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Fitness exercises

Compound exercises and isolation exercises, bodyweight exercises, and barbell exercises, personal favorites and less popular exercises – there is a wide range of training methods available. It would be nearly impossible to list all possible variations. Nonetheless, on this page, you can find around 400 exercises, neatly categorized, with essential information about the targeted muscle groups, proper execution, and common mistakes. Whether you want to work out in the gym, at home, or outdoors, whether your goal is muscle building or fat loss, this is where every athlete will discover suitable options.

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Muscle building, weight loss, nutrition, exercises, workout routines, and a variety of other subjects.

muscle groups

Here, you have the opportunity to specifically target various muscle groups, with valuable recommendations and workout routines to enhance your effectiveness at your disposal. Select your preferred muscle group and work systematically toward your fitness goals!

All fitness exercises

This offering presents you with a diverse range of effective exercises specifically tailored to different muscle groups. Whether you're looking for targeted muscle building, definition, or simply a varied workout routine, we showcase the appropriate exercises for you. Get inspired and explore the wide array of options to strengthen your muscles and achieve your fitness goals!

Dumbbell concentration curls

Concentration curls with dumbbells are a popular fitness exercise designed to specifically enhance the strength of your upper arms. This exercise focuses particularly on the biceps and the brachialis. Training each side is done sequentially, with concentration curls using dumbbells providing little room for error. Fixating the elbow on the thigh nearly eliminates the possibility of misleading execution.

Standing dumbbell curls

Standing dumbbell curls are among the most effective exercises when it comes to strengthening the arm muscles. In addition to targeting the biceps, the brachialis takes center stage. Simultaneously, the brachioradialis is also strengthened during standing dumbbell curls, allowing you the option of both alternating and simultaneous execution.

Barbell curls for the biceps (classic)

Classic barbell curls are undoubtedly one of the favored exercises in biceps training. The focus here is on your biceps, and in the classic variation, you grip the barbell shoulder-width apart.

Reverse curls with dumbbells

Reverse curls with dumbbells present a slightly more challenging biceps exercise. The combination of an overhand grip and dumbbells requires careful execution. This not only targets your biceps but also engages the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

Scott curls with the SZ bar

Scott curls with the EZ-bar are a valued fitness exercise with a low level of difficulty. They are ideal for specifically training the biceps and brachialis. To execute this movement optimally, you need the well-known Larry Scott bench and an EZ-bar. The EZ-bar provides wrist support during the execution.

Cable curls with bar and rope on the low block

Cable curls with a bar or rope at the low pulley allow you to selectively build your biceps muscles. Using an underhand grip, you grasp a bar or the rope attached to the lower end of the cable. This cable exercise adds variety to biceps training and enables a more unrestricted range of motion compared to the classic barbell curls.

Barbell curl with a wide grip

Barbell curls with a wide grip represent a training method primarily suitable for experienced athletes. Maintaining stability in the upper arms becomes more challenging due to the wide grip. In contrast to other barbell curls, there is a greater focus here on the biceps in addition to the brachialis.

Barbell close grip bicep curls

Biceps curls with a narrow grip on the barbell are particularly suitable for beginners in biceps training. The narrow grip automatically keeps the elbows close to the body, and the force is mainly generated from the upper arm. The primary focus of this fitness exercise is on the biceps.

Concentration curls with the SZ bar

Focused curls with the EZ-bar provide an additional option to isolate and strengthen the biceps. This exercise offers several advantages. Focused curls are optimal for executing precise movements without distortion. Additionally, thanks to the EZ-bar, the wrists are protected.

Cable curl with one arm on the low block

Cable curl with one arm at the low pulley, a popular biceps exercise on the cable machine, allows you to concentrate entirely on the movement while offering support with the other arm. These cable curls with one arm at the low pulley are suitable for athletes who enjoy utilizing the dynamic freedom of the cable for upper arm training.

Overhead biceps curls on the high block

Overhead biceps curls, a biceps exercise performed on the cable machine, are attached to the upper end of the cable, the high pulley. Due to the more complex execution, this upper arm exercise is mainly suitable for advanced athletes looking to strengthen their biceps.

