Lose weight quickly – 5kg in a week

Home / Blog / Lose weight / Lose weight quickly – 5kg in a week

Summary of this blog


The blog provides tips for individuals looking to shed weight rapidly. It emphasizes the importance of nutrition, physical activity, and the right mindset. Optimal nutrition is highlighted as a crucial factor for success, with an emphasis on the significance of the 70:30 rule. The calculation of calorie requirements is explained, underscoring the need for a daily caloric deficit. Recommended foods and dietary habits are discussed.


In the section on physical activity, it is stressed that exercise is not mandatory but is recommended. Strength training is described as more effective for long-term fat burning. Various exercises are introduced, and the advice to train the entire body is given. Training frequency and duration are also explained.


The right mindset for weight loss is deemed crucial. Motivational strategies such as comparison photos, setting achievable goals, and utilizing a calendar are suggested. The importance of inner conviction for positive life changes is highlighted.


In conclusion, the blog provides practical advice for a holistic approach to weight loss, taking into account nutrition, exercise, and psychological aspects.


End of summary


Annually, numerous men and women aspire to lose a significant amount of weight as quickly as possible – preferably in the form of fat.


For some individuals, it is possible to lose up to 5 kg of weight within the first week by following the recommendations in this article. The question of whether you belong to this group is solely for you to answer. Even if this is not the case, courage should not be lost, but rather a decision should be made and adhered to. Everyone can burn fat over time.


The article is divided into three sections:


  1. The ideal diet

  2. Physical activity

  3. The correct mindset

1. Eat right and healthy to lose fat

Everything depends on nutrition! The 70:30 rule has its meaning. Even intensive training yields no results in weight loss if nutrition is not correct. Therefore, it is crucial to take this point seriously. If savings are to be made, it should be in fitness, but never in nutrition.


Calculation of the calorie requirements

Total time: 5 minutes


Caloric needs

Calculate your caloric needs using one of the many online calculators available. Ensure that you enter your age, gender, weight, height, and activity factor, or that these factors are taken into account. If this information is not available, calculators are often useless and inaccurate. The better way is to calculate your needs yourself. This is not difficult, and you can be sure that the result is accurate. Use this guide for that purpose.


Caloric deficit

Now, ensure a daily caloric deficit to burn fat. A rule of thumb is about 10-20% of the calculated caloric needs. The ideal deficit for you can also be found in the link under 1. Caloric needs.


Take the following advice to heart:


  • Your diet should be tasty and satiating.
  • Opt for carbohydrates from lentils, potatoes, pasta, and rice.
  • Start using olive oil immediately.
  • Vegetables are satiating and low in calories. Therefore, it makes sense to consume a lot of vegetables.
  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks.
  • The body also needs fats – they are not inherently harmful.


If you want to delve deeper into the topic of nutrient distribution, I recommend reading the following article: Macronutrients – Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates. We have also compiled an overview of popular diet forms.

2. Physical exercise helps you lose weight

In essence: To lose weight, it's not strictly necessary to engage in sports – however, if you follow the advice from point 1, you will already start burning fat.


Since you probably want to lose weight as quickly as possible, it is advisable to engage in sufficient sports in addition to maintaining a healthy diet.


Resistance Training Instead of Cardio



In short: Resistance training burns more calories in the long run compared to cardio.


So, if you want to lose as much weight as possible in a week, it makes sense to dedicate 1-2 hours daily to cardiovascular exercises.


Recommended cardiovascular exercises:


  • Jogging
  • Cycling (stationary bike)
  • Swimming
  • Hiking
  • Using a stepper


Looking ahead, it's recommended to incorporate resistance training into your routine. Muscles burn calories continuously, even during sleep. Don't worry – you won't build massive muscle mass in a short period. Ideally, train in the gym using machines or free weights. You can also engage in bodyweight exercises. In any case, it's crucial to train your entire body.


Effective resistance training exercises:


  • Bench press (chest)
  • Bicep curls (biceps)
  • Barbell row (back)
  • Leg press (legs)
  • Squats (legs)
  • Push-ups (chest/back/triceps)
  • Sit-ups (abdomen)
  • Barbell or dumbbell shoulder press (shoulders)



A combination of resistance training and cardio is also possible.


How often and for how long should you train?

You're probably wondering how often you should visit the gym?


Ensure that your resistance training doesn't exceed 60 minutes. Longer sessions could initially stress your muscles too much and be counterproductive.


For cardio, aim for at least 30 minutes continuously. If you feel your endurance lacking, reduce the speed but don't quit.


Implement this plan 3-4 times a week to train your body every other day and allow for recovery on the alternate days.


If you wish to delve deeper into this topic, the keyword is "training frequency."


Summary of this section:


  • In the long run, resistance training burns more calories than cardio.
  • Cardio burns more calories in the short term.
  • Movement stimulates metabolism.
  • Train every other day.
  • Give your body recovery every two days. During this time, it regenerates. This period is also known as the regeneration time.
  • If resistance training or cardio seems too monotonous, you can combine both – but adhere to the specified training times.
  • Resistance training: maximum 60 minutes per day.
  • Cardio: at least 30 minutes continuously per day.
  • Resistance training doesn't immediately build muscle. Women lack the necessary testosterone for rapid muscle development.

3. The right attitude to lose body fat

If you are not internally ready to lose weight, you lack motivation, and the entire endeavor of "Burning fat as quickly as possible" will fail! Ensure that you are firmly convinced that your life will positively change by achieving a more attractive and healthier appearance. Only then will you find the motivation to focus on your nutrition and carry out your training sessions on a daily basis.


Maintaining Motivation during Training

Take Comparison Photos
Capture images of your body every two to three weeks to compare them later. Often, one is not aware of their progress and needs to juxtapose images to truly believe it.


Define Goals
Set realistic goals for yourself. Achieving and "checking off" these goals will significantly boost your motivation.


Hang a calendar in your room and mark the successful days. If you are disciplined, you wouldn't want to see any gaps in this calendar and would go to training even when you don't feel like it – just to ensure that no gap is created.


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