Face Pulls

Many sports enthusiasts emphasize the importance of a well-defined back. In addition to traditional basic exercises for the major back muscles, fitness enthusiasts should also keep an eye on the neck and shoulder area. Incorporating reverse pulls can be a meaningful addition to your training plan. Apart from targeted muscle building, the execution of reverse pulls helps alleviate muscular issues and prevent pain. A well-trained shoulder musculature can ultimately enhance everyday performance. Thanks to its straightforward motion, reverse pulls are suitable for athletes with varying levels of proficiency. Beginners, intermediates, and professionals alike can benefit from this popular fitness exercise. In the gym, the cable pull is optimal for performing reverse pulls, while for home workouts, the theraband provides a good option.

Muscles stressed during face pulls

Reverse pulls focus on muscle groups in the shoulder area that are often overlooked. This fitness exercise primarily targets the training of the external rotators (infraspinatus and teres minor) as well as the rear part of the shoulder muscle (musculus deltoideus). Additionally, it strengthens the middle fibers of your trapezius muscle (Musculus trapezius) and the major rhomboid muscle (musculus rhomboideus major) during the execution.

Face pulls with the Theraband

Alternatively, you can also perform face pulls with the Theraband. This provides you with the flexibility to train your rear shoulders anytime and anywhere. Here is more information about the correct body position and proper execution.


Body Position

First, find a suitable attachment point for the Theraband in your environment, roughly at chest height. Then, stand in front of or sit down facing the Theraband. It's crucial to ensure that the Theraband is neither below your chest nor above your head. Maintain an upright posture, protecting your back with a slight arch. Grip the Theraband with a neutral grip, and you are ready for face pulls with the Theraband.



Initiate the movement by pulling the Theraband towards your face. Ensure that your elbows lead the way and stay elevated during this motion. Exhale during this movement. Subsequently, briefly hold the Theraband directly in front of your face. While inhaling, smoothly return the Theraband, making sure tension is maintained on the band throughout the entire execution.

Cable face pulls

The classic choice is the cable machine face pulls. Almost every gym is equipped with a cable machine that allows you to flexibly and effectively train your body. Below, you'll find some tips on body positioning and execution to maximize the full potential of cable machine face pulls.


Body Position

Start by setting the cable machine to chest height. Attach a rope to the cable machine. You can either sit on a bench in front of the cable machine or perform standing face pulls. For standing face pulls, your feet can be positioned side by side or staggered. Choose the stance that provides better stability. Keep your back upright, slightly leaning back. Ideally, maintain a slight arch in your lower back to protect the spine. Your head should be a natural extension of the spine, facing the cable machine. Now you're ready to start the execution of cable machine face pulls.



Controlled, bring your arms towards your face. Extend the movement as far as possible. Your elbows pave the way for the weight. Your shoulder blades should move freely on the upper body, slightly pulling together at the back. Exhale during the pulling movement. After a brief pause in the end position, smoothly return the weight to the starting position while inhaling.

Common Face Pull Mistakes

Despite the generally straightforward execution of the movement, the same errors occur regularly. In this context, the most common difficulties are explained, and options are presented on how to avoid them.


✅ Forward-tilted shoulders: One mistake in Face Pulls is keeping the shoulders forward. Instead, you should pull the upper arms forcefully backward and extend the chest to automatically move the shoulders backward.


✅ Explosive, jerky movements: Often, in the gym, you see athletes explosively pulling the weights backward. It is better to choose a moderate weight and execute the movement in a controlled and slow manner.


✅ Dropping elbows: Throughout the entire execution of the movement, the elbows should be kept up. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the training will be compromised.

Alternatives and similar exercises to face pulls

Additionally, you can discover a variety of other fitness exercises to bring more diversity to your workout routine. Here, I present you with some alternatives to effectively train your shoulder region.


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