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Hip thrust with the barbell

The popularity of hip thrusts is particularly evident among female athletes. In addition to hip thrusts with the barbell, which will be discussed in the following text, there are alternatives such as hip thrusts on the multipress, hip thrusts on the machine, or hip thrusts for home workouts.


This fitness exercise is often confused with the so-called pelvic lift. However, the pelvic lift is the glute bridge exercise, which is performed on the ground. The glute bridge can also be performed with the barbell.


Note The difference between hip thrusts and glute bridge lies in the position of the shoulders. In the glute bridge, the shoulders are on the ground, while in hip thrusts, they are positioned on the machine or a weight bench.


Muscles targeted in barbell hip thrusts Barbell hip thrusts primarily target the strengthening of the gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus muscles. The positive aspect is that all three areas of the gluteal muscles are trained. At the same time, hip thrusts contribute to the stabilization of the hip region. The gastrocnemius muscle and rectus abdominis muscles also play a supportive role.


Execution of hip thrusts with the barbell The execution of hip thrusts with the barbell is straightforward. You only need a barbell and a weight bench to perform the exercise correctly by following the tips below.

Body position

Start by sitting on your back in front of the weight bench and bring the barbell with a shoulder-width grip to your hips. Your feet are hip-width apart and firmly on the ground in front of you. Place your feet so that when pushing up, there is a right angle between your upper and lower legs. At the highest point, the knee should hover above the heel when the hip is at its peak. Your back is straight, and the lower part forms a natural arch. Lean your shoulder blades against the weight bench behind you. The head forms a natural extension of the spine, and the gaze is directed forward.


For barbell hip thrusts, you can use a special padding to make the training more comfortable. The barbell pad prevents uncomfortable pressure points and pain. Place the barbell precisely at the point on your body where the torso and thighs meet. This is the so-called hip crease.

Movement execution

To start the hip thrust exercise with the barbell, slowly lift your hips upward by pressing on your heels. Keep your arms straight, and the barbell remains on the hip crease. Exhale as you come up, stopping when the lower legs are vertical, forming a right angle with the upper thighs, and the entire body from head to knees forms a straight line. At the highest position, consciously tighten your glute muscles. Ensure that your knees do not extend beyond your toes. Then lower your hips back toward the ground. It is important not to rest your buttocks and to take a deep breath to prepare for the next repetition directly.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Despite barbell hip thrusts being a relatively straightforward exercise, faulty execution is frequently observed. The following pieces of advice are intended to assist you in achieving optimal training effectiveness.


✅ Insufficient Range of Motion: Execute barbell hip thrusts in a way that your upper body forms a harmonious line with your thighs after pushing upward. Often, athletes stop prematurely, having chosen a barbell that is too heavy.


✅ Rounded Back: The back should never be rounded during the barbell hip thrust exercise; instead, the lower part should assume a slight arch. Be mindful not to curve your back during the upward or downward movement.


✅ Heels Off the Ground: Throughout the execution, ensure that your heels consistently touch the ground. Some athletes train with hovering heels, which should be avoided. Rather, the pelvis should be lifted upward over the heels to stimulate the desired muscles in the buttocks and hamstrings.


✅ Excessive Weight: Opt for a moderate weight in barbell hip thrusts. Precision in execution is more important than using heavy weights.


✅ Head Not an Extension of the Spine: The head serves as a natural extension of the spine during the hip thrust exercise. Pay attention not to let the head fall excessively backward, as it can impact the entire movement.


✅ Barbell Tipping to the Side: The barbell should remain stable on your hip crease throughout the entire exercise. Place it centrally at the beginning and prevent the barbell from tipping to the side during the movement.

Alternatives and similar exercises to Barbell Hip Thrust

The fitness exercise Barbell Hip Thrust is particularly popular among women looking to effectively strengthen their gluteal muscles. Nevertheless, many athletes also resort to alternative exercises, which are explained in the following section.


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