Barbell bicep curls with the Arm Blaster

An exercise for biceps training is the biceps blaster curls with the barbell. You only need a barbell and the biceps isolator. The movement resembles classic barbell curls, but the arm blaster ensures that you isolate and train your biceps more effectively, reducing the tendency to use body momentum.

Dumbbell curls with the biceps isolator

The Bicep Isolator Curls with dumbbells can be effortlessly incorporated into your bicep workout. In this exercise, you use two dumbbells, allowing for a more unrestricted movement compared to the barbell. The Bicep Isolator ensures stability in the upper arms, resulting in the force originating exclusively from this area. This leads to a focused and effective training of your bicep muscles.

Bicep blaster curls with the SZ bar

The Bicep Blaster Curls with the EZ-Bar represent a fitness exercise that specifically targets and isolates your biceps. Due to the use of the Bicep Isolator, Bicep Blaster Curls are relatively less common. Nevertheless, the Blaster prevents inaccurate execution of the movement, while the EZ-Bar is comfortable for the wrists.

Dumbbell hammer curls while sitting upright

Performing Hammer Curls in an upright seated position provides the advantage of a stable base while sitting. This automatically reduces the reliance on momentum from the entire body. Effectively training your biceps is easily achievable with upright seated Hammer Curls.

Hammer curls with the triceps bar

The exercise of Hammer Curls with the Triceps Bar is ideal when such equipment is available. With a neutral grip, you can primarily strengthen your upper arms, especially the biceps and the brachialis.

Standing hammer curls with dumbbells

Standing Hammer Curls with dumbbells are among the most popular bicep exercises in the gym. The neutral grip (hammer grip) in this exercise enhances the execution of the movement. This exercise is excellent for beginners looking to train their biceps and brachialis.

Hammer curls on the incline bench

Hammer Curls on an incline bench closely resemble the classic bicep curls on an incline bench. The difference lies in the neutral grip, while your back is supported by the incline bench, ensuring an automatically straight body posture. This fitness exercise focuses particularly on the biceps and the brachialis.

Classic biceps curls on the incline bench

Incline bench bicep curls are part of bicep exercises with a moderate level of difficulty. The focus is on training the biceps and the brachialis. Leaning your body backward on the incline bench intensifies the workout for the biceps.

Hammer curls on the device

Hammer curls can also be performed on the bicep machine. A special device is available for this purpose, allowing you to take a neutral grip. The fixed settings of the bicep machine enable you to fully concentrate on the movement. Due to reduced error sources, hammer curls on the bicep machine are suitable for beginners who want to learn the movement pattern.

Classic curls on the biceps machine

Classic bicep curls on the bicep machine are a fundamental exercise for many fitness enthusiasts in bicep training. The execution of this exercise is straightforward. At the same time, the machine dictates the range of motion. After adjusting the settings correctly, you can strengthen your upper arms with classic bicep curls on the bicep machine.

Weighted Pelvic Raise (Barbell)

Hip raises with additional weight (barbell), also known as the glute bridge, are a variation of this exercise usually performed without weight. For added challenge, the barbell can be positioned on the hip fold, emphasizing the gluteal muscles and the hamstring through the upward pressure on the heels. In comparison to hip thrust exercises, the upper back remains on the ground.

Hip thrust with the barbell

The hip thrust with the barbell primarily allows athletes to strengthen the large gluteal muscle and activate the hamstring and semitendinosus muscles simultaneously. A benefit of this exercise is the even training stimulus for all three areas of the gluteal muscle and the stabilization of the hip region. Athletes need a weight bench for the hip thrust with the barbell, on which they can rest their shoulders.

Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell swing is a central movement in kettlebell training, effectively strengthening the buttocks and lower back while allowing for high energy consumption. There are two different variations of this exercise: the American kettlebell swing and the Russian kettlebell swing. However, the focus is on the Russian kettlebell swing due to its lower risk of injury. Choosing the right weight is crucial as a minimum weight is required for optimal swinging.

Pull-through on the cable pull

Cable machine crossovers are a fitness routine gaining popularity, also recognized as hip extension using the cable machine. Frequently, especially among women, this exercise is employed to strengthen the major gluteal muscles, while additionally providing a training stimulus to the lateral abdominal muscles. The exercise offers a moderate level of difficulty, making alternative variations preferable for initiating buttock training.

