Lat pulldown with underhand grip

By using the underhand grip, you relieve the rear shoulders. The focus is intensified on the biceps and latissimus. Furthermore, practical advice on body position and execution of the movement is provided.

Body position

Assume an upright position at the lat pulldown. Your entire body is tense, and your feet are firmly planted on the ground. Simultaneously, ensure your knees are securely fixed between the pads to prevent the weight from pulling you upward. With an underhand grip, your palms face towards you, and your hands are shoulder-width apart.

Movement execution

Now, lower the handlebar in front of your chest. Your body remains in the same position throughout the movement. The arms do not move backward but stay close to the body. Halt the downward motion before stopping the bar in front of the chest. Inhale during this phase and bring the arms back to the starting position as you exhale.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Additional information regarding the involved muscle groups and common errors in performing the exercise "Lat Pulldown with Underhand Grip" can be found on the website "Lat Pulldown to the Chest on the Lat Pulldown Machine."

Alternative variants to lat pulldowns with an underhand grip

To make your training more diverse, you can also resort to similar exercises or explore further variations of the exercise "Lat Pulldown with Underhand Grip."


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