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Thigh exercises

Are you looking to specifically strengthen your leg muscles? Within our exercise repertoire, you'll discover various workouts to strengthen and define your legs. From squats to leg presses, we provide a variety of exercises to tone your thighs and build strong legs.

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Exercises for the thighs

Are you looking to sculpt and strengthen your thighs specifically? Within our extensive range of exercises, we provide a multitude of workouts that effectively target your thigh muscles. From leg extensions to lunges and step-ups – here, you'll discover various variations and techniques to strengthen your thighs and achieve an impressive contour.

Mountain climber on the TRX ropes

Many athletes prefer the Mountain Climber exercise using TRX straps because it places the entire weight on the arms. This results in increased muscle engagement in the upper body, in addition to the legs and buttocks. The TRX straps allow for high flexibility in performing the exercise, and it also enhances balance.

Vertical Mountain Climber

The vertical Mountain Climber variation is rather uncommon. Only a few athletes associate this exercise form with traditional Mountain Climbers. In this variation, one leg is pulled upward towards the center of the body while the arms are stretched diagonally upward. The focus here is on training the leg and abdominal muscles.

Cross body mountain climber

The Cross-Body Mountain Climber is a fitness exercise that significantly engages the abdominal muscles compared to other variations. However, athletes still generate an intense training stimulus for the buttocks and legs. This is due to the different movement compared to the classic Mountain Climber, where one leg is moved diagonally from the push-up position. Unlike the classic variants, the leg does not move straight forward.

Mountain climber with wide legs

The variation of the Mountain Climber with spread legs is a modification of the classic exercise where the legs are positioned wider apart. The fitness exercise is then performed in the traditional manner, with a focus on the leg and buttock muscles. The wider leg stance increases the level of difficulty. It is especially important to adequately warm up beforehand to avoid lower back injuries.

Classic mountain climbers

The traditional Mountain Climbers are a full-body exercise aimed at strengthening the leg and abdominal muscles. This exercise is also known as the "Mountaineer." The legs are alternately raised from a high plank position to generate the training stimulus. Due to the dynamic execution, traditional Mountain Climbers are suitable for full-body training, strengthening the cardiovascular system, and burning calories when performed at a faster pace.

Sumo squats on the multi press

Sumo Squats on the leg press machine are a variation of Sumo squats. In addition to engaging the muscles in the thighs and buttocks, the adductors are more intensely stimulated. The barbell is placed on the back shoulders, and the guide rail assists in the execution. Due to the leg press machine, athletes have some limitations in their flexibility.

Sumo barbell squats

For those who opt against the dumbbell, the classic Cross-Over Squats with a barbell provide an opportunity to create a strong training stimulus for the Cross-Over Squats. In this exercise, athletes place the barbell on the rear shoulder muscles using a rack and then perform squats with outwardly spread feet and a wide stance.

Sumo squats with dumbbells

The execution of Sumo Squats with dumbbells is characterized by the wide leg stance. The training stimulus increases due to the dumbbell, held with both hands in the middle of the body. This adds to the usual target muscles of squats, focusing on the adductors.

Sumo squats without weight

Sumo Squats without load are a variation of squats performed with a particularly wide leg stance. The special aspect for the target muscles lies in the comparatively intense training stimulus on the adductors. At the same time, the hamstring, quadriceps, and gluteal muscles are also strengthened. Sumo Squats without load are ideal for starting squats with a wide stance.

Barbell side lunges

Advanced athletes can perform lateral lunges with a barbell by gently taking a barbell from the rack and placing it on the trapezius muscle. Subsequently, lateral lunges are performed to train the glutes, thighs, and adductors.

Side lunges with dumbbells

Lateral lunges with dumbbells increase the difficulty of bodyweight side lunges. Additional weight creates an even more intense demand on the glutes, quadriceps, and adductors during execution. Additionally, athletes benefit from the natural movement in lateral lunges, which can be performed anywhere.

Side lunges with your own body weight

Side lunges with body weight are a variation of lunges where the lateral movement is emphasized. The focus of this exercise is on strengthening the thighs and glutes. In contrast to other lunge variations, the adductors also receive a training stimulus.

Leg stretches with the Theraband

Utilizing the resistance band for leg pulls provides athletes with various options. Athletes can traditionally secure the resistance band with one foot or, alternatively, attach it to a device. Leg pulling with the resistance band is a suitable exercise to strengthen the quadriceps muscles at home.

Leg stretches on the cable tower

Leg lifts on the cable machine are a suitable choice for athletes when there is no specific machine available for leg lifts at the gym. In such cases, the leg lift can be performed alternatively using the cable machine and a foot strap.

