Squat jump

The exercise Squat Jump is an active variation of squats, which is particularly effective for targeted training of the abdomen, legs, and buttocks. This fitness exercise requires no special training equipment and can be easily performed at home. Additionally, Squat Jumps are also known as Frog Jumps; however, they should not be confused with Jumping Jacks or Squat Jacks, as these are entirely different fitness exercises. If you want to incorporate this jump-focused squat variation into your training program, you will find all relevant information here.


Engaged muscles in Squat Jumps In Squat Jumps, you combine a squat with a jump to strengthen not only the typical target muscles but also your jumping power. The primary muscles engaged are the quadriceps femoris, biceps femoris, and gluteus maximus. The erector spinae and abdominal muscles are trained to a lesser extent.


Execution of Squat Jumps Squat Jumps are a straightforward squat exercise that fitness enthusiasts can perform in any training phase. To successfully complete the exercise, here are important details about the optimal body position and execution.

Body position

Start in a starting position with feet hip-width apart, toes slightly turned outward, and the weight on the heels. Bend the knees by pushing the buttocks backward, ensuring the buttocks are lower than the knees. Keep your gaze forward, hands touching in front of the body, and maintain an upright back with a natural arch. You are now in a slight squat with tense muscles, ready for Squat Jumps.

Movement execution

To begin Squat Jumps, explosively push the body off the ground with your feet and jump into the air, powerfully extending the entire body. Keep the back upright, forming a rigid line with the legs. Vigorously extend your arms to the sides while exhaling. Alternatively, you can stretch your arms upward or swing them backward, depending on your preference. Land back on your feet and smoothly return to the starting position by pushing the buttocks backward and bending the legs. Inhale deeply during this downward movement.


Ensure to maintain continuous tension in the body during Squat Jumps. The movement is dynamic, and each repetition should seamlessly transition into the next. Only with sufficient muscle tension and a smooth movement pattern can you fully exploit the potential of Squat Jumps.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Often, one observes athletes in the gym incorrectly performing jump squats. However, with these pieces of advice, the most frequently occurring errors can be avoided.


✅ Curvature in the upper part of the body: During the execution of jump squats, the back should always be straight or slightly inclined in a hollow arch. Avoid curving the back in any phase of the exercise.


✅ Feet not aligned outward: The feet should neither point inward nor straight forward. Instead, it is advisable to position the feet slightly outward to explosively jump in the air during jump squats.


✅ Buttocks above the knee joints: In the deepest phase of the exercise, the buttocks should be below the knee joints. Accordingly, you should push and lower your buttocks backward until it is beneath your knees.


✅ Lack of body tension: Continuous body tension is crucial for effective jump squats. During the upward jump, you should keep the entire body under tension.

Alternatives and similar exercises to squat jumps

Additionally, there are alternatives in fitness training that incorporate elements of jumping and are also well-suited for home workouts. In the following section, three similar exercises for dynamic training are presented.


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