Home / Fitness exercises / Seated Calf Raises / Legs / Calf Raise Machine (Seated)

Calf raise machine (seated)

Various options are available for performing seated calf raises. However, in this context, our focus is not on seated calf raises on the leg press but on the calf raise machine, which can be done both in a seated and standing position. Below, you will find comprehensive information regarding training with this exercise, known as "Seated Calf Raise" in English.

Body position

To initiate seated calf raises on the machine, take a seat on the device and ensure that your forefeet are securely placed on the footplate. Your upper and lower legs should be at approximately a right angle. The pad in front of you serves to stabilize your thighs by gently pressing against the lower part of your thighs. Maintain an upright back and let your head be a natural extension of your spine. A slight arch in the lower back can help further reduce the risk of injury. Keep your gaze forward and use your hands to grasp the handles in front of you to enhance your stability. The body position remains the same for the one-legged variation, where you place the forefoot of one side on the footplate while the other leg remains fully on the ground.

Movement execution

Commence the exercise by exhaling and raising your heels as high as possible, engaging your calf muscles. Your thighs will press against the pad during this motion. Carry out the movement to the fullest extent possible. Inhale as you lower your heels back down, and this descent should also cover the maximum possible range. The remainder of your body should remain steady and immobile throughout the exercise, as the movement is primarily executed by the heels and calf muscles.

During the one-legged calf raise on the machine, the exact same movement is performed.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

For additional information about the targeted muscles and common mistakes in the exercise "Seated Calf Raise on the Machine," please refer to the respective page.

Alternative variants to the calf raise machine (sitting)

To make your training more diverse, you also have access to similar exercises and additional variations of the "Seated Calf Raise on the Machine" exercise.


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