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Wrist rollers

The wrist roller is a fitness exercise suitable for your training plan if you want to specifically strengthen your wrists and forearms. With the wrist roller, you can effectively build muscle even at home. Although this term primarily refers to the training device, the exercise itself is also known by this name. The execution of the movement is straightforward. However, this forearm exercise remains relatively unknown and is seldom utilized by athletes. If you are open to new training stimuli, the wrist roller has the potential to make your forearm training more diverse.


Muscles activated during the wrist roller exercise The training with the wrist roller primarily targets your wrists and forearms. In particular, the radial wrist flexor (musculus flexor carpi radialis) and the ulnar wrist flexor (musculus flexor carpi ulnaris) are activated by the movement. Additionally, the long palmar muscle (musculus palmaris longus), the superficial finger flexor (musculus flexor digitorum superficialis), and the deep finger flexor (musculus flexor digitorum profundus) come into play during the wrist roller exercise.


Execution of the wrist roller The execution of the forearm exercise with the wrist roller is fundamentally simple, even though it is relatively unknown. In the following section, you will find helpful advice on body position and execution to optimize the full potential.

Body position

To begin the fitness exercise with the wrist roller, assume the starting position. Stand upright with a slight arch in your lower back and gaze forward, maintaining a hip-width stance. Your arms are stretched forward, slightly bent at the elbows. The arms are at chest height, and the wrists form a natural extension of the arms, parallel to the ground. Hold the handle of the wrist roller in an overhand grip in front of you. Initially, the weight rests on the ground.

Movement execution

The movement execution is simple and minimal with the wrist roller. Initially, your wrists are straight and parallel to the ground, and the arms are stretched forward at chest height. Now, slowly rotate the weight plate with the wrist roller upward. The movement of the wrists alternates similarly to the classic "motorcycle grip." The goal is to rotate the bar so that the rope winds up, and the weight plate ends up at the top of the handle. Then, stop and slowly lower the weight plate through the reverse rotational movement.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Training with the wrist roller is not particularly widespread. Despite the simple execution, new athletes attempting this fitness exercise sometimes make mistakes. Here are some tips to avoid initial errors and unlock the full potential of the exercise.


✅ Overextended arms: Initially, attention should be paid not to overextend the arms during the wrist roller exercise. A slight bend is recommended to protect the elbow joints.


✅ Too rapid lowering: After turning the weight upward, the downward movement should occur at the same speed. Simply dropping the weight leads to untapped potential.


✅ Movement from the hands: The movement in the wrist roller exercise does not come from the arms but exclusively from the hands or wrists.


✅ Jerky execution of the exercise: The execution of the movement should be slow and controlled. Jerky movements should be avoided to fully exploit the potential of this fitness exercise.

Alternatives and similar exercises to Wrist Roller

The fitness exercise Wrist Roller may not be considered the traditional method for targeting this specific muscle group. However, if training with the Wrist Roller seems unfamiliar to you, you don't have to forgo targeted forearm strengthening. There are various alternatives to the Wrist Roller.


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