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Sumo squats on the multi press

Furthermore, the multipress allows for Sumo Squats training, also known as Smith Machine Sumo Squats. This variation closely resembles the traditional barbell execution, with the difference being that the barbell is guided within the multipress, which limits your range of motion.

Body position

You position yourself in the center of the multipress with a stance much wider than your shoulders, and your feet slightly pointing outward. You grip the barbell outside of your shoulders. Your legs are nearly fully extended, your upper body is upright, and your lower back maintains a natural arch. Keep your gaze forward and engage your abdominal muscles. Gently push the barbell upward to release it from the anchor.

Movement execution

The execution of Sumo Squats on the multipress begins with the bending of both legs and the shifting of your buttocks backward. Inhale during or before the downward movement and ensure that your back remains in a straight position. Carry out this movement as far as possible. Due to the restricted range of motion in the multipress, your upper body naturally leans slightly forward. However, it is crucial to continue protecting your lower back with a natural arch in your spine. Exhale afterward and press your body back up through your heels. Your buttocks realign with the rest of your body, and your legs are nearly fully extended in the starting position.


When training with light weights, you can consciously inhale during the descent. With heavier weights, it is recommended to take a deep breath before the descent to create pressure in the abdominal cavity and establish stability for execution.


Some athletes argue that it's ideal for your thighs to be parallel to the ground, while others believe that the hips should be below the knees. Due to individual variations, there is no fixed rule here. Occasionally, it's also argued that the knees should not extend beyond the toes. This, too, is not set in stone and should be decided based on your own anatomy. Find your own perfect variation.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

For more insights into the activated muscles and common errors in the Sumo Squats on the Smith Machine, visit the dedicated Sumo Squats page.

Alternative variants to sumo squats on the multi press

To add variety to your workout, you can also try similar exercises or other variations of Sumo Squats on the leg press machine.


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