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Dumbbell biceps curls (classic)

A classic among biceps exercises in fitness training is the biceps workout with dumbbells. The difficulty level of this exercise is moderate, which is why athletes can resort to this method at any stage of their training to strengthen their upper arms. In the international context, this training exercise is referred to as Dumbbell Curls.


Simultaneously, there is the possibility to incorporate biceps curls in various ways into the training plan for muscle building. This article explains various popular approaches. Additionally, the dumbbell curls can also be performed in a reverse or hammer grip position. To make the training more varied, there are various alternatives available to strengthen the muscles of the biceps (musculus biceps brachii).

Muscles used during dumbbell bicep curls

The exercise dumbbell biceps curls is primarily designed to train the biceps muscle (musculus biceps brachii). Simultaneously, the brachialis muscle (musculus brachii) is strengthened by this exercise. Supporting muscles also include the brachioradialis muscle of the upper arm (musculus brachioradialis), the pronator teres muscle for inward rotation (musculus pronator teres), as well as the flexor muscles of the fingers and wrists.

Seated dumbbell biceps curls

Additionally, you can also perform biceps curls with dumbbells while seated. The movement is also possible with one arm at a time, alternating, or with both arms simultaneously.


Body Position

For the exercise of biceps curls with dumbbells while seated, grab a dumbbell bench or a chair. Sit on the edge, with your feet placed in front of you on the ground. Ensure that your legs provide support. You can either position them parallel in the middle or spread them to the side. Hold a dumbbell in each hand in a hammer grip. Keep your back upright with a slight arch. Focus your gaze forward and tense your muscles.


Execution of Movement

Start the movement on one side. Bend your forearm upward and exhale. Rotate your hand inward so that the outer surface faces forward. Your upper arm should remain stationary. Stop the movement at the top and let the arm slowly glide back down while rotating the hand outward, so that the back of the hand now faces the side. Then, start the movement on the opposite side.


Additionally, you can also perform seated biceps curls simultaneously. Lift both forearms upward while exhaling. During this movement, rotate both hands inward with the dumbbells. Stop at the top when the dumbbells are in front of your chest and then return to the starting position.

Standing dumbbell curls

A popular exercise is standing dumbbell curls. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. You can either train both arms simultaneously or perform biceps curls one after the other. Both variations have their advantages and disadvantages. While simultaneous execution provides a continuous muscle stimulus, alternating curls allow you to gather strength during the pause for better execution. The effectiveness is a subject of controversy. Ultimately, choose the exercise variant that feels more comfortable for you.


Body Position

Start by assuming the necessary starting position for standing dumbbell curls. Choose a hip-width stance and align your body. Look forward, and your back should have a slight arch. Hold a dumbbell in each hand in a hammer grip.


Execution of Movement

For alternating movement execution, start with one side. Bend your forearm upward and rotate the dumbbell during this movement. When the dumbbell is at the top in front of your shoulder, your hand's back should be facing forward. Exhale during the upward movement. Lower the forearm afterward, so it is now beside your body in a hammer grip. Now, perform the same movement on the other side.


Simultaneously, you can also perform standing biceps curls. Hold the dumbbells in both hands and start the exercise by lifting both forearms simultaneously. Rotate your hands inward, so the back of your hands faces forward during the movement. Exhale during the motion and stop only when your hands are almost at the top. Then, return to the starting position while taking a deep breath.

Common mistakes in classic dumbbell bicep curls

Not every bicep training session goes smoothly. Despite the simple execution of the movement, some errors can occur in traditional bicep curls with dumbbells that should be avoided.


✅ Excessive Weight: In traditional bicep curls with dumbbells, it is advisable to choose a moderate weight. Opting for overly heavy dumbbells tends to result in an imprecise execution of the movement.


✅ Excessive Swing: Additionally, the movement should be executed without any swing. Introducing a swing from the body distorts the movement and reduces the effectiveness of the workout.


✅ Forward Movement of Shoulders: Furthermore, it is observed in some athletes that their shoulders move forward. This relieves the biceps, diminishing the full training potential.


✅ Movement of Upper Arms: Moreover, the upper arms should not move during bicep training. The movement should come solely from the forearm, with the power originating from the upper arm. Note: For individuals who know exactly what they are doing, a slight movement with the upper arm can be beneficial in certain situations.

Alternatives and similar exercises to classic dumbbell biceps curls

Furthermore, there is the option to introduce more diversity into bicep training. Here are some alternatives that work well for integration into your workout plan.


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