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Pressing the bench at the multipurpose press is an ideal exercise for beginners seeking diversity in their training plan. Bench pressing ranks among the most significant and popular fitness activities in the gym. A chest session without bench pressing? Most athletes can hardly imagine that. To teach newcomers how to perform the classic exercise correctly, pressing the bench on the machine or guided bench pressing is a smart choice. Both terms refer to the same thing: bench pressing at the multipurpose press. The fundamental sequence of movements remains essentially the same as bench pressing with the barbell.


Depending on the execution, you can stimulate various areas of your chest muscles. When pressing the bench at the multipurpose press, you can target the lower, middle, or upper chest. This popular fitness exercise is equally suitable for muscle building or weight reduction.

Bench press on the multi press

Training on the multipurpose press provides two advantages: a decrease in the risk of injury, and guided movement. To ensure a seamless workout, learn more here about target muscles and the sequence of movements.

Muscles targeted during multipress bench pressing for the mid-chest
When bench pressing on the multipurpose press for the mid-chest, you primarily engage your large chest muscle (musculus pectoralis major) and triceps (musculus triceps brachii). The anterior part of the deltoid muscle (musculus deltoideus pars clavicularis), the anconeus muscle (musculus anconaeus), and the anterior serratus muscle (musculus serratus anterior) also play a supporting role.


Execution during multipress bench pressing for the mid-chest

Multipress bench pressing for the mid-chest is suitable for beginners. To ensure everything proceeds smoothly, learn more here about body position and execution.


Body position

The flat bench is positioned beneath the multipurpose press. Now, lie on the flat bench with your back. Your legs are on the ground for maximum stability during training. Then, grasp the barbell with both hands in an overhand grip. Tighten your body and commence the multipress for the mid-chest.


Execution of the movement

Lift the barbell from the multipurpose press. Your hands are slightly wider than your shoulders. Lower the barbell just above the chest, inhaling slowly during this phase. The elbows move beside your body and not outward. Halt just before the chest and initiate the reverse movement. While exhaling, press the weight back up to the starting position.

Negative bench press on the multi press

If you aim to target the lower chest during your workout, negative bench pressing on the multipurpose press is the preferred method. For this, you require a negative bench and the mentioned multipurpose press.


Muscles targeted during multipress bench pressing for the lower chest

During negative bench pressing on the multipurpose press, you primarily work on the lower muscle fibers of your chest muscles (musculus pectoralis major). Support comes from your triceps (musculus triceps brachii) and the anterior part of the shoulder muscles (musculus deltoideus pars clavicularis) this time, aiding you in chest training.


Execution during multipress bench pressing for the lower chest

Multipress bench pressing for the lower chest isn't overly complicated. To avoid any errors, learn more about body position and execution here.


Body position

In the gym, with a negative bench, you can perform multipress bench pressing for the lower chest. Lie down on the negative bench and secure your legs on the pads. Ensure you lie in the center of the bench. Now, take the barbell from the multipurpose press with an overhand grip.


Execution of the movement

The movement begins with multipress bench pressing for the lower chest by lifting the barbell from the multipurpose press holder. Then, lower it down while inhaling until it hovers just above your chest. The elbows should always be under your wrists during this phase. Once it reaches just above the chest, initiate the reverse movement. Press the barbell back up while exhaling. Your elbows should never be fully extended to protect your joints.

Incline bench press on the multi press

Another option on the multipurpose press is inclined pressing for the upper chest. For this, you need an inclined bench and a multipurpose press in your gym. This allows beginners and advanced individuals to start chest training immediately.


Muscles engaged during multipress pressing for the upper chest

Opting for multipress pressing for the upper chest primarily targets the upper muscle fibers of your major chest muscle (musculus pectoralis major). Alternatively, your triceps (musculus triceps brachii) and the anconeus muscle (musculus anconaeus) assist in moving the barbell of the multipurpose press.


Execution during multipress pressing for the upper chest

Using an inclined bench allows you to modify pressing on the multipurpose press. Below are additional tips for the optimal body position and execution during multipress pressing for the upper chest.


Body position

The starting position for inclined pressing on the multipurpose press resembles that of inclined pressing with the barbell. Here, you utilize the multipurpose press for support during the movement. Your feet are firmly planted on the ground. A slight arch in your back protects the spine. Additionally, your head rests on the cushion, forming a natural extension of the spine.


Movement execution

During inclined pressing on the multipurpose press, grip the barbell with an overhand grip. Tighten your body and remove the barbell from the holder. Then, lower it just above your chest, inhaling slowly during this phase. When pushing the barbell back up to the starting position, exhale. Ensure the movement is executed in a controlled manner.

Common mistakes when bench pressing on the multi press

Errors frequently occur during pressing on the multipurpose press. To fully maximize muscle building potential, these should be avoided.


✅  Fully extended elbows: Fully extended elbows are often observed during pressing on the multipurpose press. However, they should remain slightly bent to prevent injuries.


✅  Elbows moving outward: Throughout the movement, the elbows should stay at an angle of about 45 degrees to the body. Ensure that your elbows do not move outward.


✅  Bouncing on the chest: The force should come exclusively from the chest and arms. Absorbing the barbell on the chest and utilizing momentum diminishes the effectiveness of the training. Too rapid descent: Many athletes struggle to gauge the right speed for the movement. The descent should be calm and deliberate.

Alternatives and similar exercises to the bench press on the multi press

Variation is crucial in the realm of strength training. Fortunately, there are numerous alternatives to pressing on the multipress. Below, you will receive a brief overview of the different variations. Please note that the target muscles and grip techniques may vary.


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