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Squats without weight / air squat

Sky Squats are a contemporary variation of the classic squats that you perform entirely without any additional weight. This variation is, therefore, ideal for home workouts. To add variety to the exercise, you can try it in different single-leg or double-leg variations. Sky Squats without weight are particularly suitable for beginners who want to learn the basic movements and prepare for squats with weights.


By the way, there are numerous other squat variations that can be performed exclusively with your body weight. These include, for example, Crate Squats, Tango Squats, Single-Leg Squats, Tango Squats, Bulldozer Squats, or Leap Squats.


Muscles Engaged in Squats without Weight When performing squats without weight, you engage the classic target muscles of squats. These primarily include the quadriceps femoris, the gluteus maximus, and the biceps femoris. Additionally, the erector spinae and the adductor muscles receive stimulus during the movement.


Execution of Sky Squats Sky Squats represent a modern variation of squats. To master the exercise successfully, you'll find all the relevant information on body position and execution below.

Body position

Initiate Sky Squats without weight by standing upright. Your legs are hip-width apart and almost fully extended. Keep your back upright, with the lower part forming a natural arch. Extend your arms straight forward, parallel to the ground. Focus your gaze forward. Now, tighten your abdominal muscles to begin the Sky Squats.

Movement execution

Commence Sky Squats by lowering your buttocks and bending your legs, similar to sitting in a chair. Execute the movement as deeply as possible. Inhale as you lower, maintaining the lower back in a natural arch. Subsequently, push the upper body upward over the heels by almost fully extending the legs. Your buttocks return to a line with the upper body. The back remains unchanged, and the power and movement come exclusively from the legs.


Some athletes argue that it's optimal when your thighs hover parallel to the ground during the exercise, while others believe that the hips should be lower than the knees. Since anatomical conditions vary, there are no strict rules here. It's often claimed that the knees should not extend beyond the toes, but this also varies individually and should be decided based on personal anatomy. Find the perfect variant for you.


For additional details on correct execution, refer to the next section on common mistakes.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Despite the perceived simplicity of performing Sky Squats, mistakes often occur. In the following, the most common errors are highlighted, along with tips on how to effectively avoid them.


✅ Back rounding: In Sky Squats, it is crucial to keep the back consistently stable. Avoid any curvature and instead maintain a natural arch in the lower back.

✅ Lack of body tension: Sustained body tension is crucial for successful Sky Squats. Ensure to engage both your legs and abdominal muscles.


✅ Unstable knees: The legs should be straight and stable. It is frequently observed that the knees deviate inward or outward. Pay attention to executing the movement precisely, keeping the knees always directed towards the toes.

Alternatives and similar exercises to squats without weight

Weightless squats provide an optimal entry point into the realm of squat exercises. In the following section, various alternatives are introduced that are equally suitable for leg training.


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