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Scott Curls / Preacher Curls

A popular method for strengthening the biceps is the execution of Scott Curls. Also known as Preacher Curls, this exercise requires the use of the so-called Scott Bench in your gym. Additionally, you have the option to perform Scott Curls with a barbell, dumbbell, EZ bar, biceps machine, or on the cable machine. Further information on these variations can be found in the following section.


The EZ bar is ideal for Preacher Curls. However, there are also other biceps exercises that can be done with the EZ bar, such as EZ Curls. For more versatility, you can integrate various exercises from the Scott Curls category into your training plan as reverse exercises.


Originally, Scott Curls originated in the United States and were named after the bodybuilder Larry Scott, who is considered one of the pioneers in strength training.



In the following section, different terms are used for the Scott Bench. Curl bench, curl stand, and biceps bench all mean the same thing. It refers to the bench on which your arms rest during Scott Curls.

Muscles stressed during Scott Curls

Scott Curls are a fitness exercise that primarily targets your biceps (Musculus biceps brachii). In addition, the brachialis muscle and supporting muscles such as the brachioradialis muscle, pronator teres muscle, and flexor carpii muscle are engaged, providing an intense muscle stimulus during training on the curl bench.

Scott curls with dumbbells

Training your biceps with dumbbells offers a variety of options, including Scott curls. This exercise, also known as preacher curls, requires the use of dumbbells. While there are generally more effective methods such as concentration curls, hammer curls, or other dumbbell curls to utilize dumbbells in bicep training, some athletes prefer training with dumbbells on the bicep bench. You can find more information on this in the following section.


Body Position

When performing Scott curls with dumbbells, you have various methods to effectively train your biceps. In some variations, you sit in front of the dumbbell bench, while in other exercises, you position yourself in front of the Scott bench or an incline bench. Regardless of the variation, your back should be upright and straight, as this also influences the height of the Scott bench. The padding should allow you to comfortably place your arms without curving your back. Keep your gaze forward, and the lower back should maintain a slight arch. Grip the dumbbells with an underhand or hammer grip to effectively perform preacher curls with dumbbells.


Execution of the Movement

In one-arm seated preacher curls with dumbbells, you train both sides of your body sequentially. Start the exercise by bending your forearm upward. In the end position, the forearm should be almost upright as you exhale. Return to the starting position where the arm is almost fully extended.

Scott curls with a dumbbell while sitting

Additionally, you can perform Scott curls one-arm standing on the curl bench. Stand upright with your legs apart in front of the bicep bench. Begin the exercise by exhaling and bending the dumbbell over the elbow joint. The movement should come solely from the forearm. Inhale as you return to the starting position, with the forearm pointing downward on the Scott bench.

Preacher curls with a dumbbell while standing

Furthermore, you can perform Scott curls one-arm standing on an incline bench. This exercise is suitable when a Scott bench is not available in your gym. Set the incline bench to an angle of 45-60 degrees. Ensure that your forearm can comfortably rest on the bench, and your back remains straight. Exhale as you bend the forearm upward and then return.

Preacher curls with a dumbbell while standing on an incline bench

Moreover, you can also perform Scott curls with dumbbells while sitting with both arms. Bend both arms with the dumbbells in an underhand grip upward until they are almost vertical. Keep the elbows and upper arms stationary. Exhale during the upward movement. Then lower the dumbbells and inhale.

Preacher curls with dumbbells parallel while sitting

Alternatively, you can perform preacher curls in a hammer grip. Once again, place your arms on the padding of the bicep bench while holding the dumbbells in a hammer grip. Bend the forearms upward, exhaling. Then return in the opposite direction.

Preacher curls with the barbell

The ideal execution of preacher curls on the Scott bench is done with the EZ bar. Alternatively, you can also perform this exercise with a barbell. The barbell is also a popular training tool to incorporate various barbell curls into your workout plan.


