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Kettlebell squat

The exercise of Kettlebell Goblet Squats is an effective fitness movement in the realm of squats, originating from the use of a kettlebell. Its similarities to front squats are clearly evident, as in both variations, the weight is held in front of the body. Other terms for this type of squat include simple Kettlebell Squat, Goblet Squat, or squats with a kettlebell.


While squats with a higher level of difficulty are particularly beneficial for muscle building, Kettlebell Goblet Squats allow athletes to safely learn the movement patterns and help prevent injuries. Additionally, they enhance coordination and body flexibility.


Muscles targeted in Goblet Squats Goblet Squats represent a specific variation of squats that target the quadriceps femoris and the biceps femoris, which are the four-headed thigh muscles. In Kettlebell squats, the focus is also on the gluteus maximus, the large buttock muscle. Additionally, the adductor muscle and the erector spinae, which is the back extensor, are stimulated secondarily.


Execution of Kettlebell squats Kettlebell squats present a unique variation of this exercise, which is less common in traditional gyms but enjoys popularity among CrossFit athletes.

Body position

To start, grab the kettlebell with both hands on the sides. Press it against your chest at the level of your breastbone. Adopt an upright stance with legs approximately shoulder-width apart. Keep the upper body straight, with a slight natural arch in the lower back. Look forward and engage the muscles for Kettlebell squats. In the band variation, the starting position remains essentially the same, but a fitness band is attached around the middle of your thighs.

Movement execution

Now, bend your knees, push your hips backward, and take a deep breath. Execute the movement as far as possible. It's crucial to maintain a natural arch in the lower back, keeping the entire back upright while slightly tilting the upper body forward. Keep your gaze forward. Then, extend your legs, straighten the entire body, and push your hips forward upon reaching an upright stance. Exhale during the upward movement and body lift.


The execution of Kettlebell Goblet Squats with a band remains consistent. Initiate by bending your legs, shifting your buttocks backward while maintaining a slight arch in your lower back. Inhale during the downward movement and pause approximately when your hips are lower than your knees. Then, press your legs upward, straightening your entire body while exhaling.


Possibly, you can position your heels on two weight plates to vary the execution of Kettlebell squats. This enhances the workout for the thigh muscles. If you're training with light weight, you can focus on inhaling during the descent. With heavier weight, it's advisable to take a deep breath during the standing rest phase before the descent to build pressure in the abdominal area and gain stability for the execution.


Some athletes argue that it's ideal for the thighs to be parallel to the ground, while others believe the hips should be lower than the knees. Due to varying anatomical conditions, there are no strict rules here. Some also say that the knees should not extend beyond the toes. This is not a rigid rule and should be decided individually based on anatomy. Find your personally optimal variation.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Kettlebell squats are particularly suitable for beginners who want to familiarize themselves with the movement patterns. Nevertheless, there are pitfalls that you should recognize and avoid for optimal training success.


✅ Lack of Stability: In Kettlebell squats, it is crucial to maintain stability and balance. Therefore, start with lighter weights and perform the movement at a moderate pace.


✅ Curving of the Back: Many athletes neglect their natural arch during Kettlebell squats. This leads to increased strain on the spine. Throughout the entire process, ensure that your lower back maintains its natural curvature and is not rounded.

Alternatives and similar exercises to kettlebell goblet squats

There are compelling reasons for Kettlebell Goblet Squats, especially when athletes embark on their strength training journey with squats. However, if the desire for variety persists, there are similar exercises to consider.


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