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Exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles

Are you eager to challenge your oblique muscles? Through exercises like side planks, Russian twists, and lateral planks, you can specifically strengthen and sculpt your waist. Focus on lateral movements and feel how your oblique muscles become firmer and stronger.

Exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles

Do you aspire to have a slender waist and well-defined oblique muscles? Within this comprehensive guide, we offer a wide range of effective exercises to strengthen and sculpt your oblique muscles. Shape your waist and achieve an impressive core!

Knee raises on the machine for the side abdominal muscles

During hip circles on the machine for the oblique abdominal muscles, the emphasis is on the oblique abdominal muscles, while simultaneously engaging the lower abdominal muscles. A special device is used for this purpose. During the execution, the knees are raised sideways, targeting the lower abdominal muscles in a subordinate manner.

Leg raises with hip roll

Leg lifts with hip roll is an abdominal exercise performed on the floor. Since no equipment is required, leg lifts with hip roll can be done anywhere. Due to its simple execution, this exercise is particularly suitable for beginners.

Hanging leg raises for the obliques

Leg lifts in suspension for the oblique abdominal muscles offer various exercise variations. All are suitable for training the oblique abdominal muscles and, secondarily, stimulating the lower abdominal muscles. To perform the exercise, hang from a bar and lift your legs while turning them to the side. Due to the complex execution, leg lifts in suspension for the oblique abdominal muscles are more suitable for advanced fitness enthusiasts.

Mountain climber on the TRX ropes

For many athletes, mountain climbers on TRX straps are an intriguing alternative, where the entire body weight rests on the arms of the athletes. Therefore, in addition to the legs and buttocks, the muscles of the upper body are also intensively involved in the training. At the same time, TRX straps offer high flexibility in the execution of the exercise, enhancing balance.

Vertical Mountain Climber

The vertical mountain climber is a less well-known variant. Few athletes associate this exercise variation with the classic mountain climbers. In this variation, one leg is pulled upward toward the center of the body, while the arms are diagonally stretched upward. The focus here is on the training of leg and abdominal muscles.

Cross body mountain climber

The exercise inclined mountain climber is a fitness exercise that significantly challenges the abdominal muscles compared to other mountain climber variations. However, athletes also generate an intense training stimulus for the buttocks and legs. This results from the different movement compared to the classic mountain climbers, where one leg is moved straight forward.

Mountain climber with wide legs

The Volcano Climber with extended legs represents a variation of the traditional Volcano Climber exercise, where the legs are positioned farther apart. Subsequently, the fitness routine is carried out in a conventional manner, with a heightened emphasis on the leg and glute muscles. The wider leg stance increases the level of difficulty. It is crucial to warm up adequately beforehand to prevent potential injuries to the lower back.

Classic mountain climbers

Traditional Volcano Climbers are a full-body exercise designed to strengthen both legs and abdominal muscles. This exercise is also known as the "Volcano Stepper." From an elevated plank position, the legs are alternately brought towards the body to activate the training stimulus. Due to the dynamic execution, traditional Volcano Climbers are suitable for full-body workouts, promoting cardiovascular health and calorie burning when performed at a faster pace.

Russian twist with partner

Russian Twists with a training partner are suitable for athletes who prefer training together. The two fitness enthusiasts face each other. Subsequently, they toss a ball to each other and rotate their upper bodies in one direction upon catching, engaging the oblique abdominal muscles. The movement is alternating, ensuring both sides are trained.

Russian Twist with additional weight

If the classic version of Russian Twists is not challenging enough or a more intense workout is desired, Russian Twists with additional weight can be performed. A weight plate is used, pressed against the chest or held with arms extended. The movement with added weight in both directions provides an increased training stimulus.

Classic Russian twists

Classic Russian Twists are a popular fitness exercise for training the oblique abdominal muscles, with the straight abdominal muscles being stimulated secondarily. The straightforward execution makes this exercise suitable for athletes at any training level. Without additional equipment, you can perform classic Russian Twists anywhere.

Toe-Touches Twist/Windmill

The fitness exercise Toe Touches Twist or Windmill is performed while standing, primarily targeting the oblique abdominal muscles and secondarily strengthening the straight abdominal muscles, simultaneously effectively stretching the body. Move your hand towards the opposite foot. As the other arm is raised, the exercise resembles a windmill. Athletes benefit from the pleasant stretch while simultaneously training the oblique abdominal muscles.

Seated barbell core rotation

To perform the seated barbell trunk rotation, position yourself on a weight bench. Hold the barbell either behind your neck or rest it on your shoulders behind your body. During the subsequent rotation, the movement is limited to the trunk, while the rest of the body remains in a straight position.

