Home / Fitness exercises / Donkey Kicks / Legs / Thighs / Classic Donkey Kicks

Classic donkey kicks

Most athletes prefer the classic execution of Donkey Kicks. This traditional method can also be implemented as Donkey Kicks on the leg press machine. However, we are focusing on an equipment-free variation, especially suitable for home workouts.

Body position

To perform the classic Donkey Kicks, start by getting into the tabletop position. Your extended arms should be directly under your shoulders. Allow your head to naturally extend the spine, and keep your gaze directed downward. The back should be completely straight, and a slight arch in the lower back can protect the spine. Additionally, it's crucial to engage the abdominal muscles to further stabilize the core. For a more intense workout, you can use a resistance band. Place the band in the middle of your thighs and wrap it around to bring them together.

Movement execution

To initiate the classic Donkey Kicks, lift the leg you're training so that the thigh is at least parallel to the floor. You can lift the leg higher as long as the rest of the body remains still. The power should primarily come from the glutes. The upper and lower legs should form approximately a right angle, with the lower leg pointing straight up. Keep the foot straight, neither turning left nor right. The upper body should remain unchanged, with the head and arms staying still. After a brief pause in the highest position, move the knee back to the starting position while inhaling. Ensure that the leg does not touch the ground, maintaining continuous tension in the muscles.


The movement sequence remains almost identical for classic Donkey Kicks with a resistance band. Lift the leg as high as possible, then slowly release the tension from the band to return to the starting position. Pause just before reaching the ground, ensuring continuous muscle tension through the resistance band.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Additional information about the activated muscles and common errors in the exercise Classical Donkey Kicks can be found on the page about Donkey Kicks / Kickbacks.

Alternative variants to classic donkey kicks

To make your training more versatile, you can also try related exercises or other variations of the exercise Classical Donkey Kicks.


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