconds to complete.


In addition to "time under tension," intensity plays a pivotal role in training success. Even if all other factors are optimized, training will undoubtedly not lead to muscle growth if the intensity is not sufficiently high. To stimulate the body for muscle growth, the training load must be appropriately intense. As a guideline, the last repetition of an exercise should only be performed with proper technique.

Exercise execution

The proper execution of exercises during training is a crucial but frequently overlooked factor. An exercise can only achieve its maximum effectiveness when performed accurately. Incorrect execution poses the risk of unintentionally shifting the strain to other muscle groups that are not the intended target. Furthermore, the potential for injuries due to poor technique should not be disregarded.

Muscle building factors before and after training

Prior to commencing the actual training, it is advisable to engage in adequate preparation. This encompasses not only the design of the training plan but also the consideration of the aspects of nutrition and recovery. Only the comprehensive attention to all three areas leads to top-notch results.

Exercise order

The order in which one performs the exercises plays an inevitable role as it directly influences the level of performance. It has become a habit to place difficult and demanding exercises at the beginning of a training session, while the smaller muscle groups are trained towards the end.

Intensity techniques

There is the option to use intensity techniques to generate an additional stimulus, and it is advisable to employ them selectively. Their value diminishes when applied continuously and with every single exercise. It makes sense to utilize them, for instance, at the conclusion of a training cycle. Common intensity techniques include supersets, drop sets, or the pre-exhaustion method.

Exercise selection

For beginners entering the realm of bodybuilding, exercise selection can often lead to uncertainty. In general, complex foundational exercises are often the optimal choice at the outset, as they engage a variety of muscle groups. These exercises include deadlifts, squats, and bench presses, for example. This is because the body is particularly receptive to less intense stimuli during this phase. Advanced athletes will progressively focus on the targeted training of individual muscles and, as a result, will need to resort to isolation exercises and split training plans.


The development of muscle mass plays a significant role in designing a training plan. The human body has the ability to adapt to various stressors and respond accordingly. However, when the body is exposed to the same exercises, repetition numbers, and weight resistances in every training session, it eventually loses the motivation to adapt. Progress comes to a halt. Therefore, an effective training plan necessitates a gradual alteration of some of the factors presented here. This way, the body is consistently provided with new stimuli to which it must respond.

Regeneration time

Once the training is completed and the stimulus has been applied, the body initiates the processes of repair and adaptation internally. It is during these processes that actual muscle growth takes place. Naturally, these processes take time and should ideally not be disrupted. The recovery period in strength training varies from person to person. Beginners using a full-body training plan should consider approximately two to three days of recovery time as a guideline.

Nutrition and supplementation

In order to facilitate the processes during the recovery phase, it is necessary for the body to have an ample supply of building materials for repair work. This pertains primarily to proteins, though not exclusively. Without sufficient nutrient intake, one should not expect any progress. Nutrition plays a pivotal role in muscle growth.

Endurance training, warm-up and stretching exercises

When it comes to discussing whether these factors directly promote the muscle-building process, the response is in the negative. In reality, endurance training (further information on this can be found on the following page) tends to be more of an impediment to effective muscle growth. However, there is an indirect perspective, which will be further elucidated in the following section.

The warm-up, which should ideally begin with light sets of the respective exercise, can also be initiated with a brief endurance session at the outset.

A proper warm-up significantly reduces the risk of injury. An injury-related pause could seriously impede progress.

Effective stretching serves to alleviate muscle tension and promote circulation. Improved circulation supports recovery, which is crucial for muscle growth. As you can see, all three aspects are indirectly quite relevant to muscle growth.

Effective exercises and training plans

Training for muscle development is frequently conducted at the gym. Popular exercises for men often include deadlifts, bench presses, and cable rowing. Women, on the other hand, tend to opt for squats or leg extension and leg curl machines, primarily targeting the lower body.

