Body Drainage: Natural and Unnatural Methods

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Summary of this blog


This blog discusses various methods of dehydrating the body, emphasizing the distinction between natural and unnatural approaches. Dehydration aims to eliminate excess water, reduce weight, and promote a healthier appearance.


  1. Purpose of Body Drainage:

    • Body drainage involves regulating the water balance to flush out excess stored water from muscles and skin.
    • Dehydration is often pursued for aesthetic reasons, but it can also address unhealthy water retention linked to insufficient exercise or hormonal imbalances.
  2. When Body Drainage Makes Sense:

    • While dehydration is generally safe, persistent water retention may signal underlying health issues, necessitating consultation with a doctor.
    • Dehydration is beneficial when it occurs naturally, enhancing fluid intake, maintaining a healthy lymphatic system, and promoting overall well-being.
  3. Natural Methods of Dehydration:

    • Proper nutrition, including fruits with high water content like strawberries, pineapple, and melon, aids in dehydration.
    • Vegetables such as asparagus, cucumbers, and artichokes, along with low-salt and low-carbohydrate diets, contribute to effective dehydration.
    • A suggested beverage plan involves water or green tea consumption over five days, with varying fluid intake.
  4. Additional Natural Approaches:

    • Regular exercise, particularly activities inducing sweat like HIIT or cardio, helps eliminate salts and fluids stored under the skin.
    • Stress reduction through relaxation techniques, quality sleep, and massage therapies supports combating water retention.
  5. Unnatural Methods:

    • The blog also mentions unnatural methods, including diuretic tablets and vitamin supplements, cautioning against their potential misuse and associated health risks.
    • Consultation with a doctor is strongly advised before using such unnatural approaches.
  6. Health Risks and FAQs:

    • High fluid intake in the long term can lead to water poisoning due to insufficient concentration of salts and minerals in the blood.
    • The blog addresses frequently asked questions, clarifying the purpose of body drainage, recommending foods that aid dehydration, and explaining methods for quick dehydration.


In conclusion, the blog provides comprehensive insights into the reasons, methods, and potential risks associated with both natural and unnatural approaches to body drainage, urging readers to prioritize health and seek professional guidance when considering unnatural methods.


End of summary


Sudden weight gain, an uncomfortable feeling in the body, or failures in weight loss efforts. Anyone who has experienced these symptoms is likely to have soon discovered, during the search for causes, that it could be fluid retention. There are both natural and unnatural methods to dehydrate the body. This blog elucidates which methods are most effective and the benefits that dehydration can have.

What is meant by “draining the body?”

Dehydrating the body is not about drying it out or depriving it of water, contrary to the literal meaning. Rather, the exact opposite is meant. By regulating the water balance, excess fluid can be drained from the muscles and skin.


This process can only be achieved through an adequate intake of fluids. The goal is to lose unnecessary weight and make the body appear tighter and healthier.



When does body drainage make sense?

Although the motivation behind body dehydration is often superficial, water retention in the muscles and under the skin can indeed be unhealthy. It is often a sign of insufficient physical activity or an unnatural hormonal balance.


Women often experience water retention in the abdomen, legs, or arms during their menstrual cycle. Older people or pregnant women also frequently exhibit these symptoms.


While dehydration is definitely beneficial, water retention becomes a warning sign only when caused by diseases such as heart or kidney failure. In these cases, a doctor should be consulted urgently, in addition to dehydration.

What happens to the body when dehydration occurs?

Increased fluid intake flushes out water retention and tissue fluids (lymph) from the body. This process not only removes excess fluids but also eliminates bacteria and viruses from the body.


A healthy lymphatic system helps transport these pathogens through the body until they are eventually expelled. If the lymphatic system is not intact, this leads to water retention, causing the body to swell in certain areas and visually altering its appearance.


The goal of dehydration is not only to increase fluid intake but also to keep the lymphatic system healthy and active. Dehydrating is beneficial for the body when done naturally. Therefore, the following advice should be followed not only by bodybuilders before competitions and performances.

Methods to dehydrate the body naturally

Dehydrating the body through natural methods is often risk-free and can be easily done with home remedies. The purchase of supplements is not necessary, making natural dehydration also more financially tolerable.


Proper Nutrition

To dehydrate the body, a significant intake of fluids is required. The consumption of foods with a high water content can also assist in this process. In just a few days, the body can already be dehydrated through specific foods.


Fruits such as strawberries, pineapples, and melons are particularly suitable. They not only have a high water content, but the potassium they contain also acts as a diuretic, helping the body flush out toxic substances. Nuts and dried fruits are also rich in potassium and, therefore, very suitable for dehydration.


