Home / Fitness exercises / Walking Lunges / Legs / High Knee Walking Lunges

High knee walking lunges

The High Knee Walking Lunges provide a way to train your legs. Alternatively, you can incorporate classic lunges or jumping lunges into your workouts.

Body position

Initiate the High Knee Walking Lunges in an upright position. Your legs are at a distance equal to the width of your hips, and your arms hang alongside your body. Ensure that your upper body is straight and maintain a natural arch in the lower part of your back. Keep your gaze forward while engaging your abdominal muscles.

Movement execution

Commence the High Knee Walking Lunges by taking a forward lunge. The distance should be chosen to create a right angle between the upper and lower legs. It's crucial that the front knee does not extend beyond the foot to avoid injuries. The back knee moves toward the ground but does not touch it. Optionally, you can move your arms to make the motion more dynamic. The upper body remains upright, and the gaze stays forward. Subsequently, push yourself up through the heel of the front foot. Bring the back leg forward, draw the knee toward the chest, and maintain an upright upper body while the formerly front leg is almost fully extended. To perform the motion without interruption, bring the leg that is in the air forward to return to the starting position. Now, repeat the exercise with the other side of your body.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Additional information regarding the targeted muscles and frequent misunderstandings related to the High Knee Walking Lunges exercise is available on the Walking Lunges / Walking Lunges in Gait page of the website.

Alternative variants to high knee walking lunges

To add more variety to your workout, you can also engage in similar exercises or explore further variations of the High Knee Walking Lunges exercise.


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