Cable abduction

The fitness exercise abduction on the cable machine is an isolation exercise focused on the outer thighs. The training stimulus is directly applied to the middle gluteal muscle, the musculus gluteus medius. Fitness enthusiasts can choose this exercise variation if they have access to a cable machine and a foot loop.


The clamshell exercise is suitable for beginners aiming to specifically fortify their abductors due to its straightforward execution. The name of the exercise was coined as the leg movement resembles the opening of a shell. The Clamshell is well-suited for a home workout without the need for equipment. A TheraBand is appropriate for the Clamshell exercise when seeking an elevated training stimulus.

Fire Hydrant Kicks / Dirty Dog

The commonly known fire hydrant exercise is also identified by the names Dirty Dog or Fire Hydrant. Consistent performance of this exercise not only targets the major gluteal muscle but also enhances stability in the lower back, resulting in a reduced risk of injury. As a bodyweight exercise, Dirty Dogs are excellent for home workouts.

Frog pumps

Frog Pumps are part of the Animal Moves training concept, incorporating natural movements inspired by the animal kingdom for fitness training. The distinctive outward leg movement resembles a hopping frog. The primary focus of the training is on the major gluteal muscle, hamstring, and lower back extensor.

Cable donkey kicks

Donkey Kickbacks on the cable machine engage various gluteal muscles simultaneously. This exercise is popular for providing a training stimulus to the thigh muscles and enhancing balance in the body. Due to the necessity of a cable tower for execution, Donkey Kicks are suitable for advanced athletes training in the gym.

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Exercises for the gym, for at home and completely without equipment

The numerous exercises can naturally be categorized according to the involved muscle groups. However, it's also intriguing to classify them based on the available equipment.

Nonetheless, there are some misconceptions on this matter that we would like to briefly explain. When we refer to "equipment-free exercises," we actually mean exercises that can be performed without any equipment whatsoever. Exercises involving bands, dumbbells, and kettlebells do not fall into this category. Only exercises that require a flat bench have been included in the category of equipment-free exercises.

Since a bench can easily be replaced by a chair in many situations.

It's crucial to note that home training is not necessarily synonymous with equipment-free training. With minimal effort, the home gym can quickly become a place with numerous training possibilities. Even small investments in suitable home gym equipment allow for a variety of home exercises. This may even include the use of a barbell. Perhaps you even have a so-called strength station that enables various exercises. In this case, exercises with a cable pull might even be possible.

Fitness exercises for building muscle and losing weight

You might have pondered at some point which exercises are particularly effective for building muscle and which ones can assist with weight loss. However, such a strict categorization is not necessarily conducive. In fact, one exercise can simultaneously promote muscle growth and contribute to shedding pounds. It's worth noting that cardio exercises, often considered the ideal choice for weight loss, are currently not included in this list. Nevertheless, this isn't an issue, as they have limited impact on muscle growth and are not essential, even in the context of weight loss.

Classical strength exercises can facilitate fat burning, provided that the nutrition is appropriate.

Muscle can be built if the respective exercise provides sufficient stimulus and the nutrition is aligned accordingly. In a diet with a calorie deficit, the same exercise can also contribute to fat reduction due to the increased energy expenditure. Crucial for whether an exercise primarily promotes muscle growth or aids fat burning are factors such as the number of repetitions and the intensity of the workout.

The most popular workout exercises

Despite the wide array of exercises available for various fitness goals, some have emerged as particularly popular. However, preferences vary significantly based on factors such as individual gender and fitness level. Beginners often gravitate towards guided strength-training exercises, like leg presses, crunches, or planks. Gender-specific preferences are evident in the choice of exercises, with men frequently opting for upper body workouts like bench presses and cable rows, while women tend to favor lower body exercises such as squats and lunges. Nevertheless, many athletes have come to recognize the value of holistic full-body training.

In the following, we provide an overview of the most commonly preferred workout exercises.

✅  Lunges

✅  Squats

✅  Crunches

✅  Push-ups

✅  Deadlifts

✅  Sit ups

✅  Shrugs

✅  Hip thrusts

✅  Bench press

✅  Pull-ups

✅  Russian twist

✅  Mountain Climbers

✅  Hyperextensions

✅  Romanian deadlift

✅  Military Press

✅  Barbell rows

✅  Shoulder press

✅  Chest press