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The fitness exercise, also known as Nordic Ham Curl or Inverse Leg Curl, is referred to as Nordic Hamstring Curls. In this exercise, athletes challenge their hamstrings. Although it is less commonly practiced in the gym, Nordic Hamstring Curls are more frequently encountered than Glute Ham Raises. Inverse Leg Curls can even be performed at home without special equipment, making them suitable for home training. However, the execution of Nordic Ham Curls is quite demanding and therefore primarily suitable for advanced athletes. The next section introduces various variations and provides closer insights into body positioning and execution.

Muscles stressed during Nordic Hamstring Curls

As the name suggests, Nordic Hamstring Curls strengthen the hamstrings. The immediate target muscles include the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus. The gastrocnemius muscle also plays a supportive role in the execution.

Nordic hamstring curls without equipment

Performing Nordic Hamstring Curls without equipment offers a distinct advantage. You have the flexibility to secure your legs in various locations, such as a barbell, under the bed frame, by the heater, or using a Theraband to anchor the lower legs.


Body Position

To execute Nordic Hamstring Curls without equipment, you need to secure your legs. Fixate the lower legs while allowing the thighs to move freely for performing Nordic Ham Curls. Various household items or a Theraband can be used for fixation. In the starting position, kneel on the floor. Your upper body is upright, and the lower back has a slight arch. You can cross your arms in front of your chest and focus your gaze forward.


Movement execution

To initiate the movement, lower your upper body, aligning your thighs and torso in a horizontal line. Inhale during this motion. In the end position, you can use your arms for support. Then, lift your body back up without bending the back, exhaling during this movement.

Nordic Ham Curls on the device

Nordic Ham Curls can be trained on equipment in the gym, offering two variations. Including your hands on the floor can serve as support for an easier execution.


Body Position

Start by positioning yourself on the designated equipment for performing Nordic Hamstring Curls. Secure your legs under the padding, positioned around the heels and lower calves. In the starting position, kneel on the seat cushion with thighs vertically pointing upward. Your upper body is either stretched forward and parallel to the ground or upright as a direct extension of your thighs. One variation of Nordic Ham Curls involves keeping your gaze downward.



You have the flexibility to position your hands differently during Nordic Hamstring Curls – in front of the chest, behind your head, or on the thighs. For beginners, the position in front of the chest or on the thighs is suitable. Executing with arms behind the head is for advanced individuals, as it increases the level of difficulty.


Movement execution

Without hands on the floor

Initiate Nordic Hamstring Curls without hands on the floor by lowering your upper body forward. Keep the upper body straight. Inhale during the downward movement. Lower the upper body as far down as you can maintain a straight spine. The head remains a natural extension of the spine. Your thighs move slightly forward, supporting the upper body. Exhale and lift the thighs back up.


Nordic Hamstring Curls on Equipment in the Air Nordic Hamstring Curls on Equipment in the Air During Nordic Hamstring Curls with hands on the floor, your upper body remains upright. The movement aligns with the classic variation without supportive hands. However, you can lower the upper body even further since you have arm support at the lowest point of the execution.

Common mistakes with inverse leg curls

Engaging in Reverse Leg Curls represents a challenging exercise for leg training. Consequently, errors frequently occur, increasing the risk of injuries and compromising the effectiveness of the workout.


✅  Insufficient Body Tension: Many athletes struggle to maintain proper body tension during Inverse Leg Curls. A decrease in hip tension, in particular, diminishes the exercise's effectiveness.


✅  Lack of Arch in the Lower Back: It is also crucial to maintain a slight arch in the lower back throughout the entire exercise. Athletes often tend to automatically round their backs.


✅  Excessive Momentum from the Rest of the Body: When attempting to compensate for a lack of leg strength by using momentum from the rest of the body, it is advisable to refrain from performing Reverse Leg Curls.

Alternatives and similar exercises to Nordic curls

For those who prefer not to incorporate occasional Nordic Hamstring Curls into their training plan, a variety of options for working the muscles at the back of the thighs are available here.


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