Home / Fitness exercises / Classic Lunges / Legs / Classic Lunges with High Knee

Classic lunges with high knees

Traditional lunges with high knee add complexity to the lunge exercise, enhancing its training effectiveness. Jumping lunges or walking lunges also present variations of high knee lunges.

Body position

To perform classic lunges with high knee, begin in a lunge position. Take a step forward from a hip-width stance, allowing the front leg to form an angle of approximately 90 degrees between the lower and upper leg. Ensure that the front knee does not extend beyond the toes, while the back leg is stretched backward. The back knee moves towards the ground but does not touch it. Keep the upper body upright with a natural arch in the lower back. Additionally, direct your gaze forward and place your hands at the sides of your hips. Engage your abdominal muscles to initiate the high knee lunges.

Movement execution

In this variation of lunges, push yourself upward, exhaling through the heel of the front leg. The front leg extends almost completely, while you pull the back leg forward, explosively moving the knee towards the chest. Maintain an upright upper body with your gaze forward. Exhale during this movement, ensuring a stable stance. Subsequently, bring the elevated leg back into the lunge position while inhaling deeply. Bend the front leg again, forming a right angle between the lower and upper leg.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

For more information on the involved muscles and common mistakes in the High Knee Lunges exercise, you can find it on the High Knee Lunges / Leg Movements page.

Alternative variants to classic lunges with high knees

To add variety to your training, you can also incorporate similar exercises or other variations of the High Knee Lunges exercise.


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