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Calf raises on the Hackenschmidt machine

In addition to the common variations of squats for thigh muscle training, the Hackenschmidt machine provides an opportunity to perform calf raises in this manner. The execution of calf raises on the Hackenschmidt machine is especially suitable for individuals who want to focus entirely on the contraction of the calf muscles. It is an effective method for specifically strengthening the muscles at the back of the lower legs. There are also other alternatives for performing calf raises while standing.


Muscles engaged in calf raises on the Hackenschmidt machine During calf raises on the Hackenschmidt machine, the main emphasis is on the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle (musculus gastrocnemius caput laterale) and the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle (musculus gastrocnemius caput mediale). Additionally, the soleus muscle (musculus soleus) also experiences targeted activation.


Execution of the Hackenschmidt calf raises The implementation of calf raises on the Hackenschmidt machine can be done both one-legged and two-legged. Both variations are explained in more detail in the following section.

Body position

Starting in the Hackenschmidt machine, position your feet approximately shoulder-width apart, ensuring that the legs are nearly fully extended. The balls of your feet rest on the footplate while the heels hover in the air. Keep your back upright and firmly pressed against the backrest. The head serves as an extension of the spine, and your gaze is directed forward. Grasp the handles next to your shoulders with your hands to stabilize your body. In the one-legged variation, you generally assume the same body position, making sure that only one foot is resting in the described position on the plate, while the other leg is bent and hovers in the air.

Movement execution

The two-legged execution of calf raises on the Hackenschmidt machine begins by lifting the heels and pressing the calves as high as possible. While lifting, exhale and ensure that only the balls of the feet remain on the footplate. After a brief pause in this position, inhale and lower the calves again. During this lowering phase, the heels can be lowered further than they were in the starting position to generate a more intense training stimulus.


The execution of the one-legged calf raise on the Hackenschmidt machine is precisely the same as the execution of the two-legged version. As you exhale, lift your heels and calves upward. Inhale as you lower them again, concluding the movement only when the heels are below the starting level.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

Common mistakes in calf raises on the Hackenschmidt machine often occur and can be avoided by following the helpful advice provided in the following section.


✅ Restricted range of motion: Ensure that you perform the calf raising process on the Hackenschmidt machine with the full range of motion. Avoid lifting the heels only minimally and instead execute the movement as extensively as possible.


✅ Slightly bent knees: The legs should not be completely straightened, as this unnecessarily increases the strain on the knee joints. Opt for a slight bend in the knees to protect the joints.


✅ Maintaining a straight back position: The back should always be upright and straight during the Hackenschmidt calf raises, pressing against the backrest throughout the entire exercise. Be sure to avoid moving away from the backrest during the lifting phase.


✅ Static upper body: The upper body remains completely motionless during the execution. Any movement occurs exclusively in the lower legs or feet.

Alternatives and similar exercises to calf raises on the Hackenschmidt machine

Not every fitness facility is equipped with a Hackenschmidt machine for calf training. Nevertheless, fitness enthusiasts have the opportunity to vary their calf training using different exercises.


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