Classic lat pulldown to the chest

In the traditional execution of the Lat Pulldown to the chest, various variations are available. In the following section, you will receive detailed information on the correct body posture and execution.

Body position

The basic position is identical in both executions. You position yourself in front of the Lat Pulldown. Your feet are stably placed on the ground, and your thighs and calves form a right angle. Keep your upper body upright and create a slight arch in your lower back to protect it. Your gaze is directed towards the Lat Pulldown, and now you are ready for the classic Lat Pulldown to the chest.

Movement execution

With an overhand grip, you grasp the Lat Pulldown bar with both hands. While exhaling, you pull the weight in a controlled pace in front of your body and lower it just above the chest. While inhaling, you return to the starting position.


Once again, you grip the bar with an overhand grip, hands at shoulder-width apart. While exhaling, you lower the bar at a moderate pace, leaning slightly backward. The back maintains a slight arch during this movement. Halt the motion before the chest and bring the bar back up while inhaling.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Information about the involved muscles and common mistakes in performing the Classic Lat Pulldown to the Chest can be found on the Lat Pulldown to the Chest on the Lat Pulldown website.

Alternative variants to the classic lat pulldown to the chest

To make your training more diverse, you can also resort to similar exercises or other variations of the Classic Lat Pulldown to the Chest.


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