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Shrugs / shrugs / neck pulls

Shrugs are a popular fitness exercise for training the neck muscles and upper back. However, many experts are not fond of incorporating shoulder shrugs into the workout routine. According to them, shrugs can compromise your posture and shorten the upper trapezius muscles. Critics, therefore, point to alternatives that you will also get to know in this post. Nevertheless, every athlete must try and decide for themselves whether shrugs contribute to muscle building. After all, there are also some athletes who love the exercise and can perform it without any complaints.


If you opt for training with shrugs, you have a plethora of choices. There are numerous variations on how to perform this exercise. In the following, you will learn, for example, how to do shrugs with a barbell, dumbbells, cable pull, multipress, shrug machine, or using resistance bands. Additionally, you can introduce variety by doing them standing, sitting, in front of, or behind the body.


In German, shrugs are translated as "Nackenziehen" or "Nackenheben." Beginners, intermediates, and professionals alike rely on shrugs to develop the coveted "sternocleidomastoid" muscles.

Muscles stressed during shrugs

With this fitness exercise, you can specifically strengthen your back, focusing on the upper fibers of the trapezius muscle (musculus trapezius pars descendens) and the so-called shoulder blade lifter (musculus levator scapulae). Despite the numerous variations, you essentially target these two muscle groups – each with a different emphasis.

Shrugs with the Theraband

If you're looking for an exercise to include in your home workout routine, Shrugs with the Theraband are an excellent choice. Here's more information on body positioning and execution.


Body Position

For Shrugs with the Theraband, stand upright with your legs hip-width apart, and keep your upper body straight. Hold one end of the Theraband in each hand.



Slowly pull the Theraband upward while exhaling, lifting your shoulders. Keep your arms almost fully extended throughout the movement. At the top, hold the tension briefly, and lower the Theraband back down while inhaling.

Shrugs at the multi-press

Shrugs on the Smith Machine share strong similarities with Shrugs using a barbell. Once again, you can perform the exercise in front of or behind your body. Get more details on body positioning and execution here.


Body Position

For Shrugs on the Smith Machine, position yourself in the middle of the apparatus. Grip the barbell in front of your body with an overhand grip. Alternatively, you can grip the barbell behind your back. Your arms are almost fully extended, with only a slight bend in the elbows. Look forward and get ready to begin Shrugs on the Smith Machine.



On the Smith Machine, the barbell is guided in a track. While exhaling, lift the barbell slightly upward in front of your body by raising your shoulders. Return to the starting position while inhaling, but your arms are never fully extended.


In this variation of Shrugs on the Smith Machine, hold the barbell behind your back. The Smith Machine's track assists you in the movement. Pull the barbell upward using your shoulder muscles while exhaling. Return to the starting position with the barbell while inhaling.

Shrugs on the cable pull

Also popular for your fitness training are Shrugs on the Cable Machine. The cable machine is particularly joint-friendly compared to training with dumbbells. With the following tips on body positioning and execution, you can perform Shrugs on the Cable Machine seamlessly.


Body Position

Stand upright in front of the cable machine with the weight attached to the lower connection point. Use a grip of your choice, holding it in an overhand grip. Engage your entire body, direct your gaze forward, and slightly pull your shoulders back.



While exhaling, pull the handle slightly upward. The strength comes exclusively from your shoulders and neck. Keep your arms and upper body rigid. After a brief hold in the end position, lower the weight while inhaling.

Shrugs on the shrug device

In some fitness studios, you'll find special machines for the Shrug exercise. With the Shrug Machine, you can also strengthen your neck muscles. Learn more about body positioning and execution for Shoulder Shrugs on the Shrug Machine here.


Body Position

Stand in front of the Shrug Machine with your legs shoulder-width apart, and keep your upper body straight. Direct your gaze forward and grab the handles of the machine with both hands. Tighten your muscles and pull your shoulders slightly back.



While exhaling, pull the handles upward. Ensure that your arms stay close to your body, and keep your body upright. Utilize the range of motion of your shoulders. Then pause and return to the starting position while inhaling. Keep your elbows slightly bent throughout.

Shrugs with the barbell

You can also incorporate Barbell Shrugs into your training. This exercise can be performed both in front and behind the body. When performing Barbell Shrugs, you also target the upper part of your back. Here's more information on body positioning and execution.


Body Position

In Barbell Shrugs, stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Your knees are slightly bent. Keep your upper body straight, and direct your gaze forward. Grab the barbell with an overhand grip. Depending on the variation, you can grasp the barbell in front or behind your body.



The execution is straightforward for front Barbell Shrugs. Hold the barbell with an overhand grip and lift it upward with your shoulders. Keep your arms close to your body and exhale during this movement. Then, lower the barbell while taking a deep breath.


Barbell Shrugs in Front

For Barbell Shrugs behind the back, grip the barbell shoulder-width. While exhaling, lift the barbell slightly upward behind your body. Keep your arms almost fully extended, and ensure your upper body remains stationary. The force should come solely from your shoulders and neck.

Shrugs with dumbbells

Dumbbell Shrugs are a classic exercise known to every fitness enthusiast. There are slight variations when performing Dumbbell Shrugs. The following section provides details on the correct body position and execution.


Body Position

Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab two dumbbells in a neutral grip. Keep your lower back straight, pull your shoulders slightly back and together. Your head is in a natural extension of your spine, and your gaze is forward. These exercises can also be done sitting, ensuring a straight back and proper head posture.



For the classic standing variation, slowly lift your shoulder blades upward to raise the dumbbells. The arms remain in a consistently slightly bent position. Exhale as you lift the dumbbells, hold the weight briefly, and lower them while inhaling.


Standing Dumbbell Shrugs

For seated forward Dumbbell Shrugs, sit on an incline bench with a straight back, and slightly pull your shoulders back. Lift the dumbbells upward with an exhale, keeping your arms stiff. Lower the dumbbells while inhaling.


Sitting Dumbbell Shrugs Forward

Another variation is seated backward Dumbbell Shrugs. Your chest presses against the incline bench, and your arms hold the dumbbells in a neutral grip facing downward. From the starting position, lift the dumbbells with your shoulders, holding briefly, and lower them.


Sitting Dumbbell Shrugs Backward

These exercises offer versatility and target different aspects of your upper body, allowing you to tailor your workout to your preferences and goals.

Common Shrug Mistakes

Shrugs should be performed correctly to avoid the risk of injuries. Here are tips on how to avoid the most common mistakes.


✅ Excessive Weight: Some athletes use too much weight, compromising the proper execution of the movement.


✅ Overextending the Neck: When lifting the shoulders, many athletes move their heads forward. However, in the case of the vulture neck, you risk injuries to the neck.


✅ Swinging with the Body: Your body should remain upright and in the same position. Those who use momentum with their arms and body risk neck injuries.

Alternatives and similar exercises to shrugs

Shrugs may not be universally popular among all athletes, often drawing criticism for shoulder lifting. If you're looking to train your neck muscles differently, here are some alternatives.


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