Leg exercises

Are your legs prepared for a workout to strengthen them? We provide an extensive range of exercises in our leg training overview. From squats and lunges to leg press exercises, we offer various options to fortify your leg muscles, shape your legs, and build both strength and definition.

muscle groups

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Exercises for the legs

When it comes to an impressive leg workout, there can be no compromises. In this comprehensive overview, we offer a wide range of challenging exercises that will push your leg muscles to the limit. Whether it's squats, lunges, or leg presses, you'll find exercises suitable for various fitness levels and different goals. Give your legs strength and shape like never before!

Seated Calf Stretch by Touching Toes (Stretching)

The stretching effect in the rear lower legs is enhanced during seated calf stretching by touching the toes through the movement. There are various ways to perform this stretching exercise in a seated position, either by extending both legs simultaneously or alternately.

Lung calf stretch (stretching)

Lunges calf stretching is an exercise where you repurpose the lunges. Due to the similarity, athletes can easily incorporate this exercise into their leg training, where other variations of lunges are also executed. Shifting the weight results in a pleasant stretch in the rear calf, making this stretching exercise beneficial even for beginners.

Standing barbell calf raises

Standing calf raises with a barbell are an exercise for the lower legs in the free weight area. Ideally, athletes have access to both a barbell and a rack to facilitate placing the barbell in the starting position. A more intense training stimulus can be generated by using a calf block.

Turning your feet to the middle (stretching)

Foot rotation to the center is a seldom-performed stretching exercise. The execution is simple and suitable for athletes at any fitness level. This exercise particularly stretches the lateral part of the lower leg, an area that is usually less focused on in calf training or stretching.

Donkey calf raises with partner

Donkey calf raises with a partner are excellent for a home workout when a training partner is available. However, due to the unusual starting position, this exercise is more suitable for advanced athletes. The partner sits on the lower back or tailbone to create resistance during the upward movement with the legs.

Single-legged donkey calf raises

Single-leg donkey calf raises are a calf exercise suitable for home training without equipment. It only requires a support structure, such as a chair or table. Through the one-sided execution, athletes can concentrate more intensely on the exercise.

Donkey Calf Raises on the machine

Isolating the lower leg muscles through Calf Raises on the machine emphasizes the movement's execution to generate a more intense training stimulus. However, the equipment for Calf Raises is rather infrequently found in German fitness studios.

Barbell side lunges

For advanced individuals, there is an opportunity to perform lateral lunges with a barbell. Taking a barbell from the rack and gently placing it on the trapezius muscle allows for the execution of lateral lunges, engaging the glutes, thighs, and adductors.

Side lunges with dumbbells

Conducting lateral lunges with dumbbells increases the difficulty compared to the bodyweight version. The additional weight intensifies the engagement of the glutes, thighs, and adductors during the exercise. Moreover, dumbbells enable a natural movement and flexibility in lateral lunges, which can be practiced anywhere.

Side lunges with your own body weight

Performing side lunges with bodyweight is a variation of lunges emphasizing lateral movement. The primary focus is on strengthening the thighs and glutes. Unlike other lunge variations, the adductors also experience a training stimulus.

Glute flutter kicks for the butt

Flutter Kicks are well-known as an abdominal exercise. In a modified version, they can be transformed into Glute Flutter Kicks for targeted glute training. This involves lying on the stomach on a bench and executing the classic Flutter Kick movement.

Leg stretches with the Theraband

Leg extension with the Theraband provides athletes with various options. The Theraband can be fixed conventionally with one foot or alternatively attached to a support. This exercise with the Theraband is effective for strengthening the quadriceps at home.

Leg stretches on the cable tower

The leg extension on the cable tower serves as an alternative for athletes when there is no suitable machine for leg extension available in the gym. Using the cable tower and foot strap, the leg extensor can be effectively strengthened.

Leg curls with the Theraband

Executing leg curls with the Theraband provides a flexible training option. This exercise is suitable for home workouts as it only requires a Theraband. By wrapping the Theraband around the feet, resistance is created during the leg curl movement.

Leg curls standing on the cable tower

A flexible and dynamic way to train the hamstring is through standing leg curls on the cable tower. Athletes attach a foot strap to the leg and then train the hamstring with the characteristic bending motion. Due to the free-standing position, this exercise is more challenging than using a machine for leg curls.

