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2-split training plans

The division of training plans into three parts offers an effective approach to structure your workout sessions and target various muscle groups precisely. By segmenting your athletic activities into three distinct sections, you have the opportunity to train more intensely and specifically, ultimately enhancing your strength, muscle mass, and fitness. Utilizing these customized plans, you can achieve excellent results and tap into your full potential.

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Each article is written in an easily understandable manner and is suitable for beginners.


Muscle building, weight loss, nutrition, exercises, workout routines, and a variety of other subjects.

Free plans

Complimentary training programs to assist you in achieving your goals!

0 €

✅  Number of sets and reps

✅  Duration of sentence break

✅  Focus muscle

✅  1-Click Download

Premium Plans

Comprehensive premium training plans featuring illustrative graphics.

9,99 €

✅  Number of sets and reps

✅  Duration of sentence break

✅  Focus muscle

✅  Training frequency

✅  Exercise instructions

✅  Pictorial representations

✅  more extras

Free 2-split plans

Enhance your physical condition with the assistance of our complimentary 3-way split training plans. Segment your training into three distinct sections to work precisely on different muscle groups and maximize your progress – all of this is available at no cost.

Upper body / Lower body in the gym for advanced women

Upper body / Lower body in the gym for advanced men

Upper body / Lower body in the gym for slightly advanced women

Upper body / Lower body in the gym for slightly advanced men

Push/Pull in the gym for advanced women

Push/Pull in the gym for advanced men

Push/Pull in the gym for slightly advanced women

Push/Pull in the gym for slightly advanced men