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Training plans for advanced

Training programs for advanced individuals have been designed to meet the demanding requirements of experienced fitness enthusiasts. These plans offer a greater challenge to take your strength, endurance, and muscle mass to the next level. By incorporating advanced exercises and techniques, you'll be able to push your boundaries and achieve new progress on your fitness journey.

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Recognize why we are considered the ideal choice for your fitness journey and explore how we distinguish ourselves from others. Immersing yourself in our fitness world to draw inspiration is essential.

for free

All the information is readily available and accessible to everyone at no cost.


Each article is written in an easily understandable manner and is suitable for beginners.


Muscle building, weight loss, nutrition, exercises, workout routines, and a variety of other subjects.

Free plans

Complimentary training programs to assist you in achieving your goals!

0 €

✅  Number of sets and reps

✅  Duration of sentence break

✅  Focus muscle

✅  1-Click Download

Premium Plans

Comprehensive premium training plans featuring illustrative graphics.

9,99 €

✅  Number of sets and reps

✅  Duration of sentence break

✅  Focus muscle

✅  Training frequency

✅  Exercise instructions

✅  Pictorial representations

✅  more extras

Free advanced plans

Enhance your physical performance with our complimentary advanced training programs. Engage with demanding exercises and advanced training techniques to push past your previous limits and achieve new progress.

25 minute workout: lose weight without equipment (advanced)

25 minute workout: Lose weight without equipment & without jumping (advanced)

25 minute workout: lose weight at home (advanced)

Full body in the gym for advanced women

Full body in the gym for advanced men

Full body muscle building without equipment (advanced)

Full body muscle building at home (advanced)

Full body in the gym for advanced women

Full body in the gym for advanced men

Push/Pull in the gym for advanced women

Push/Pull in the gym for advanced men