Foods to lose weight: Eat healthy

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The key to weight loss is primarily attributed to dietary choices, with exercise ranking second in importance. The quality of food plays a crucial role beyond calorie quantity, distinguishing between beneficial and less beneficial options. The article presents a list of foods suitable for weight loss, including eggs, chicken, lamb, whole grains, low-fat quark, salmon, tuna, and potatoes. Additionally, it emphasizes the significance of a diverse and healthy diet, suggesting moderation rather than extreme dietary changes.


The importance of fruits and vegetables in reducing body fat is highlighted, with an emphasis on the low-calorie nature of vegetables and the fat-burning properties of fruits due to their vitamin content. The significance of consuming fruits rich in vitamin C is underlined.


The recommendation to drink a glass of still water before meals to fill the stomach and stimulate metabolism and fat burning is provided. The article discourages sugary or calorie-rich beverages and promotes a conclusion that sustainable weight loss and maintenance are best achieved through finding a diet that suits individual preferences.


Finally, the text addresses the role of specific foods, such as those rich in protein and low in calories, in promoting weight loss. It acknowledges the impact of the quantity of consumed foods on abdominal fat and identifies fruits with low sugar content. The daily intake of fructose is discussed, along with a mention of foods and beverages that support fat burning and weight loss, with water being emphasized for its thirst-quenching and hunger-reducing properties.


The comprehensive conclusion advises individuals aiming for long-term fat loss to find a sustainable and personally suitable diet, promoting the listed foods as a perfect starting point. Additional related articles and frequently asked questions on nutrition and weight loss are provided for further guidance.


End of summary


The foundation for weight loss lies in nutrition. Physical activity or exercise comes second in priority. Besides calorie intake, the choice of foods also plays a crucial role. There are various nutrient-rich foods, and in this text, you will discover which ones are particularly suitable for weight loss.

List: foods to lose weight

Anyone who has ever enjoyed scrambled eggs knows the satiating effect of a small amount of egg. Eggs are also rich in protein and provide the muscles with the necessary input during a diet.


Chicken is considered an ideal food for bodybuilders. It is low in calories, filling, and rich in protein. It is essential to thoroughly cook the chicken.


Lamb contains L-carnitine, which can be considered a "fat burner."


Whole Grains
Whole grain products provide quick satiety, leading to generally eating less. Additionally, they often contain a significant amount of protein.


Low-Fat Quark
Low-fat quark is a classic food for bodybuilders. It can be processed with oats, fresh fruit, or in shakes. Low-fat quark has few calories and a lot of protein, maintaining satiety for an extended period.


Salmon is one of the healthiest sources of protein, as it contains essential Omega-3 besides protein. Moreover, salmon provides a relatively high amount of iodine, which the thyroid gland needs to regulate metabolism.


Tuna is also healthy, although it is significantly lower in fat compared to salmon.


Potatoes should be boiled as they build starch when cooled. They support healthy blood pressure, overall health, and contribute to weight loss.


Other foods for the diet:


  • Beans
  • Legumes
  • Coffee
  • Grapefruit
  • Nuts
  • Chili
  • Coconut oil
  • Chia seeds
  • Cottage cheese
  • Beef (preferably lean)
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Avocado
  • Buttermilk

Variety helps with the diet

Variety is beneficial during a diet. It is essential to note that only a few people can sustain drastic changes in nutrition in the long term. Be honest with yourself and consider whether you are genuinely willing to give up certain foods in the long run. If your answer is not unequivocally "yes," take the following advice to heart:


Diversify your diet and eat healthily! In most cases, this is the most effective form of a diet as it does not require completely giving up familiar foods. While foods and beverages with a high sugar content should be avoided if possible, entirely abstaining from them is not necessarily mandatory.

Fruits and vegetables to lose weight

The fact that fruits and vegetables are beneficial for human health should be widely known. However, it may be less known that the consumption of fruits and vegetables can significantly reduce body fat.


In most cases, vegetables stand out for their low calorie content. You can, therefore, eat them generously, feel satisfied afterward, and still consume only a minimal amount of calories. While fruits typically have slightly more calories, they act as an effective "fat burner" due to their vitamin composition. It is advisable to actively seek out fruits that are rich in Vitamin C.


Foods with a high Vitamin C content:


Savoy cabbage


Camu-Camu fruit
Kakadu plum
Mandarin orange

Diet tip: Drink lots of water

Drinking a glass of still water before each meal fills the stomach and supports metabolism and fat burning.


A generous intake of water before eating reduces the available space in the stomach and thus the feeling of hunger. This is not a groundbreaking revelation. However, the fact that metabolism and fat burning can also be stimulated is perhaps less well-known.


It is essential to drink a glass of still water before each meal (approximately 30 minutes before). Carbonated water, soft drinks, or other calorie-rich beverages are not the optimal choice!

Conclusion: Lose weight and keep it off in the long term

If you intend to reduce body fat in the long term, you probably aim for more than just short-term success. Your dietary change will be most successful if you choose a diet that you can effortlessly maintain in the long run. Among the numerous diet forms available online, the one that is best for you is the one that you can most easily adhere to permanently.


With the listed foods here, you can start your dietary change optimally and embark on the journey to achieve your dream figure.

Frequently Asked Questions: Diet for Weight Loss

Which foods promote a slim figure?
Foods that are rich in protein, low in calories, and provide long-lasting satiety can help achieve a slim figure. Examples include turkey, lean beef, eggs, and tuna.


Which foods favor abdominal fat?
Fatty or sugary foods such as fried meat, fries, currywurst, pizza, soft drinks, sweet juices, and chocolate contribute to increasing body fat. Of course, the consumed quantity also plays a role.


Which fruits have the lowest sugar content?
Fruits with low sugar content include raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, lemon, watermelon, and guava.


How much fructose does a watermelon contain?
Depending on the variety, a watermelon contains about 30 calories and 6 grams of sugar per 100 grams. In a 5-kilogram melon, there are approximately 400 grams of fructose.


How much fructose should be consumed daily?
On average, a human body can process about 25-80 grams of fructose (fruit sugar) per day. It is advisable not to consume more.


What promotes fat burning most effectively?
In addition to physical activity, there are also foods that can stimulate fat burning. These include, for example, eggs, salmon, broccoli, asparagus, rice, and walnuts.


Which beverages support weight loss?
Water quenches thirst, satisfies, and reduces the feeling of hunger.


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