Fitness for a more exciting and better love life

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Summary of this blog


This blog explores the connection between fitness and an enhanced sex life, addressing various aspects of physical activity and its impact on sexual performance. The key points include:


Improved Self-Perception and Confidence:

Engaging in the right fitness routine not only enhances physical aesthetics but also boosts self-confidence and a sense of freedom in both men and women.


Enhanced Flexibility:

Incorporating flexibility exercises, such as stretching, yoga, and mobility training, into the workout routine can lead to more interesting sexual positions and experiences.


Increased Attractiveness and Strength:

Regular exercise, particularly targeting core, arm, and leg muscles, not only improves physical appearance but also provides the strength to explore different sexual positions comfortably.


Better Endurance Through Fitness:

Endurance training helps prevent premature ejaculation in men and contributes to overall satisfaction in sexual experiences. Women, taking an active role in sex, can also benefit from cardio exercises.


Intense Orgasms and Prolonged Erections:

Targeted abdominal muscle training can lead to intense orgasms in women, while men can experience delayed and longer-lasting erections through regular exercise.


Increased Sexual Frequency in Active Individuals:

Studies suggest that physically active individuals have more frequent sexual encounters. The overall attractiveness and confidence of sporty individuals contribute to their active social lives.


Fitness Boosts Testosterone Production:

Testosterone, a crucial hormone for sexual performance, experiences a surge during both exercise and sexual activity. Supplements are sometimes used to enhance testosterone levels for improved athletic performance.


Enhanced Blood Circulation:

Endurance training strengthens the cardiovascular system, leading to improved blood circulation. This, in turn, positively affects sexual endurance, performance, and desire.


Balancing Endurance and Strength Training:

While endurance training is beneficial for sexual health, excessive cardio can negatively impact testosterone levels. However, incorporating occasional endurance exercises can still contribute positively to sexual well-being.


Fitness Exercises for Improved Sex:

The blog suggests specific yoga exercises for better sexual performance, emphasizing the importance of training various muscle groups, including arms and core, for both men and women.


Excessive Fitness and its Impact:

Overtraining, especially in long-duration cardio, can reduce testosterone production and limit sexual desire. Balancing fitness with personal life, social interactions, and maintaining a sense of novelty is crucial for a fulfilling sex life.


FAQs on Fitness and Sex:

The blog addresses common questions regarding the timing of sexual activity before sports, the impact on testosterone levels, and whether sports contribute to better sex.


In summary, the blog highlights the multifaceted relationship between fitness and sexual well-being, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach to physical activity for a satisfying and healthy sex life.


End of summary


For many individuals, it may seem like a taboo topic, while for others, it holds significant importance: What impression do I leave during intimate moments, and is my physical appearance appealing to my partner? Some engage in physical activities to look better in the nude or emphasize their endurance in the bedroom, aiming to appear more attractive to their partner. However, what role does physical fitness truly play in the context of a fulfilling partnership, and which sport specifically promotes this? This post delves into this inquiry.

Reasons why fitness improves your sex life

For some individuals, it may seem like a forbidden topic, while for others, it holds significant importance: What impact do I have during intimate moments, and does my outward appearance appeal to my partner? Through targeted training, not only can physical contours become more aesthetic, but both men and women also gain increased self-confidence and heightened self-awareness, leading to a sense of freedom. Here are alternative reasons explaining why training can be beneficial for both partners in the bedroom:


mproved Flexibility

To excel in one's love life, incorporating flexibility exercises into the workout is worthwhile. Increased flexibility not only allows for more interesting positions but also opens up the possibility for new experiences. Stretching exercises, stretching, and activities like yoga can effectively promote flexibility.


Enhanced Attractiveness and Strength

The external aspect is, of course, a significant advantage of regular physical activity. Muscles and an athletic form are often perceived as more attractive than a small belly. However, not only superficial aspects matter. Targeted muscle training, especially in the core, arms, and legs, not only builds strength but also allows men to try alternative positions and linger in potentially uncomfortable positions for a longer time. Strength training significantly facilitates sex in a standing position, for example.


Improved Endurance in Bed through Fitness

Premature ejaculation can often lead to dissatisfaction in the bedroom for men. Endurance training can help prevent exhaustion during sexual activity and increase the satisfaction of the partner. Women, who prefer to take an active role in sex, can also benefit from cardiovascular training. Regular training on the stepper, elliptical trainer, or bicycle exhausts the body and prepares it for the next physical activities. Short HIIT exercises, in particular, are effective. The heart rate does not rise as quickly over time, and cardiovascular training can also delay the male orgasm.


