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Standing calf raises on the multi press

If the conventional calf raise machine is not available at the gym, the leg press machine offers an interesting alternative. In addition to seated calf raises on the leg press machine, athletes here also have the opportunity to specifically strengthen their lower legs while standing.

Body position

For standing calf raises on the leg press machine, position yourself in the middle of the machine, with your feet about hip-width apart. Hold a barbell with your arms almost fully extended in front of your body with an overhand grip. The grip should be slightly outside your shoulders. Your legs are almost fully extended, and your upper body remains upright. Your head forms a natural extension of your spine, and your gaze is forward. Maintaining a slight arch in the lower back can protect your spine. Lift the barbell slightly to release it from the anchoring point and then begin with the standing calf raises on the leg press machine. The barbell is now at the level of your thighs.

Alternatively, you can place the barbell on your shoulders and use an aerobic step or calf block. Grasp the barbell shoulder-width apart and place it on the trapeze. The front part of your feet is on the elevation, while your heels are already in the air.

For a varied training stimulus, it is also possible to perform one-sided standing calf raises on the leg press machine. Place the barbell on your shoulder again. One leg remains firmly on the ground while you bend the other leg backward.

Using a footrest can increase the training intensity. For those looking to expand the range of motion for their heels, they can use it in every variant of standing calf raises on the leg press machine.

Movement execution

During standing calf raises on the leg press machine, push your heels upward while exhaling. Perform this movement as far as possible. The rest of your body remains in the same position. Then lower your heels to just above the ground while taking a deep breath and preparing for the next repetition.


In this version, you start by pushing your heels upward while exhaling. The upward movement is carried out as far as possible. The entire body, along with the barbell, moves automatically upward, even though the motion originates solely from the feet. Subsequently, as you inhale, you lower your heels. To create a more intense training stimulus, you should aim to bring your heels below the initial level using the elevation.


For the one-legged standing calf raise on the leg press, you initiate the movement by raising the heel of your supporting leg into the air. Execute this motion as extensively as possible without altering your overall body posture. Pushing the calf upward over the heel propels the barbell automatically upward within the guiding rail. Afterwards, you lower the heel but pause just above the ground while consciously taking a breath.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

You can find additional information about the engaged muscles and common errors in the exercise "Standing Calf Raises on the Leg Press" on the "Standing Calf Raises on the Leg Press" page.

Alternative variants to calf raises standing on the multi press

To diversify your training, you can also turn to similar exercises or further variations of the standing calf raises on the leg press.


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