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Reverse crunch while sitting on the bench

Seated Reverse Crunches also involve the use of a bench. However, you do not lie on the bench but assume a seated starting position. Further information on the correct posture and execution can be found in the following section.

Body position

You can perform Seated Reverse Crunches on the edge of a straight weight bench. Your hands grip the bench at the level of your buttocks to provide the necessary stability during the execution. The legs are directed forward and nearly fully extended. Your back remains straight with a slight backward tilt. Keep your gaze forward, being mindful not to tilt your head unnaturally towards the spine.

Movement execution

Initiate Seated Reverse Crunches by lifting your legs upward, bringing your knees towards your chest. In the end position, your shins should hover parallel to the ground. Simultaneously, straighten your upper body, which should end up almost perpendicular during the upward movement, consciously exhaling. Subsequently, return to the starting position of Seated Reverse Crunches, taking a deep breath in.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Additional information regarding the targeted muscle groups and common errors in performing the Seated Reverse Crunch on the Bench exercise can be found on the Reverse Crunches page.

Alternative variations to reverse crunch while sitting on the bench

To add more diversity to your training, you can also explore similar exercises or different variations of the Seated Reverse Crunch on the Bench.


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