Home / Fitness exercises / Abs / trunk-rotation-cable-pulling


The rotation of the torso is a popular training method that can strengthen the lateral abdominal muscles. In the following section, we explore various variations of torso rotation on the cable pull. For instance, there are different standing and sitting options available for your training routine. Simultaneously, there is the option to perform the movement in different ways.


For those who do not want to train with the cable pull, it is possible to integrate torso rotation into the training plan using a barbell or a twist machine.


Torso rotation is also known as Wood Chops or wood chopping exercise. In the English-speaking world, fitness enthusiasts refer to this abdominal exercise as Cable Twist. In the following text, you will learn everything important about the target muscles and the execution of the various torso rotation variations on the cable.

Muscles stressed during cable trunk rotation

Regarding the muscles targeted in cable pull torso rotation, this fitness exercise focuses on training the oblique abdominal muscles (musculus obliquus abdominis). Simultaneously, the rectus abdominis muscles are also activated. Additionally, the pyramidal muscle (musculus pyramidalis) receives a targeted stimulus through this exercise.

Torso rotation laterally downwards

The movement can also be executed laterally downward. With the information from the following section, you select the appropriate body position and perform the movement professionally.


Body position

To perform the lateral trunk rotation downward, position yourself upright in front of the cable pull. The rope is attached to the upper block, and you hold the short bar in both hands. Bend your legs slightly to protect the knee joints. The upper body remains upright, the gaze is forward, and the abdominal muscles are tense.


Execution of the Movement

The variation of trunk rotation begins by pulling the rope down on one side of your body. The arms remain almost fully extended and are guided directly alongside your body. At the same time, you slightly twist the upper body to the respective side. Breathe out during this movement. The legs remain still. Inhale as you return to the starting position. Now repeat the same movement for the other side.

Torso rotation diagonally downwards

Additionally, there is the option to perform the trunk rotation also inclined downward. Anyone looking to incorporate this variation into their training plan will find all the relevant information in the following section.


Body position

Position yourself in front of the cable pull and direct your gaze in that direction. The rope is attached to the upper block. Take a lunge with almost fully extended legs to ensure stability in your body. Your arms grip the rope and are almost fully extended. The upper body is in the starting position turned to the side where the rope is located, allowing you to rotate the upper body laterally afterward. Keep your back straight, while the abdominal muscles are already tense.


Execution of the Movement

Start the inclined trunk rotation downward by pulling the rope forward. Your arms remain in a natural extension of the cable at the cable pull. Simultaneously, twist the upper body forward, and your gaze follows the rope. The hands with the rope pull forward towards the ground and remain almost fully extended. Breathe out during this movement and bend your knees. Now return to the starting position while inhaling.

Torso rotation diagonally upwards

A diverse arm movement allows for a flexible implementation of torso rotation variations. For instance, you can perform an inclined upward motion using the cable pull. Here, you will find essential information about body positioning and the proper execution of the movement.


Body position

To execute the lateral torso rotation upwards, position yourself sideways to the cable pull. Your body is aligned with the cable pull. Choose the distance so that your arms diagonally point downward, extending the cable pull rope. It is attached to the lower block. Maintain approximately a 45-degree angle with your arms to the floor. Take a lunge with bent knees. Your upper body is inclined forward, and your gaze is directed towards the rope.


Execution of the Movement

Initiate the inclined torso rotation upwards by pulling the rope over your shoulder. Keep your arms extended, forming a natural extension of the rope. Maintain the weight at all times to sustain tension. Initially, train one side of your body. During the pulling motion, rotate your upper body in that direction. Subsequently, it is turned to the side. Extend your legs further to utilize the full length of your body. Follow the rope's movement with your gaze. Exhale during the upward motion. Then return the rope to the starting position while inhaling deeply, preparing for the next repetition.

Cable twist in front of the chest while sitting

Those who want to train torso rotation with the cable pull while seated have various options - either on a weight bench or on the floor.


Body position

For the seated torso rotation with the cable pull, sit on the assembled weight bench or on the floor. The cable pull is positioned beside you. Grip the end of the rope at chest height. In the starting position, your upper body and gaze face the cable pull. Keep your back upright, and your feet are firmly on the ground. In the floor variation, spread your legs wide apart.


Execution of the Movement

Commence the seated torso rotation on the bench by twisting your upper body. Your arms remain almost fully extended in front of your body. Ensure that your lower body remains immobile; only your upper body moves. Exhale during this pulling motion. Then return to the starting position and inhale deeply.


Seated Cable Twist on the Bench

Start the seated torso rotation on the floor by turning your upper body. Move the cable pull rope to the other side of your body with almost fully extended arms. The movement is exclusively performed with the upper body. Exhale as you pull the rope to the opposite side. Now return to the starting position, inhaling and maintaining tension on the rope.

Cable twist in front of the chest while standing

The classic variation of cable torso rotation is the exercise Cable Twist in front of the chest while standing. Here, you will find all the essential information about body positioning and the execution of the movement.


Body position

Start by standing sideways to the cable pull and directing your gaze in that direction. Turn your chest towards the cable attachment. It should be at chest height. Your legs are slightly spread outward so that your upper body is already slightly rotated in the starting position. Hold the grip firmly with both hands. Your arms are almost fully extended. Now, engage your abdominal muscles to begin the movement.


Execution of the Movement

Initiate the exercise by turning your upper body to the side. Your arms remain extended in front of your chest throughout the movement. The entire upper body rotates to the side, while the legs remain stationary. Execute the movement as far as it feels comfortable for your upper body. Also, maintain tension in the abdominal muscles throughout the exercise. Exhale during the movement. Now return to the starting position while inhaling deeply. However, ensure that you never release the weight during the exercise.

Common Cable Twist Mistakes

Unfortunately, things don't always go smoothly during training with the Cable Twist. Here is an overview of the most common mistakes and tips on how to perform the exercise without errors.


✅  Excessive Speed: The torso rotation should always be done at a moderate pace. Be mindful of avoiding abrupt movements.


✅  Head Movement: The head should always form a natural extension of the spine. Note that you should not move your head to the sides. Instead, your gaze should consistently follow the hands with the rope.


✅  Swinging from the Entire Body: The movement results from a controlled rotation of your upper body. Avoid getting momentum from the rest of your body.


✅  Bent Arms: During execution, your arms should almost always be fully extended. Avoid bending the arms, as this diminishes the effectiveness of the workout for the abdominal muscles.


✅  Setting Down the Weight: The weight should not be set down during the entire exercise. Tension in the muscles should be maintained throughout.


✅  Excessive Weight: Many athletes choose too much weight. It's better to opt for a moderate weight and perform the movement correctly to avoid compensation with other muscle groups.

Alternatives and similar exercises to rotation on the cable

The exercise for torso rotation enjoys great popularity when it comes to strengthening the lateral abdominal muscles. Nevertheless, it is not mandatory to exclusively train them using the cable pull. In the following section, various alternatives are presented that contribute equally to strengthening the lateral abdominal muscles or stimulating other areas of the abdominal musculature using the cable pull.


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