During the days of dehydration, focus on vegetables such as asparagus, cucumbers, artichokes, avocados, and carrots. To consume enough carbohydrates, potatoes and rice are best. Otherwise, reduce carbohydrate intake during these days, as the glycogen they contain stores a lot of water in the body.


Beverages: Dehydration Plan

The high fluid intake is the crucial factor in dehydration. As long as you avoid sugary drinks, it's almost irrelevant which fluid you consume.


For those who want to dehydrate quickly, it is recommended to consume water or green tea, for example, with nettles, and follow a specific plan. This starts with a low-salt day, where you should particularly avoid convenience foods, sauces, and other strongly salty meals.


This is followed by two days where you consume about twice as much fluid as recommended. On the next day, you should drink normally, and on the last day, as little as possible. During these days, continue to eat as low-salt as possible.



Avoidance of Alcohol

During the process of dehydration, alcohol should be completely avoided. This not only has a dehydrating effect but is also harmful to the detoxification organs, the liver, and the kidneys.


Adequate Exercise

Exercise is crucial to get the body moving, stimulate metabolism, and promote the activity of the lymphatic system. Sweaty sports such as HIIT or extensive cardio sessions are particularly suitable.


Sweat carries salts and fluids out of the body. Especially the water stored under the skin is flushed out, leading to a less bloated appearance.


Relaxation and Sleep

To successfully combat water retention, stress should be avoided as much as possible. This releases the hormone cortisol, which plays a significant role in regulating water balance and prevents excessive water loss.


Certain massage techniques can help your body relax. The lymphatic system is also stimulated. Lymphatic drainage, foot reflexology, and fascia rolling are the most well-known methods for stimulating the lymphatic system and muscle activation.

Unnatural ways to dehydrate the body

There are various unnatural and effective methods for body dehydration that you should always try first. If no success is achieved, consultation with a doctor can lead to the use of medications and tablets.



Consulting a doctor is essential before application.


Tablets (Diuretics)

Water tablets, known as diuretics, can assist in dehydration due to their diuretic effect. They actively flush water out of the body, resulting in lower blood pressure and a significantly reduced body weight.


However, improper use of the tablets can lead to dangerous side effects. Deficiency symptoms due to leached minerals, low blood pressure, and physical dependence on a lower body weight can be the result. Therefore, the use of diuretics should always be carefully considered and supervised by a doctor.


Vitamin Supplements

Magnesium and Vitamin B6 have proven to be effective in reducing water retention. It is also advisable to supplement minerals as the body inevitably loses them during dehydration.


If you prefer not to obtain minerals through your diet, for example, through oatmeal and legumes, you can turn to dietary supplements. These are available over the counter.


In addition to inferior products, an overdose of the preparations should be avoided. An overdose of Vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage such as numbness or paralysis. Inflammations are also not uncommon.

Health risks from drainage

In most cases, natural methods of dehydrating the body do not have health-damaging effects. It is crucial not to maintain a consistently high water intake over the long term.


Drinking a significant amount of water for one to two days is not harmful. However, prolonged high fluid intake can potentially lead to water poisoning, as salts and minerals in the blood are not adequately concentrated.


The use of dehydration tablets should always be discussed with a doctor. Since these tablets remove a substantial amount of water from the body, they may result in dehydration and trigger deficiency symptoms. Individuals with eating disorders and bodybuilders often misuse these pills in unhealthy ways.

Frequently asked questions about body drainage

What does "dehydrating the body" mean?

Dehydrating the body primarily means eliminating excess fluids. Simultaneously, the process of dehydrating the body flushes toxins out of the body and enhances the lymphatic system.


Which foods aid in body dehydration?

Low-sodium foods with high water and potassium content can contribute to dehydration. Asparagus, garlic, fruits, and nuts are particularly beneficial choices. Beverages should be consumed in the form of water or green tea.


Why should one dehydrate their body?

In most cases, dehydration is carried out for aesthetic reasons. Water retention under the skin leads to a bloated appearance and is often the cause of less visible muscles. Dehydration accentuates these muscles while simultaneously removing toxins from the body.


How can one dehydrate their body as quickly as possible?

A dehydration plan allows the body to be dehydrated in 5 days. This involves reducing salt intake initially. On two days, a significant amount of water is consumed, while on the last day, minimal fluid is introduced.


What methods exist to dehydrate the body?

In addition to dangerous water tablets, the body can be dehydrated in a completely natural way. Much can be achieved through a low-carbohydrate and low-sodium diet, high fluid intake, strenuous physical activity, and adequate regeneration and rest periods.


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