Body Position

During preacher curls with the barbell, sit upright on the bicep bench, allowing your arms to comfortably rest on the padding. Your legs should stand firmly on the ground, providing the necessary stability. The back should be straight, with the lower back forming a slight arch. Keep your gaze forward while holding the barbell with almost fully extended arms in front of you on the padding. The forearms and elbows should be completely supported.


Execution of the Movement

Begin the movement by lifting your forearms upward. The movement occurs solely at the elbow joint. The upper arms remain stationary, and only the forearms move upward. Exhale during the upward movement and stop when the forearm and upper arm are almost at a right angle. Inhale and return to the starting position, where the arms are almost fully extended. However, maintain tension on the muscles at all times while training preacher curls with the barbell at the curl bench.

Scott cable curls

Cable pulls are widely popular among fitness enthusiasts who enjoy training with dynamic ropes. You can incorporate various variations of cable curls into your upper arm workout. Here, you'll find additional information on the optimal body posture and execution of movements for Scott Curls on the cable pull.


Body position

For Scott Curls on the cable pull, position yourself with the Scott bench directly in front of the cable pull. The exact distance depends on the rope's thickness; plan it in a way that allows you to perform the movement without restrictions. The weight should not be too high to avoid compromising proper execution. The pulley is at ground level. Adjust the Scott bench so that you can comfortably rest your arms. Your feet are firmly on the ground, and your back is upright. Both forearms rest on the biceps bench cushion while you hold the cable pull bar with an underhand grip using both hands.


Execution of Movement

To start with Scott Curls on the cable pull, lift both forearms upward. The movement occurs exclusively in the forearms and ends when you don't move the upper arms. The elbows remain precisely in their position. Exhale during this movement. Subsequently, return to the starting position and inhale.


Scott curls with the SZ bar

Scott Curls with the EZ bar are a true classic on the Scott bench. Many fitness enthusiasts swear by this variation of Scott Curls. Further information on body posture and execution can be found in the next section.


Body position

Scott Curls with the EZ bar can be performed both standing and sitting. You must adjust the curl bench to the right height, allowing you to comfortably place your arm on the cushion with a straight back. In both variations, ensure a straight back with a slight arch. Your legs are stable and shoulder-width apart on the ground to provide sufficient support. Grip the EZ bar with an underhand grip. When sitting, choose a grip slightly narrower than your shoulder width. When standing, you can also opt for a grip position slightly wider than your shoulders.


Execution of Movement

In the seated variation of Scott Curls with the EZ bar, bend your forearms upward while exhaling. The elbows remain on the cushion of the biceps bench throughout. Only the forearms move until they are almost perpendicular to the ground. Subsequently, inhale and return the forearms to the starting position without losing tension.Preacher Curls with an EZ bar while sitting Preacher Curls with an EZ bar while sitting.


In the standing variation of Scott Curls on the curl bench, start by bending the forearms upward. They rest on the cushion beforehand and now move upward over the elbow joint. Exhale during the upward movement. When the arms are almost perpendicular to the ground, you can stop and return to the starting position. The arms are almost fully extended. Scott Curls with an EZ bar while standing Scott Curls with an EZ bar while standing


You'll learn more about the most common mistakes in the last section of this article, ensuring you can fully unleash the potential of Preacher Curls.

Common Mistakes with Preacher Curls

Preacher Curls are not always performed correctly in the gym. Here are some missteps that you should avoid to achieve the full impact of your training.


✅ Bent wrists: Make sure not to bend your wrists. They should form a natural extension of your forearms. Otherwise, you expose yourself to the risk of injury.


✅ Forward-bent shoulders: Leaning forward with your shoulders reduces the training stimulus for the target muscles. Therefore, pay attention to pulling your shoulders backward.


✅ Getting momentum from the body: In Preacher Curls, the strength should come exclusively from the upper arm, while only the forearm moves. Avoid getting momentum from the body.

Alternatives and similar exercises to Scott Curls

However, the curling bench is not always available in the gym. If you lack the spatial options or prefer other bicep exercises, you will find numerous alternatives in the following section.


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