More Intense Orgasms and Longer Erections

The so-called "coregasm" is a familiar phenomenon for many women. Indeed, abdominal muscle training can trigger an orgasm. Trained abdominal muscles in women tend to lead to more intense sex during sexual activities. It's similar for men. Sports can contribute to men achieving faster and longer erections. Studies show that just half an hour of exercise per day can increase erectile function by 40 percent. Pelvic floor training, especially, can enhance potency in men and lead to more intense orgasms in women.


Trained Individuals Have More Sex – Even in Older Age

According to a study, active individuals have more sex than inactive ones. This is partly because they are not only active during sports but also more active in everyday life, approaching other people more readily. Athletic individuals often appear more externally attractive and self-confident. Even exercising once a week is said to increase the frequency of sexual activities.


Fitness and Sex Boost Testosterone Production

The male sex hormone testosterone plays a crucial role in sex. It increases potency and libido, ensuring that men last longer. This hormone is also required during strength training to build muscles. Some people use supplements to increase testosterone levels for training.


Exercise Promotes Blood Circulation

Studies have shown that endurance training not only strengthens blood circulation and the entire cardiovascular system but also improves endurance, performance, and pleasure during sex. The likelihood of erectile or sexual dysfunction is 23-30% lower in individuals who engage in four hours of fast jogging per week. Improved blood circulation throughout the body is responsible for this.

Endurance training or strength training?

While many might believe that enhancing endurance in the bedroom can be achieved through intense endurance training, this is, in fact, a misleading notion. Extended cardio sessions, in reality, have a detrimental impact on the sexual hormone testosterone – and consequently, on desire and performance in bed.


But don't worry: Those who occasionally incorporate endurance training sessions can still benefit in the bedroom. The improved cardiovascular system and increased blood circulation contribute to preventing quick exhaustion. It was only when weekly running distances exceeded 70 km that impairments in sexual performance were observed.


For boosting testosterone levels, short, intensive exercises are most effective. Both strength training and quick sprints, HIIT sessions, or similar activities can most efficiently contribute to enhancing enjoyment in the bedroom.

Fitness exercises that improve sex

As emphasized earlier, there are various exercises that can enhance sexual performance. Specifically, men benefit from targeted strength training, focusing intensively on leg and abdominal muscles. For those who enjoy experimenting with different positions, it's crucial not to neglect the arms. Stretching exercises contribute additionally to increased flexibility, both for men and women.


Women can even incorporate some additional exercises to enhance their own sex lives. Particularly, exercises for the pelvic floor, characterized by contraction and relaxation, promise a more intense orgasm and improved sexual performance. The following exercises have proven to be particularly effective:


  • Superman
  • Bridge
  • Russian Twist
  • Pelvic floor contraction

Too much fitness leads to less sex

It's important for someone who spends hours in the gym daily to bring a fresh spark to the bedroom to approach this with consideration. Excessive endurance training, in particular, can be too much in the long run and further restrict the production of testosterone – and thus, the desire for sex.


Furthermore, attention should be given to ensuring that there is enough time for personal life alongside sports activities and that this does not conflict with the training time. Spending time with friends and discussing sex with a partner can often provide inspiration. A balanced combination of structured strength training, a desire for new experiences, and this social connection forms an ideal combination for fulfilling sex.

Frequently asked questions about fitness for better sex

Does sexual activity before exercising have negative effects on performance?

In some disciplines, abstinence up to 48 hours before a competition is recommended. However, this recommendation applies only to professional athletes, such as those in triathlons. On the other hand, in strength training, regular sexual intercourse can actually be beneficial for muscle building, as it releases testosterone regularly, which is then replenished during exercise.


Does sexual activity have a detrimental impact on testosterone levels?

While it is true that testosterone is released during sexual activity, this is not necessarily disadvantageous. In fact, testosterone activity increases, as it is continuously produced during strength training.


Does exercise enhance sexual performance?

There are various aspects of sexual activity that can be improved through physical activity. These include endurance, flexibility, strength, physical allure, and attractiveness. However, it is advisable to avoid excessive exercise that takes over one's entire life.


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