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Glute ham raises

The fitness exercise "Glute Ham Raises" is a captivating training method to strengthen the muscles of the posterior legs, the buttocks, and the lower back. This exercise is also known as "hanging leg bends." In fitness slang, it is often abbreviated as GHR and performed on the Glute Ham Developer (GHD). Unfortunately, such a device is only found in a few fitness studios. Alternatively, one can focus on "Nordic Ham Curls," which are performed on the Nordic Curl machine. The execution is almost identical; only the device varies.


Note: The term "Ham" refers to the hamstring. This includes three different muscles that are active on the back of the thigh. Therefore, Leg Curls are often referred to as Hamstring Curls, which are also used synonymously with Glute Ham Raises.


Although this post does not discuss Glute Ham Raises as a partner exercise, this fitness routine can still be performed without additional equipment with a training partner as a variation.


Muscles targeted in Glute Ham Raises: The fitness exercise primarily aims to train the hamstrings, also known as the leg biceps, and the gluteal muscles. Additionally, supporting muscles such as the lower back extensors, adductors, and calf muscles are activated.


Execution of Glute Ham Raises: Performing this exercise with the specific device is uncomplicated. In the next section, you will find information on the correct body position and optimal execution of the movement.

Body position

Begin by sitting on the corresponding device. Your feet are secured under the designated pads. In the starting position, keep your upper body upright with your gaze forward. To effectively protect the spine, maintain a slight arch in your lower back. The knees rest on the designated pads, while the hands are clasped in front of the chest.

Movement execution

Initiate the Glute Ham Raises by exhaling and tilting the upper body forward without breaking the line. Stop the movement only when your upper body is nearly parallel to the ground. When inhaling, perform a controlled upward movement until your upper body is almost fully upright again. However, maintain a slight tension on the hamstring to further stimulate the target muscles.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

For optimal utilization of Glute Hamstring Raises, precise execution is crucial. Here, we have summarized the most frequently occurring errors to ensure that athletes in the fitness realm can unfold the maximum potential of the Glute Hamstring Raise exercise.


✅ Uncontrolled Momentum: Pay attention to executing the movement at a moderate and controlled pace. Avoid abrupt, swinging movements.


✅ Unfair Upper Body: Throughout the entire process, keep the upper body upright or slightly arching the lower back. This applies even during the slow descent.


✅ Incorrect Head Position: The head should always be a natural extension of the spine. Avoid holding it at an angle or placing it too far back or forward on the neck or chest.

Alternatives and similar exercises to glute ham raises

Access to equipment for performing Glute Ham Raises is not always available. In such cases, the following exercises provide intriguing options for training the hamstring.


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