Home / Fitness exercises / Shoulder/shoulder press with the band

shoulder presses with theraband

Shoulder pressing is a fundamental exercise that enjoys great popularity in training. Many athletes prefer shoulder pressing with dumbbells. Nevertheless, there are appealing alternatives. For instance, shoulder pressing with a band provides an interesting option for home training. You can learn more about both variations, standing and sitting, in the following article.


Due to its straightforward execution and the joint-friendly properties of the flexible Theraband, this fitness exercise is particularly suitable for beginners' training plans.

Muscles stressed when doing shoulder presses with the Theraband

During shoulder pressing, the main focus is on the deltoid muscles. In addition to the lateral part of the deltoid muscle (musculus deltoideus pars acromialis), significance is also attributed to the posterior and anterior parts of the deltoid muscle (musculus deltoideus pars spinalis et clavicularis). The trapezius muscle (musculus trapezius) and the triceps (musculus triceps brachii) are supportive when performing shoulder pressing with the Theraband.

Standing shoulder press with the band

An alternative approach is to utilize the band while standing for shoulder pressing. Here, you'll discover all the essential details about body positioning and the execution of the standing Shoulder Press with the Theraband.


Body position

For the standing Shoulder Press, assume a lunge position. The front foot is placed in the middle of the band. Keep your upper body upright, and the lower back forms a slight curve. Grab the ends of the band with both hands. Your body is tense, and your gaze is directed forward.


Movement execution

Firstly, raise both arms to shoulder height. The upper arm and forearm should form almost a right angle. Your hands are positioned at head height. Exhale as you press the band upward. Pause briefly before returning to the starting position, taking a deep breath.


Shoulder press with the Theraband while sitting

A popular option is sitting and shoulder pressing with the Theraband. Here, you'll receive additional information about the correct body posture and optimal execution of the movement.


Body position

Begin by grabbing a chair or stool. Place the Theraband over the chair and sit in the middle of it. Your legs are positioned hip-width apart on the floor in front of you. Straighten your upper body, keeping the lower back slightly curved. Then, grab the ends of the Theraband and hold them firmly.


Movement execution

Start by lifting your arms until the upper arm and forearm form a right angle beside your body. Keep the Theraband taut. To initiate the shoulder press, exhale and extend your arms upward. Ensure that your elbows are not fully extended. Inhale as you return to the starting position.

Common Theraband Shoulder Press Mistakes

Shoulder pressing with the Theraband proves to be an ideal exercise for beginners. The movement sequences are easy to understand. Nonetheless, there are frequently made errors that should be avoided. In this context, I will explain how to circumvent the most commonly occurring mistakes during Theraband shoulder pressing.


✅ Excessively rapid lifting: Some athletes perform the upward movement in shoulder pressing too hastily. It is advisable, however, to move the band upward at a moderate pace.


✅ Creating a rounded back: Your back should be upright, and a slight hollow back is optimal. Forming a rounded back diminishes the effectiveness of the training and poses the risk of injuries.


✅ Fully extended elbows: Simultaneously, you should never fully extend your arms, as this increases the risk of injuries to the elbow joints.


✅ Using momentum from the body: Particularly in the standing variation, many athletes tend to use momentum from the body to lift the band upward. However, the body should remain in its position. The force should come exclusively from the shoulders and arms.

Alternatives and similar exercises to the shoulder press with the band

To make your muscle-building and weight loss training more diverse, it is advisable to diversify your workout plan. Here are some alternatives with which you can also target your deltoid muscles specifically.


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