Barbell lunges

The stepping movements can be equally performed with a dumbbell. It is at the discretion of each athlete whether they prefer dumbbells or barbells for lunges.

Body position

For the stepping movements with the dumbbell, you should first pick up a dumbbell. It is advisable to use a suitable stand for this purpose. The grip is slightly wider than shoulder-width. Lift the dumbbell, take a step forward, and place it on the rear shoulder muscles. The legs are hip-width apart. The back is upright, forming a slight natural arch in the lower area. The gaze is forward, and the abdominal muscles are engaged.

Movement execution

During the stepping movements with the dumbbell, take a step forward and lower your body. The step should be large enough so that, during the bending of the front leg, the lower and upper legs are approximately at a right angle, and at the same time, the front knee does not extend beyond the toe. The knees are always aligned with the feet during the movement. Breathe in during this movement and lower the back knee almost to the ground. The back remains upright, and the dumbbell continues to rest on the trapezius muscle or the rear shoulder muscles. Then, exhale and smoothly press the front leg up through the heel. The entire body returns to the upright starting position.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

For additional insights into the engaged muscle groups and common errors during the execution of stepping movements with the barbell, refer to the page Classic Lunges with Weight.

Alternative variants to lunges with the barbell

To add more variety to your training, you can also engage in similar exercises or explore additional variations of stepping movements with the barbell.


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