Leg curls sitting on the leg curl machine

The fitness exercise of seated leg curls on the leg curl machine is popular. The execution is straightforward, making it suitable for beginners. However, it is crucial to keep the back and buttocks pressed firmly against the pad throughout the exercise before pushing the legs down in a controlled manner.

Leg curls while lying down

Performing leg curls lying down is done on a special leg curl machine. This exercise primarily targets the hamstring. However, it also effectively strengthens the other muscles in the back of the thigh, making leg curls suitable for training the entire posterior thigh musculature. To do this, lie face down on the machine's pad and then push the shins controlled and slowly as far up towards the buttocks as possible.

Side leg raises while standing

For athletes who prefer training the abductors with standing lateral leg raises, the characteristic movement is performed as a bodyweight exercise from an upright standing position. This exercise provides a pleasant variation in the training plan, especially for athletes who have already trained their abductors with other exercises.

Side leg raises while lying down

Lying lateral leg raises are frequently performed as athletes can focus on optimal movement execution with a stable starting position. This lying variation is, therefore, the most popular choice for abductor leg raises. The use of a TheraBand allows for an increase in training intensity.

Spread your legs while sitting

Leg spreading in a seated position is a fitness exercise focusing on the thigh abductors. By guiding the thighs to the side, you target various abductors. The use of a TheraBand effectively enhances the training stimulus. For athletes initiating training for this muscle group, leg spreading while sitting is a straightforward option.

Spread your legs while lying down

Leg spreading while lying down is a fitness exercise primarily targeting the strengthening of the middle gluteal muscle, although the hip muscles and small gluteal muscle are also trained as parts of the abductors. Various variations are available. The intensity of this exercise can be further increased with a TheraBand.

Leg raises with the armrest

Leg lifting with arm support presents a higher level of difficulty compared to the classic lateral leg lift. In addition to focusing on the abductor muscles, the abdominal muscles are also secondarily stimulated. Since the lower arm in this exercise must support almost the entire body weight, leg lifting with arm support is more challenging than other variations.

Standing abductor machine

While the abductor machine in a standing position is also ideal for training abductors, this device is relatively uncommon in Germany. Therefore, only a few athletes in the gym may resort to this exercise variation. From a standing position, athletes lift their legs sideways into the air. Training both sides alternately allows for a greater focus on the respective target muscles.

Abduction on the abduction machine (classic)

The exercise abduction on the abduction machine is one of the most popular exercises for strengthening abductors on the specialized device. Especially female athletes rely on this isolation exercise. Thanks to the simple execution, beginners can confidently opt for this variation.

Side lying leg raises (stretching)

The exercise of lateral leg raises is also referred to as Side Lying Leg Lift. In this stretching exercise, there is a resemblance to the lateral leg lift. However, athletes modify the execution slightly to achieve an effective stretch of the adductors. The execution becomes somewhat more complex with only hands and buttocks on the floor, which is why not every athlete can perform this lateral leg lift as a stretching exercise equally effectively.

Stretching the adductors by opening your legs (stretching)

The stretching of the adductors through lateral leg opening is done in a supine position. The legs are positioned vertically in the air and are then moved outward to achieve a pleasant stretch. Due to the horizontal starting position, athletes can comfortably concentrate on stretching the adductors.

Adductor stretch sitting with wide legs (stretch)

The adductor stretch with legs spread wide is performed while sitting, spreading the legs outward, and pulling the toes towards the body. This creates an intense stretch on the inner sides of the thighs. To intensify the stretch on the adductors even more, one can move the hands forward.

Adductor stretch with a wide stance (stretch)

During the stretching exercise for adductor stretch in a wide stance, the legs should be as far apart as possible. There can be significant differences in the flexibility of athletes in this position. Bending forward with an upright back enhances the stretch on the adductors.

Squat adductor stretch (stretching)

Squat adductor stretching is a stretching exercise where the inner thighs are stretched in a squatting position. Begin with an upright stance, and the feet are angled outward. To achieve a stronger stretch, you can support the movement in squat adductor stretching with your hands, allowing for different intensities.

Standing adductor stretch (stretch)

Standing adductor stretching is a popular stretching exercise, also known as the Standing Groin Stretch. Stand upright and stretch one leg outward to the side. The weight is then shifted in the opposite direction. There are various variations, theoretically allowing one knee of a leg to touch the ground.

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