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Hip thrust on the device

Hip Thrusts on the machine are highly popular, especially among women. This exercise is traditionally performed using a specialized device designed for Hip Thrusts. However, some fitness enthusiasts also repurpose the leg extension machine to execute Hip Thrusts.


If no machine is available, Hip Thrusts can also be done with a barbell or on the leg press machine. Particularly suitable for home workouts are Hip Thrusts without equipment or with a hip band.


Often, Hip Thrusts are mistakenly referred to as machine-assisted pelvic lifts. In reality, this variation involves performing Glute Bridges with added weight on the floor. In contrast, athletes use a weight bench for Hip Thrusts to support their shoulders.

Muscles stressed during hip thrust on the machine

The muscles targeted during Hip Thrusts on the machine include the hamstring (musculus biceps femoris), the large gluteal muscle (musculus gluteus maximus), the semitendinosus muscle, and the semimembranosus muscle. Additionally, it also engages the rectus abdominis muscles.

Hip thrust on the leg extension

In the event that a dedicated machine for pelvic lifting is not available in the gym, athletes with fitness ambitions occasionally resort to using the thigh extension machine. Alternatively, the pelvic lifting exercise can also be performed on the leg press machine. However, in this context, the focus is on the optimal execution on the thigh extension device, which is creatively repurposed by some athletes.



The execution of pelvic lifting on the machine is possible both in a seated and lying position on the thigh extension machine.


Body Position

To get into the starting position for the pelvic lifting exercise on the thigh extension device, place your feet either firmly on an elevation in front of you or on the ground. The height of the seat should be chosen so that your back is pressed against the seat cushion of the machine with the shoulder blades. Grip the foot pad with your hands, which presses directly against your hip crease. Your back is now fully upright, forming a natural arch in the lower part to protect the spine. The legs are hip-width apart and positioned in front of the body, so that the upper and lower legs form a right angle when lifted. Keep your gaze forward while engaging the glutes and abdominal muscles for the execution of the movement.



To start the exercise, lift your pelvis upward and press the foot pad vertically upward. The upper body moves with the shoulders into a lying position on the seat cushion, creating a straight line from the head to the knees. Exhale during the upward movement and ensure that the feet remain continuously firm on the ground or elevation. Subsequently, lower the pelvis again while your upper body automatically moves forward to return to a vertical position. Inhale during the descent, pause in the starting position, and prepare for the next repetition.

Hip thrust on the hip thrust machine

The glute-lift machine has been specifically designed for this training variation. If such a device is available in a fitness studio, you can strengthen the core, the hamstrings, and the buttocks with the following recommendations.


Body Position

For the buttock lift exercise on the glute-lift machine, sit on the padded seat cushion. Your back leans against the backrest and should be upright. Protect your spine with a slight arch and place your arms on the designated pads on the sides. The head forms a natural extension of the spine, and your gaze is forward. The feet are firmly placed on the designated plate with toes and heels, creating a right angle between the upper and lower legs. The strap, which transfers the machine's weight to your body, should rest directly on the hip crease. Now, tighten your abdominal and glute muscles to begin the buttock lift exercise in the next step.


Movement Sequence

Start by pushing your pelvis upward over the heels of your feet while consciously exhaling. Only the shoulders, neck, and arms remain on the designated pads. Exhale during the upward movement and continue until your body is in a straight line from shoulders to knees. Pay special attention to consciously tightening your buttocks in the highest position. Then, hold the position briefly and lower the pelvis again. As you inhale, your body returns to the starting position without lowering your buttocks.

Common Hip Thrust errors on the Hip Thrust device

The Hip Thrust machine is less widely spread in fitness studios. This leads to recurring errors that should be avoided to ensure optimal training effectiveness.


✅ Lowering the Heels: Many fitness enthusiasts experience the issue of lifting their heels during the exercise, causing only the toes to touch the ground. However, the focus should be on pushing upward directly over the heels.


✅ Incorrect Head Position: The head forms a natural extension of the spine and should maintain this position throughout the entire exercise. Be mindful not to pull the chin too close to the chest or throw the head back.


✅ Crooked Back: Ensure a consistently straight back posture when performing the Hip Thrust on the machine. Avoid curving the back due to lack of strength during the upward and downward movements.


✅ Incorrect Setup or Position: Due to the repurposed use of the equipment, it becomes more challenging to assume the correct position. The Leg Extension machine is actually designed for a different type

Alternatives and similar exercises to hip thrusts on the machine

If the gym lacks a device for hip thrusts and there is no desire for training on the leg press, the following options are available for the workout plan.


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