Similar trends are also observable in the selection of muscle-building training plans (further information on the next page). Many beginners opt for full-body plans that incorporate fundamental exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and their variations. Advanced athletes, on the other hand, frequently prefer split plans (further information on the next page). Men often consider a push/pull split, where they train either pulling or pushing exercises in each workout. Women also commonly divide their training into two units, usually separating lower body and upper body workouts.

These training routines can be effortlessly applied in their fundamental structure, even with limited or no equipment. Some adjustments are only necessary for muscle development exercises (further information on the following page). For instance, if you're training at home and have only a pair of dumbbells at your disposal, you can still easily modify and perform all the mentioned exercises. In the absence of equipment altogether (further information on the following page), most people tend to resort to the popular exercises of push-ups and pull-ups.

Regardless of your considerations regarding exercise selection and the training plan, you should never forget that there are no absolutely perfect exercises or plans. More important than your training plan is the thoughtful planning of sets, repetition numbers, and progression. If these factors are aligned, you will be able to achieve muscle growth in various ways.

Muscle growth through training at home

If you believe that building muscle mass is only possible in a fully equipped fitness studio, we can reassure you. Many athletes have achieved significant progress in their own homes with limited equipment. In the early days of bodybuilding, many of today's machines and devices did not exist, yet athletes were able to develop muscular physiques. Muscle growth in the gym differed significantly from training in modern fitness centers.

All the previously mentioned success factors in strength training apply regardless of the training location. You may only be slightly restricted or need to get creative when it comes to exercise selection. However, this should not be a hindrance. Building muscle at home is entirely feasible.

Mistakes and myths when training for muscle growth

In this section, you'll gain in-depth insights into common mistakes and prevalent myths in muscle growth training. Enhance the effectiveness of your training by avoiding these misconceptions and staying on the path to achieving the best possible progress.

The more intense your training, the more conducive it is to the growth of your muscles

While training should be intense, it is crucial to provide the body with sufficient periods of rest and avoid overexertion at all costs.

Without sore muscles, you can't build muscle

Although many athletes appreciate muscle soreness after their workouts, it does not necessarily serve as an indicator of effective training design.

Beginners should focus on working each muscle individually.

While experienced professional bodybuilders need to focus on targeted training of individual muscle groups, comprehensive exercises involving multiple muscle groups are often recommended for beginners and advanced individuals.

Training plans designed for professionals are suitable for everyone.

While copying the training plans of professionals may be motivating, these plans are not suitable for most athletes in terms of volume and intensity.

Dietary supplements are crucial for achieving effective muscle growth.

Supplements are often a convenient addition, but not essential for effective muscle building. Ideally, the muscle-building diet should be well-designed without the need for dietary supplements.

Frequently asked questions about muscle building training

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about muscle building workouts.

Are there disparities in muscle growth training between women and men?

Differences become apparent concerning the prioritized muscle groups. Nevertheless, the fundamental physiological processes in the human body remain consistent.

What kind of training provides the best efficiency for achieving muscle growth?

The most effective approach for achieving visible muscle growth is traditional bodybuilding. However, alternative activities such as EMS training, martial arts, endurance training, Crossfit, and various forms of strength sports might lead to limited outcomes.

What is the ideal timeframe for completing training sessions to promote muscle growth?

While there are no strict rules, a training frequency of two to three sessions per week has become a common practice.

Is it feasible to build muscle through home workouts?

Certainly, if at least some equipment is available (see next page), home training for muscle building is entirely feasible. Even without any equipment (see next page), progress can be made.

What is the optimal number of repetitions and sets to effectively promote muscle growth?

There is no set ideal number. However, training should ideally fall within a range of 2 to 4 sets and 6 to 15 repetitions to serve as a guideline.

Is it conceivable to achieve muscle development without ever engaging in training?

No, muscle development requires stimuli that must be triggered by exertion. These stimuli can also be generated through regular physical labor, which can be considered as a form of training.