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Donkey Kick on the machine

The Horse Kicks on the apparatus offer two different execution options. You can either use a specialized device or modify a leg extension machine. An alternative approach is for athletes to perform this exercise as Horse Kicks on the leg press machine.

Body position

For the Horse Kicks on the machine, start by lying with your chest on the designated pad. Your arms grip the handles beneath your head. This position naturally elongates the spine, and your gaze is directed downward. The back remains consistently in a straight position. Next, place one foot on the pad, which is then pressed upward. The other leg is positioned to the side and may have a stabilizing role in this exercise. To initiate the movement, engage the glutes and abdominal muscles.


Alternatively, this exercise can also be performed on the leg extension machine, sometimes repurposed by athletes. In this case, get into a quadruped position in front of the machine. Your hands are directly under your shoulders, and your gaze is directed downward. One leg lies flat on the floor, ensuring that the upper and lower legs form approximately a right angle. The other leg is lightly stretched upward, pressing directly against the footpad of the leg press. It's crucial to position the leg ideally in the center of the footpad to ensure even execution.

Movement execution

The execution of the Po-Kickbacks on the special device begins by exhaling with the glutes engaged, lifting the leg pad upward in a controlled motion. The leg being trained remains bent during this movement. Continue the motion until a distinct stimulus is felt in the glutes, often when the thigh hovers parallel to the ground. It's essential to keep the upper body rigid on the pad throughout the entire execution to maximize the training effect on the glutes. Subsequently, return the leg to the starting position while inhaling. The movement should be halted when the thigh is in the vertical starting position.


To perform kickbacks on the leg extension machine, focus on selectively engaging your gluteal muscles. The execution begins with exhaling as you press the leg pad upward with your leg, maintaining a slow and controlled motion while keeping a slight bend in the leg being trained. Lift the leg upward until your gluteal muscles are maximally stimulated, often when the thigh is parallel to the floor. Meanwhile, the upper body remains stationary, and the other leg continues to kneel stably on the floor. Subsequently, lower the leg while inhaling, ensuring it doesn't touch the ground.

Stressed muscles and common mistakes

For more information on the muscles involved and common mistakes in performing the Donkey Kick on the machine, refer to the webpage on gluteal kickbacks on the machine.

Alternative variants to Donkey Kick on the machine

To diversify your training, you can also explore similar exercises or other variations of the Donkey Kick on the machine.


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