Standing barbell core rotation

Standing barbell rotation requires only a barbell. Bring it behind your body and place it on your shoulders or behind your neck. From the upright starting position, alternately rotate your trunk in both directions to engage the oblique abdominal muscles. It is advisable to use moderate weights.

Torso rotation laterally downwards

For the lateral trunk rotation downward, stand upright in front of the cable machine. The execution is simple, allowing athletes to train the oblique abdominal muscles at any training level. Pull the cable alternately to both sides of the body.

Torso rotation diagonally downwards

The fitness exercise trunk rotation diagonally downward allows for training the oblique abdominal muscles using a cable machine. Grip the cable diagonally above the head of the cable machine. During the subsequent trunk rotation, guide the cable diagonally downward. Beginners should initially prefer other variations, as the correct execution is somewhat more complex.

Torso rotation diagonally upwards

The trunk rotation diagonally upward involves the cable machine. This exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles is especially suitable for advanced athletes due to the complex movement execution. During the exercise, the legs must be extended, the trunk rotated to the side, and the arms with the cable of the cable machine raised diagonally upward.

Cable twist in front of the chest while sitting

Seated cable twists in front of the chest provide a workout for the abdominal muscles using a cable machine. Sit on a weight bench or on the floor in front of the cable machine. Now, guide the cable to the opposite side of the body to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles with the twisting motion.

Cable twist in front of the chest while standing

To execute the Cable Twist in Front of the Chest while standing, position yourself facing the cable machine in a standing posture. Athletes then pull the cable to the opposite side, initiating a rotation of their upper body. For an efficient and gentle workout targeting the oblique abdominal muscles, the flexible execution of movements with the cable machine is essential. However, beginners should attempt the Cable Twist in Front of the Chest while standing only when they are confident in their form.

Lateral upper body bends with the cable pulley

Lateral upper body bending with the cable machine is suitable for fitness enthusiasts at all levels. Adopting a lateral stance, one leans the upper body away from the cable machine. Pulling the cable enhances the training impact on the oblique abdominal muscles.

Lateral upper body bends with the barbell

When focusing on the oblique abdominal muscles, athletes may choose lateral upper body bending with the barbell. Hold a barbell behind your head, resting it on your shoulders or neck. Proceed to bend the upper body laterally in a linear motion.

Side upper body bends with the dumbbell

To intensify the challenge in targeting the oblique abdominal muscles, you can perform lateral upper body bending with the dumbbell. Both sides of the body are worked on sequentially.

Side upper body bends without additional weight

In lateral upper body bending without additional weight, the body's own weight is utilized to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles. This exercise is relatively straightforward, making it suitable for beginners. While standing, lean your body to the side, reaching your hand toward your knee.

Lateral hyperextensions

Lateral hyperextensions are a well-received abdominal exercise, whether performed on a machine or using a ball. To execute, position yourself laterally on the hyperextension machine. The advantage of lateral hyperextensions on the machine lies in their uncomplicated execution. Beginners benefit from the increased stability, effectively enhancing the strength of the oblique abdominal muscles.

Elbow to knee side plank

Suitable for experienced athletes looking to intensify their oblique abdominal muscle training, Knee to Elbow Side Planks begin in a lying lateral position. Lift your upper body slightly curved, similar to Crunches. By bringing the knee and elbow together, you noticeably enhance the training stimulus.

Classic side plank crunches

Traditional Side Plank Crunches cleverly combine the Plank exercise with Crunches, providing effective training for the oblique abdominal muscles. The execution is simple, making it suitable for beginners as well.

Side hip raises with a bench

In the side leg lifts with a bench, you utilize the weight bench to further enhance the training stimulus. The movement corresponds to the classic side leg lift. However, the bench adds an extra challenge. Therefore, beginners should start with side leg lifts on the floor before progressing to the version with a bench.

Hip raises to the side on the floor

Lateral leg lifts on the floor are an effective exercise to strengthen the lateral abdominal muscles. The execution is simple, as you only need to lie down on the floor on your side and then lift the hip off the ground. This exercise, without additional equipment, is suitable for both the gym and home workouts.

Side sit-ups

Essential for training the oblique abdominal muscles, side sit-ups focus on strengthening these muscles while lying down. While classic sit-ups are mainly for the rectus abdominis, side sit-ups are tailored for the obliques, involving lifting the upper body sideways.

Side crunches

Side Crunches are a variation of the popular Crunches exercises. You perform Side Crunches in the classic way on the floor. The movement aligns entirely with the classic Crunch, but here, you add a lateral component. Side Crunches are among the preferred exercises for training the oblique abdominal muscles.

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