Fat loss especially on the stomach

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Summary of this blog


The blog explores the targeted reduction of abdominal fat within the context of weight loss. It delves into the psychological impact of excess belly fat, discussing various motivations for individuals seeking to shed abdominal weight, ranging from aesthetic considerations to concerns about visceral fat and associated health risks. The concept of visceral fat, its historical significance, and contemporary health implications are elucidated, emphasizing the potential hazards linked to unhealthy abdominal fat, such as disruptions in liver and pancreatic functions leading to conditions like diabetes and metabolic disorders.


While the influence of genetics on abdominal fat is recognized, the primary contributors to elevated body fat percentages are identified as insufficient physical activity and unhealthy dietary habits. The blog provides insights into effective dietary strategies for reducing abdominal fat, underscoring the importance of maintaining a caloric deficit. It introduces the use of fitness apps and trackers for monitoring caloric intake and stresses the significance of physical exercise, specifically a combination of cardiovascular training and strength-building exercises, for effective and sustainable fat loss.


Dispelling myths surrounding women and muscle building, the blog encourages women to engage in strength training without fearing excessive muscle gain. It concludes by asserting that transforming belly fat into abdominal muscles requires patience, a balanced and healthy diet, and consistent training, highlighting the attainability of this process.


The latter part introduces specific exercises such as crunches and an alternative exercise in supersets for a comprehensive abdominal workout. Breathing techniques are suggested, and video references are provided for visual guidance. The blog reiterates the impossibility of spot reduction but underscores the achievement of overall fat loss through a well-rounded approach.


Finally, the blog addresses frequently asked questions about targeted fat reduction and provides recommendations for optimal waist circumferences for both men and women. In summary, the blog serves as a comprehensive guide to abdominal fat loss, covering psychological, physiological, and practical aspects, while dispelling myths and offering practical advice


End of summary


The focus on the abdominal area is a common phenomenon for many individuals when it comes to reducing body fat. A pronounced abdomen is often seen as a sign of neglect and significantly diminishes self-esteem. The motivations for striving for a fat-free stomach, however, are extremely diverse. Some aim for a slim, well-trained stomach to appear more attractive, while others are already confronted with the risks of dangerous visceral fat and want to tighten their stomachs due to concerns about their health.


In this blog, you will learn in detail about the nature of visceral fat and the most effective dietary and training methods to lose belly fat.

Visceral fat

Visceral fat is located inside the abdominal cavity, surrounding the internal organs. In earlier times, this was a necessary adaptation to periodic food shortages in the population. In modern society, this issue rarely occurs, causing visceral fat to lose its original function. Nevertheless, the body still tends to store fat reserves, as it has historically done.


Harmful Abdominal Fat

The danger of this type of fat lies in its potential to impair the function of the liver and pancreas. Elevated blood lipid levels, high blood pressure, and a disrupted blood sugar level can be the consequences. This, in turn, can lead to diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and metabolic disorders.


But don't panic – having a slightly fuller stomach doesn't necessarily mean you suffer from a significant amount of visceral fat. You can make a rough initial assessment by measuring your waist circumference.


For evaluation, refer to the following table:



Genetic predisposition is held responsible for the presence of an exceptionally large waist circumference. However, even if it has been demonstrated that genes can influence this condition, it does not necessarily mean that it cannot be prevented. The primary cause of a high body fat percentage continues to be insufficient physical activity and excessive consumption of unhealthy food.

Proper diets to lose fat on your stomach

As emphasized in a previous post (Weight reduction through optimal nutrition), daily calorie intake plays a crucial role in weight loss. If your body burns more calories than you consume, you will lose fat - even around the waist! This principle is referred to as a calorie deficit. By consistently adhering to this deficit over weeks or months, there is nothing standing in the way of reducing body fat. Foods rich in calories are often high in fat and carbohydrates. Soft drinks and sweets are frequently underestimated and can regularly lead to an increased body fat percentage.


Losing weight made easy with fitness apps

Modern fitness trackers and smartphone apps make it easy to monitor calorie expenditure. Products can be scanned using a barcode scanner, and the app's database provides information on fat, proteins, carbohydrates, and other details about the product. The consumed amount of the product can then be easily added. A successful app in this field is, for example, MyFitnessPal.

Lose fat faster through exercise

Those who want to lose fat quickly and in the long term must inevitably be physically active. Endurance sports such as jogging or cycling boost metabolism and promote fat burning. If consistently implemented, strength training should also be considered. Muscles work around the clock and burn calories even while sleeping. The ideal combination consists of a mix of cardio training and muscle building. If a decision had to be made, muscle building would be preferred.


Women can engage in this sport without any concerns. The myth that they will look like bodybuilders after a few training sessions is false. Women build muscles much more slowly than men and cannot gain excessive muscle mass without additional substances.


Replacing belly fat with abdominal muscles

Naturally, it is not possible to simply snap your fingers and transform all belly fat into abdominal muscles. Unfortunately, it is not that easy. The good news, however, is that it is possible with a lot of patience, a healthy diet, and regular training. Below, we present three exercises to specifically train your abdominal muscles.



This classic abdominal exercise is the crunch. Lie on the exercise mat and place your feet on the floor. Place both hands behind your head, slightly bend your head, and move it towards your knees. The upper body should not be pushed upward with the help of your hands. Ideally, all the power for the upward movement comes from the abdomen.



Exhale during the upward movement and inhale again when returning to the starting position.


Balancing Exercise

The drawback of crunches is that only half of the abdominal muscles are trained. To establish equilibrium, the subsequent exercise can be performed in a superset. In this position, assume the tabletop position and strengthen the lower half of the abdominal muscles using a breathing technique. Ensure that your back remains parallel to the ground throughout the entire exercise. Once you have achieved the optimal position, exhale completely, engage your abdominal muscles, and pull them up to the spine, maintaining this position for approximately 10 seconds.

Lose fat on your stomach in a targeted manner

The concept of many individuals is to target fat reduction in specific areas. Women often prefer to focus on the buttocks or thighs, while men tend to concentrate on the abdomen.


Through a consistently healthy and balanced diet, it is possible to reduce body fat even without engaging in physical activity. However, this is only achievable up to a certain point. Over time, the body adapts to the calorie deficit and halts calorie burning. From this point onward, any additional calories to be burned require intensive training. In this way, fat is gradually diminished in various body areas. Unfortunately, specific targeting of particular regions is not feasible – yet, it is also unnecessary, as fat is ultimately burned gradually throughout the entire body. Some individuals may lose fat first in the abdomen, others in the face, and still others in the chest.

Frequently asked questions about belly fat loss

Is it possible to specifically eliminate fat in the abdominal region?

No, the targeted reduction of fat in specific body areas is not achievable. However, according to the points presented here, this is also not feasible.


What waist circumference is recommended?

Waist circumference for men: significantly increased = 102 cm and above, increased = 94 cm and above, normal = under 100 cm;
Waist circumference for women: significantly increased = 88 cm and above, increased = 80 cm and above, normal = under 85 cm.


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