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Russian twist

Training the oblique abdominal muscles plays a significant role in fitness training. One possible variation for targeted training of this muscle group is the Russian Twist, which is the focus of the following discussion. There are various exercise variations that you will get to know more closely. This is because you can perform the Russian Twist with body weight, additional weight, and with a training partner. Another term for this exercise is Sitting Twists.


Whether you are a beginner, advanced, or professional, you can equally integrate Russian Twists into your training plan to effectively build abdominal muscles.

Muscles stressed during the Russian Twist

Depending on the specific exercise variation, you strengthen different areas of your abdominal muscles. For example, if you use additional weights, you also involve your arms or shoulders in the training. However, in all Russian Twist exercises, the following muscle groups are the focus: the rectus abdominis and especially the oblique abdominal muscles.



To effectively train the engaged muscles, you should maintain continuous tension on your abdominal muscles. Choose a 45-degree angle to neither sit too upright nor lie too flat. This way, the abdominal muscles remain under tension, maximizing the training stimulus.

Russian twist with partner

Another alternative for Russian Twists is to perform the exercise with a partner. In the following section, you will find all the necessary information regarding body position and optimal execution of the movement.


Body Position

When performing Russian Twists with a partner, sit facing each other on the floor. Your faces should be turned towards each other. Place your feet on the ground with a slight distance between them. Lean your back slightly backward, forming an approximate 45-degree angle, ensuring your back remains straight. Bend your legs at a right angle. One partner holds a ball in their hand.


Execution of the Movement

The exercise begins with one partner throwing the ball to the other. After catching the ball, rotate your upper body to one side while holding the ball in front of your body. Only move your upper body, keeping the lower back stable in the middle. Return to the starting position and throw the ball back to your partner. The partner then performs the same movement. In the next round, turn to the other side of your body.

Russian Twist with additional weight

Additionally, you can perform Russian Twists with additional weight if you want to provide your muscles with an even stronger training stimulus. In this case, ensure that you adopt the body position described below and execute the movement correctly.


Body Position

For Russian Twists with additional weight, you can adopt two different body positions. In both variations, the upper body is bent backward at a 45-degree angle. You can hold the weight plate either extended in front of your body or pressed against your chest. You can secure your feet under the support of a weight bench or keep them in the air. In the floating variation, your legs are slightly bent in front of your body.


Execution of the Movement

In the Russian Twist variation with additional weight and floating legs, with the weight directly in front of your chest, begin the movement by turning your upper body to one side. The weight plate remains in front of your chest, and your legs stay suspended in the air. Your gaze tends to be slightly to the side, but ensure that your lower back remains straight. Then, return to the starting position in the middle and rotate to the other side.


In this variation of Russian Twists with additional weight, hold the weight plate extended in front of your body. Keep your arms slightly bent to protect your elbows. Rotate to one side, keeping your arms extended forward. The weight plate should end up almost beside your body. However, ensure that your lower back remains motionless. Return to the starting position first, then turn to the other side. You can smoothly perform the movement without any negative impact on your abdominal muscle training.

Classic Russian twists

Classic Russian Twists are a simple bodyweight exercise for abdominal muscle training that you can easily incorporate into your home workout routine. The following section provides all the essential information about the correct body position and execution of the movement.


Body Position

For Russian Twists, start by assuming the initial position, sitting on the floor with your upper body leaning slightly backward. You can use a 45-degree angle as a rough reference, making sure not to hunch your back. Place your feet in front of you with slightly bent legs. Your heels support you on the ground, providing the necessary stability. Hold your hands loosely in front of your chest to begin the exercise.


Execution of the Movement

Now, initiate the exercise by rotating your upper body to one side, keeping the lower body rigid in the middle. The movement originates solely from the upper body. Return to the starting position and rotate your upper body in the opposite direction. However, you don't have to stay in the middle; you can smoothly perform the movement in a flowing manner.

Common mistakes in Russian abdominal exercise

Russian Twists are suitable for athletes at every stage of their training. Nevertheless, there are some errors that you should avoid. Here are tips to fully exploit the potential of this exercise.


✅ Movement executed too quickly: Many athletes perform the movement too rapidly. However, a moderate pace is the preferred method to effectively use Russian Twists for abdominal training.


✅ Posture too upright or too reclined: During Russian Twists, you should sit with a slight lean backward. To maximize the full potential of this exercise, neither sit too upright nor lie too flat.


✅ Back forming a hunch: Additionally, the back should always remain straight. Ensure that you do not hunch your back during the execution of the movement.


✅ Lower back moving along: Some athletes allow their lower back to turn with the movement. However, the lower back should always remain in a straight starting position. The movement should only come from the upper body.

Alternatives and similar exercises to the Russian Twist exercise

In abdominal training, you can benefit from a wide range of different fitness exercises. In the following section, you will find some alternatives to Russian Twists that allow you to specifically strengthen your abdominal muscles with a similar movement.


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