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side plank crunches

Plank Crunches refer to all fitness exercises performed as crunches in a side plank position. In the following article, we will discuss three common side plank crunch variations, along with regular plank crunch variations. The Spiderman Plank is particularly popular in this category.


Often, athletes also refer to side plank crunches as side sit-ups, although they are a distinct fitness exercise.


In a dedicated plank article, I have compiled a variety of options for you in a clear manner. Plank exercises provide an exciting alternative to complement the abdominal muscle training plan. The exercises described in the following article are suitable for beginners, intermediates, and advanced individuals alike.

Muscles stressed during side plank crunches

Side Plank Crunches primarily focus on training your oblique abdominal muscles. Additionally, you engage muscle groups that support the specific movement, namely the rectus abdominis and pyramidalis muscles.

Elbow to knee side plank

An adaptation of the classic Side Plank Crunches is the Elbow to Knee Side Planks. As the name suggests, you move your elbow toward your knee, sharing strong similarities with the Criss-Cross or Bicycle Crunches. The precise execution of the exercise is detailed in the following section.


Body Position

Start by lying on your side on the floor. Your body weight rests on one forearm and your feet, with both legs stacked directly on top of each other. Your entire body should form a straight line, and your head is a natural extension of the spine. The other hand is positioned behind your head. Lift your body off the ground to begin the Elbow to Knee Side Planks.



In the typical variation, extend the leg that is on top diagonally upward in front of your body. Simultaneously, draw the knee toward the elbow, bringing your head and elbow toward the knee. Turn your head and gaze slightly downward. After a brief pause, return to the extended starting position.



Experiment with how closely you can bring your elbows/head and knees together in this exercise. The more you curl up, the greater the impact on your training.


In the alternative version, move the elbow only slightly toward the leg. As you draw the knee upward to meet the arm, exhale. It is crucial to maintain a straight line in your body during this movement; the leg should not deviate forward or backward. Afterward, return the leg and arm to the starting position, where both legs are extended and stacked on top of each other. Once you've completed the desired number of repetitions on one side, switch to the other side.

Classic side plank crunches

Classic Side Plank Crunches are often confused with lateral hip raises, which are entirely different exercises. The following section provides tips on the correct body position and optimal execution for two different variations of Classic Side Plank Crunches.


Body Position

Begin by lying on one side on the floor, supporting yourself with your forearm so that your body forms a slanted line. Legs and feet are directly on top of each other, creating a straight line throughout your entire body. Your head naturally extends the spine. In this variation, the upper arm is positioned at your body's side for optimal execution. You are now ready to perform Classic Side Plank Crunches.




Flexibility is essential for successfully completing this exercise. The perfect execution is typically achieved by very few individuals, but gradual improvement is sufficient.


Commence the exercise by stretching your arm vertically upward and replicating the same motion with your leg. Ideally, your leg is vertical in the air, and you touch your toes with your hand. However, perform the movement only as far as it feels comfortable for your body. Return to the starting position at a moderate pace.

Common mistakes with side plank crunches

Side plank crunches are ideal for home workouts and suitable for beginners, as the execution is simple and requires no additional equipment. Nevertheless, certain mistakes tend to occur, which are best avoided.


✅ Body is curved: A common error involves curving the body. The entire body should maintain a straight line from feet to head.


✅ Movement executed too quickly: Simultaneously, it is advisable to perform the movement at a moderate pace to compensate for potential weaknesses. Otherwise, there is always the risk of incorrect execution.

Alternatives and similar exercises to the side plank crunches

The exercise known as Side Plank Crunches combines elements of both the plank and crunch exercises. Within both categories, there are numerous fitness routines that share similarities with Side Plank Crunches in terms of target muscles and movement patterns.


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