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Sumo deadlift with dumbbells

The sumo deadlift with dumbbells differs from the barbell sumo deadlift due to a distinct leg position. It shares a close connection with sumo squats, where the terminology can sometimes lead to confusion. In the English-speaking world, the term "Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift" is commonly used.

Body position

In the sumo deadlift with dumbbells, you assume a wide and upright starting position. Your legs should be spread apart to the point where the ankle and knee joints align directly in the lower position. Hold a dumbbell in each hand using a neutral grip. Your arms with the dumbbells are almost fully extended and positioned in front of your body. Your feet are slightly turned outward, your back is straight, and a slight arch protects the lower back. Keep your gaze forward.

Movement execution

To begin the sumo deadlift with dumbbells, bend your knees and push your hips backward. Simultaneously, lower the dumbbells directly down. Pause the downward movement, where you inhale, when your thighs are approximately parallel to the ground. Keep your gaze forward during this phase. Then, slowly straighten your legs and lift your upper body. Pull the dumbbells directly in front of your body during the upward movement. Exhale during the upward phase and maintain a natural arch in your lower back.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Additional information about the targeted muscle groups and common mistakes in performing Sumo Deadlifts with dumbbells can be found on the "Deadlifting with Dumbbells" page.

Alternative variations to sumo deadlifts with dumbbells

To add more variety to your training, you can also explore similar exercises or other variations of Sumo Deadlifts with dumbbells.


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