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Hip lift

The exercise Abdominal Swing is excellent for training the abdominal muscles. This abdominal exercise is often included in home training plans, as no equipment is needed for the workout. Abdominal Swings share some similarities with the exercise Glute Bridge / Pelvic Lift. In contrast, Abdominal Swings focus on the muscle tension in the abdomen, while Pelvic Lifts target the gluteal muscles.


It is important not to confuse the Abdominal Swing exercise with Hip Thrusts and Frog Pumps, as these exercises have different forms. The exercise Hip Lift often causes confusion, as it is also an abdominal exercise with similar names. Abdominal Swings are an exercise suitable for athletes in any phase of their training.


Muscles targeted during Abdominal Swings Primarily, Abdominal Swings strengthen your abdominal muscles. This exercise is particularly effective for intensifying muscle training and possibly achieving a six-pack in the future. Specifically, the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle and the pyramidalis muscle are stimulated by this exercise. Supporting muscles include the oblique abdominal muscle and the gluteal muscles around the hamstring (musculus biceps femoris) or semimembranosus muscle (musculus semimembranosus).


Execution of the Abdominal Swing Exercise There are numerous exercises in the fitness realm that resemble the Abdominal Swing. To execute this variant precisely and correctly, the following section provides all the relevant information regarding body position and movement execution.

Body position

Commence the Abdominal Swing exercise by lying on the floor. Your arms are extended and lie parallel to your body. Your gaze is directed upward, while your entire back touches the floor. Place your feet in front of you, slightly bent. Maintain approximately a hand's width of space between your buttocks and feet. Tighten your abdomen and prepare for the execution of the Abdominal Swing exercise.

Movement execution

Initiate the exercise by exhaling and gently lifting your body upward. The buttocks now hover above the floor, with the movement not extending far enough for the entire body to form a straight line. The range of motion remains minimal. When inhaling, lower your body again, ensuring that the buttocks and lower back stay slightly elevated to maintain tension in the abdomen.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

The hip swing exercise is popular among many athletes. However, various sources of error exist, which will be discussed in the following section.


✅ Lack of abdominal tension: It is common for athletes to slacken and not sufficiently engage their muscles. It is essential to ensure that the abdomen remains consistently tense to optimally stimulate the targeted musculature.


✅ Use of arms and legs for momentum: The power for the hip swing exercise should exclusively come from the abdominal muscles. Be mindful not to use arms or legs for support to avoid compromising the movement with momentum.


✅ Faulty breathing: Correct breathing plays a crucial role in the hip swing exercise for maximum training effects. When lifting the body, consciously exhale, and inhale deeply during the descent.


✅ Excessive range of motion: The range of motion in the hip swing exercise is naturally limited. Stick to the small range of motion and avoid attempting to increase the reach at the expense of qualitative execution.

Alternatives and similar exercises to the hip lift

If you're not keen on incorporating Hip Lifts into your abdominal muscle training, there are alternative options. The following section outlines several comparable exercises that are equally effective for abdominal training.


Some of the exercises detailed below specifically target the buttocks.


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