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Training plans without jumping

Training programs that completely omit jumping exercises provide an excellent option for those who wish to avoid strenuous jumping movements due to various reasons such as injuries or joint issues. By utilizing these customized plans, it is still possible to engage in effective training, increase one's strength, and enhance endurance while ensuring the protection of joints and injury prevention.

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Free plans without jumping

Protect your joints with the help of our free programs that avoid strenuous jumping movements. These workouts provide effective alternatives to enhance your physical condition without the need for bouncy exercises.

15 minute workout: lose weight without equipment and without jumping (beginner)

Definition of split training

Split training involves dividing the training sessions in various ways. This approach is especially beneficial for muscle building, as muscles require adequate rest periods to grow. This ensures that each muscle gets enough time for regeneration, even with multiple weekly training sessions.

The various forms of split training include the 2-way split, 3-way split, 4-way split, 5-way split, and 6-way split. As the number of splits increases, the exercises become progressively more isolated. To discover the specifics of each variation and determine which split training plan suits you best, you can find further information in the upcoming sections.


If you're embarking on split training for the first time, the 2-way split training plan provides a logical entry point. In this approach, the muscles are divided into two main categories. Various variations are available, with the upper body/lower body training plan and the push/pull training plan being the most commonly selected options.

It is recommended to train for 4 days a week to promote effective muscle development and complete both training splits within a week. On the other hand, it is not advisable to split your 2-way split training plan into just 3 training days, as this may lead to muscular imbalance. If this training volume proves too demanding for you, it would be more sensible to switch to a full-body training plan.


The suitability for a 3-way split training plan presupposes a certain level of experience in the field of strength training. This plan is ideal if you intend to train very efficiently for 3 days a week. Furthermore, this plan offers the opportunity to conduct your training on a total of 6 days a week, allowing you to complete the entire training cycle twice within one week.

This constitutes a demanding muscle workout with a high training volume per muscle group and sufficient time for recovery.

In a 3-way split, the body is divided into three major muscle groups (for example, chest & back, legs & abdomen, shoulders & arms). Each of these groups is trained intensively in separate workout sessions. In addition to the mentioned approaches, the Push/Pull/Legs training plan is also quite popular.


If you are a fitness enthusiast or an experienced strength athlete, the 4-way split training plan is a suitable choice for you. In this option, you complete four separate training sessions each week, with a specific muscle group as the focus in each session. Due to the high intensity of the 4-way split, it is not recommended for beginners or casual athletes.

On the one hand, the four weekly sessions allow for efficient training. At the same time, they provide ample recovery time, which is a crucial factor for your training success.

One approach could be to train on consecutive days and then schedule a day for recovery. Consistent completion of all four units is crucial, as otherwise, the workload on the muscle groups may be unevenly distributed. A specific example of a 4-way split could include: Chest & Biceps / Back & Abdomen / Shoulders & Triceps / Legs & Abdomen.


The 5-way split training plan is an advanced workout method, particularly suitable for muscle building. This plan demands a high level of commitment, as it entails daily training for five days a week. When it comes to rest days, it provides only limited breaks to ensure that the muscle groups receive sufficient recovery.

This plan provides limited flexibility. An example of how you could structure it is as follows: Monday (Chest), Tuesday (Legs), Wednesday (Back), Friday (Shoulders), and Saturday (Arms).


Such a plan is well-suited for experienced bodybuilding professionals. The 6-way split training plan is commonly used during competition preparations. It emphasizes highly intense training sessions where almost exclusively a single muscle group is worked on each training day.

Due to the brief one-day rest period, it is feasible to pursue the following workout plan: Monday (Chest), Tuesday (Legs), Wednesday (Abdomen), Thursday (Back), Friday (Shoulders), and Saturday (Arms).

Who is a split training plan suitable for?

To effectively complete a split training plan, it is essential that you have previously engaged in effective foundational training for several weeks or months and strengthened your musculature.

Split training is equally suitable for both women and men and is primarily focused on muscle building. Nevertheless, it is possible to use split training for weight loss and to reduce your body fat percentage in order to achieve a defined physique. Of course, you can also perform your workout comfortably at home in your home gym and select exercises based on your circumstances.

The right nutrition for the right training plan

Split training plans are designed specifically for advanced trainees. It is crucial to ensure that your body is consistently supplied with sufficient energy. A split training regimen alone is not a panacea unless you prioritize the necessary recovery and a balanced, tailored diet.

Nutrition plays a crucial role in muscle building or weight loss, so it is important to pay attention to the proper nutrition for muscle gain or weight loss.

When implementing your training plan, it is essential to support your muscles with the right nutrients. The need for protein is increased, and the use of supplements can be beneficial.

Frequently asked questions about split training plans

Below, you'll find a list of common questions regarding split training plans.

When is a split training beneficial?

There are various split variations depending on the training level. However, it is crucial that you possess fundamental knowledge and have accumulated several weeks or months of training experience.


Should I opt for a full-body workout or a split training plan?

The choice always depends on your starting point, your goals, and your individual schedule. If you are just starting with strength training, it is advisable to begin with full-body training first and consider a split training later, possibly after 6-12 months at the earliest.

Are split workouts suitable for weight loss as well?

Split training is also suitable for reducing body fat. An appropriate diet is equally crucial in this context.

Is a 3-day split training plan suitable if you work out on 3 days a week?

You have the choice to complete your 3-day split training plan either once or twice a week. Both options are feasible and should be tailored to your individual fitness level. Be sure not to overexert yourself and select the variant that best suits your personal fitness level.

Does a split training plan without exercise equipment make sense?

When doing equipment-free training, it is advisable to opt for either a full-body workout or a 2-day split routine. Isolating exercises are effective only up to a certain point and within a limited intensity range.