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SZ-Curls represent a training method that is particularly effective for strengthening the muscles of the upper arms. In contrast to the widely known Scott Curls, which are frequently included in training plans, this bicep exercise extensively focuses on SZ-Curls in a standing position and SZ-Curls while sitting without the use of a Scott bench. The following contribution provides comprehensive information on these variations and presents different grips, all serving the purpose of training your biceps. SZ-Curls are preferred by beginners for being particularly gentle on the joints. However, advanced athletes can also benefit from the advantages of these exercises in upper arm training.

Muscles stressed during SZ curls

The muscles targeted by SZ-Curls are primarily the biceps (musculus biceps brachii), with the arm flexor (musculus brachialis) also playing a central role. Additionally, the radial forearm muscle (musculus brachioradialis), pronator teres muscle (musculus pronator teres), and finger flexors (musculus flexor digitorum) are activated in a supportive manner. A narrow grip initially focuses on strengthening the biceps, especially the long head. In the wide grip variant, the emphasis is also on the musculature of the forearm.

Standing SZ curls

Many athletes prefer the standing version of SZ-Curls. This exercise can also be performed as SZ-Curls with a reverse grip. If the movement seems too challenging, the bicep isolator can serve as helpful support. Additional information on body position and execution can be found in the following section.


Body position

For standing SZ-Curls, stand upright with your legs hip-width apart. To protect the lower back, maintain a slight arch. Keep your gaze forward while holding the SZ-bar with an underhand grip. The grip width varies depending on the exercise focus; you can choose between a regular, narrow, or wide grip. Correct grip technique is crucial to avoid joint damage. Further details can be found in the concluding section of this article.


Movement execution

Begin with SZ-Curls using a narrow grip, holding the SZ-bar closer than your shoulders. This helps beginners keep their elbows close to the body, with a heightened focus on the bicep muscles. Exhale as you bend both forearms upward until they are close to your chest. Return to the starting position while inhaling deeply.


SZ-Curls with Narrow Grip in Standing Position

With a regular grip, grasp the SZ-bar at shoulder width. Lift the forearms upward, keeping the upper arm and elbow directly beside the body. Exhale during the upward motion. Lower the forearms while inhaling, maintaining continuous tension in the muscles without fully extending the arms.


Classic SZ-Curls in Standing Position

Alternatively, SZ-Curls can be performed with a wide grip. Grasp the SZ-bar much wider than your shoulders. This complicates the execution, as the elbows won't automatically remain immobile. Lift both forearms upward over the elbow joint, keeping the upper arms stable. Exhale during this phase. Return to the starting position at a moderate pace, inhale, and prepare for the next repetition. The arms are almost fully extended in the end position.

Seated SZ curls

Another option is incorporating seated SZ-Curls into your training plan. However, these are expressly not the well-known Scott-Curls, where a Scott bench is used. For added variety, these exercises can be easily modified into concentration curls with the SZ-bar. The next section focuses on the body position and execution during seated SZ-Curls.


Body position

For seated SZ-Curls, you only need a weight bench or another seating option and the SZ-bar. Sit at the end of the weight bench with your legs spread outward and feet firmly on the ground. Keep your back upright with a slight arch while looking forward. Grip the SZ-bar with an underhand grip and place it on your thighs at the beginning. Keep your upper arms and elbows close to your body.


Movement execution

Begin seated SZ-Curls by tensing your muscles. Then, bend the forearms upward over the elbow joint, with minimal movement in the upper arms and elbows. Exhale during the upward motion, and finish when the SZ-bar is in front of your chest. Inhale and return to the starting position, maintaining continuous tension in the arm muscles without resting the SZ-bar on your legs.

Common mistakes with SZ curls

To conclude, we'll highlight typical errors that frequently occur during the execution of SZ-Curls. Pay attention to avoid these, ensuring optimal training effects for biceps and others.


✅  Body Movement: It is crucial not to allow unnecessary body movement during SZ-Curls. Some athletes have a tendency to lean forward when lifting the SZ-bar upward. In the standing variation, however, the legs and upper body should consistently remain in a straight line.


✅  Raising Shoulders: Additionally, be mindful not to lift the shoulders. Doing so would decrease the strain on the biceps muscles and diminish the effectiveness of the workout.


✅  Fully Extended Arms: It is also crucial to avoid fully extending the arms. This action would unnecessarily stress the elbow joints. Throughout the entire motion, tension in the arm muscles should always be maintained.


✅  Keeping Elbows Together: Many athletes make the mistake of spreading their elbows apart. However, the elbows should always stay close to the upper body.

Alternatives and similar exercises to SZ curls

There are numerous fitness exercises that can help strengthen your upper arm muscles. The following section introduces various variations to ensure that your muscle-building and weight loss training never becomes monotonous.


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