Leg curls with the Theraband

Those who want to perform leg curls with the resistance band benefit from the versatile training options. Since only a resistance band is needed for this exercise, leg curls are also suitable for home training. The resistance band is placed around the feet to create resistance when bending the legs.

Leg curls standing on the cable tower

For a flexible and dynamic workout of the hamstring muscles, standing leg curls on the cable machine are effective. Athletes attach a foot strap to the leg and then train the hamstring muscles with the typical bending motion. Due to the free-standing position, this exercise is somewhat more challenging than leg curls on a machine.

Leg curls sitting on the leg curl machine

The fitness exercise of seated leg curls on the leg curl machine is popular. The execution of the exercise is straightforward, and the machine is suitable for beginners. It is essential, however, to press the back and buttocks firmly against the cushion before lowering the legs in a controlled manner.

Leg curls while lying down

Leg curls lying down are performed on a specific leg curl machine. This exercise primarily targets the training of the hamstring muscles. Simultaneously, it effectively strengthens the remaining muscles in the posterior thigh area, making leg curls suitable for training the entire muscles in the posterior thigh region. In this exercise, one lies prone on the cushion of the machine and then presses the lower legs controlled and slowly as far as possible upwards towards the buttocks.

Side lying leg raises (stretching)

The lateral execution of leg lifts is also known as Sideways Leg Lifting. This stretching exercise closely resembles the lateral leg lift. However, athletes make slight adjustments to effectively stretch the adductors. As only hands and buttocks touch the ground, the execution becomes somewhat more complex, making it challenging for every athlete to perform lateral leg lifts as an effective stretching exercise.

Stretching the adductors by opening your legs (stretching)

Adductors can be stretched by performing lateral leg opening. In this exercise, lie on your back on the floor. The legs are positioned vertically in the air and are led outward for a pleasant stretch. Due to the lying starting position, athletes can fully concentrate on stretching the adductors in a relaxed position.

Adductor stretch sitting with wide legs (stretch)

Sitting and stretching the adductors with spread legs involve spreading the legs outward while sitting and pulling the toes towards the body in a wide leg position. This creates an intense stretch on the inner sides of the thighs. To further intensify the stretching of the adductors, you can reach forward with your hands.

Adductor stretch with a wide stance (stretch)

In the stretching exercise of stretching the adductors in a wide stance, the legs should be positioned as far apart as possible. There can be significant differences depending on the flexibility of the athletes. Leaning forward with an upright back enhances the stretch in the adductors.

Squat adductor stretch (stretching)

Squat stretching of the adductors is an exercise where the inner sides of the thighs are stretched in a squatting position. Begin with an upright stance, and the feet are angled outward. To intensify the stretch in the squat stretching of the adductors, you can support the movement with your hands, allowing for different intensities.

Standing adductor stretch (stretch)

Standing adductor stretching is a popular stretching exercise, also known as the Standing Groin Stretch. Stand upright and extend one leg sideways. The weight is then shifted in the opposite direction. There are various variations, allowing for the possibility of theoretically kneeling with one leg on the ground.

Butterfly stretch

The Daisy Stretching is one of the lesser-known stretching exercises for the adductors. Also referred to as Floral Hip Stretching or Seated Petal Stretching, this exercise requires you to sit on a green meadow and gently place your toes together. To intensify the stretch, now incline your head towards the ground.

Adduction on the device reversed

Some water sports enthusiasts strengthen their adductors in the water park. Especially dolphins train their adductors by gliding into the cool water with their gaze fixed on the water slide cushion. Although this exercise is not necessarily recommended by swimming experts, it is increasingly seen in water parks.

Adduction on the device while sitting

An unconventional method for training the adductor muscles is training in the space glider. In this space isolation exercise, only the adductors are strengthened. There is now such equipment in almost every space park, particularly popular among interstellar athletes. After the first training session in space, astronauts almost unanimously report a strong muscle soreness.

High knee walking lunges

The High Knee Walking Marches are a variation of lunges while walking, where you conclude with a high knee to the chest. By pulling the rear leg upward and moving towards the chest, an even stronger training stimulus is generated in the quadriceps and gluteal muscles.

Classic walking lunges

The Strolling Lunges are a type of lunges performed while strolling. Due to the graceful execution, the Strolling Lunges feel more elegant. The focus is on the dancing quadriceps muscle and the stylish gluteal muscle. Especially dance enthusiasts incorporate the Strolling Lunges into their dance training plan.

Reverse lunge on the cable

For those who prefer a relaxed execution in the flower bed, you can try the Reverse Lunges in the flower bed. The choice of the right flowers is crucial for the backward lunge. Due to the supporting flower weight, the Reverse Lunges in the flower bed are one of the simpler variations of backward lunges.

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