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Side leg raises

In the case of lateral leg lifts, there are various variations that will be examined in more detail in this article. This exercise can be performed in a lying, standing, or arm-supported position. The fitness exercise, also known as Abductors Leg Lift or Lying Hip Abduction, specifically targets the abductors. Additionally, the exercise is suitable for improving hip flexibility, enhancing your range of motion.

Despite the popularity of different leg training variations, confusion often arises. In particular, the Fire Hydrant exercise and the lying leg lift for the abdomen can be a source of confusion.

Muscles stressed during side leg raises

Lateral leg lifting is an isolated exercise primarily strengthening the abductors for fitness enthusiasts. The focus is on the middle gluteal muscle, the musculus gluteus medius. In the case of leg lifting with arm support, the muscles of the lateral abdomen and trunk are simultaneously strengthened.

Side leg raises while standing

Body position

To perform lateral leg lifts in a standing position, start by standing upright. Cross your leg, which you want to train, to the side of the other foot. Keep your back upright but slightly inclined with a slight arch. One hand can serve as support against a wall, the handle of a weight bench, or other devices. Position the hand on the side of the trained leg for maximum stability at the hip. Look forward and tighten your abdominal muscles to begin with the lateral leg lifts in a standing position.


Movement execution

Initiate the lateral leg lift in a standing position by lifting the leg to the side. Execute this movement as far as possible. Physical conditions regarding the range of motion can vary significantly, making precise details difficult. Exhale as you lift the leg, keeping the rest of the body still. Then, in a controlled, slow motion, return the leg to the starting position. Inhale and halt the movement before the leg touches the ground. After completing the desired repetitions, switch to the other side.

Side leg raises while lying down

The horizontal execution is the preferred variation when it comes to the diverse possibilities of abductor leg lifts. With a slight variation of this exercise, you can train the antagonistic muscle and perform lateral leg lifts as a stretching exercise.


Body Position

For lateral leg lifts while lying down, position yourself on the side on the floor. Various options are available for your arms. You can either stretch the lower arm in front of you or use it as support for your head. The upper arm serves as support in front of you to ensure additional stability in the body. You can slightly bend the lower leg - but only at a maximum angle of 90 degrees to maintain the lateral position statically. In contrast, you should fully extend the upper leg and possibly pull the tips of your toes towards your body to protect the knee joint. If you want to increase the intensity of lateral leg lifts while lying down with a Theraband, fully extend both legs and wrap the Theraband around them, approximately at the level of the knee joints.


Movement Execution

To start lateral leg lifts while lying down, exhale and slowly lift the extended upper leg. Perform this movement as far as possible. Once at the top, hold the tension briefly before inhaling and lowering the leg in a controlled manner. The leg should not rest completely on the floor but remain slightly elevated to start directly with the next repetition. Then switch to the other side.

Leg raises with the armrest

Raising the leg with arm support presents a challenge as it engages not only the abductors but also activates the lateral abdominal muscles.


Body Position

Start by lying on your side. Stack your legs directly on top of each other. Legs, back, and head form a straight line. Place the hand of the lower arm under your shoulder and press your body upward. Now, only the lower foot and hand touch the ground. The upper arm can be propped against the hip for added stability and balance.


Movement Execution

For leg lifts with arm support, exhale as you lift the upper leg. Extend the movement as far as possible, focusing on stability throughout your entire body. Hold this position for a few seconds or as long as possible. Return to the ground, take a short pause, and repeat the movement.


Alternatively, you can perform the lateral leg lift with arm support in a continuous motion by continuously moving the leg up and down. Do not rest the upper leg on the lower leg; instead, stop just short of it to proceed directly to the next repetition. Only after that, lie down in reverse to train the other side.

Common mistakes when lifting legs to the side

Lateral leg lifts are a popular exercise for strengthening the abductors. The following tips help you execute the movement correctly and harness the full potential of the exercise.


✅  Excessive body movement: Keep the body still throughout the entire exercise. The leg lift movement occurs exclusively with the leg being trained.


✅  Dropping the leg: Many athletes simply drop the leg and focus more on the upward movement. However, it is important to pay attention to a controlled execution during the return of the leg at a moderate pace and possibly not lowering the leg entirely during the set.

Alternatives and similar exercises to side leg raises

The lateral leg raise exercise is widely popular for strengthening the muscles of the abductors. In the following section, you will find an overview of alternative exercises commonly practiced in the gym.


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