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Criss Cross / Bicycle Crunches

The exercise X-Formation, also known as Bicycle Crunches, ranks among the most effective measures for strengthening the abdominal muscles. It targets not only the rectus abdominis but also the oblique and other muscle groups in the abdominal area. Although this fitness exercise offers significant benefits for the abdominal muscles, its execution proves to be challenging. Nevertheless, both beginners and advanced individuals can incorporate the X-Formation into their training plans. This exercise is also affectionately known as the "Beetle Exercise." Other names include Elbow to Knee, Air Bike, or Twisting Crunch. However, it is crucial not to confuse the X-Formation with the Dead Bug, as it involves an entirely different exercise. In the upcoming post, you will become acquainted with various variations of the X-Formation.

Muscles stressed during criss cross

X-Formation challenges different muscle groups in the abdominal area. The focus lies on training the rectus abdominis, the pyramidalis muscle, and the oblique abdominal muscles.

Cross crunches

Cross Crunches are an alternative version of Criss Cross exercises. In contrast to Bicycle Crunches, you take a short break after each repetition, while the movement in Bicycle Crunches is continuous.


Body Position

For Cross Crunches, lie on your back on the floor. Your hands are clasped in front of your body or behind your head. Your gaze is directed upward. Your feet are placed hip-width apart, and your legs are slightly bent. In other variations, place one foot on the knee of the other leg, so only one leg is bent. Ensure your entire back touches the ground. Now you can start with Cross Crunches.



Start by lifting your upper body in the classic Cross Crunches, rotating in one direction. The upper body should not be completely vertical but should have at least a 45-degree angle from the ground. Exhale during the upward movement. Guide your elbow past the opposite knee. Then return to the starting position and continue with the other side after a short pause.


In this variation of Cross Crunches, bend one leg and place the foot on the knee. Then lift the upper body and pull the diagonal elbow toward the knee. Exhale during the upward movement. Be careful not to overextend your head. Return to the starting position without fully lowering your shoulders. Instead, proceed directly to the next repetition. After the desired repetitions, place your other foot on the opposite knee to train the oblique abdominal muscles on the other side.


In this variation of Cross Crunches, keep the legs in the air. First, lift both legs, so they are parallel to the ground, forming a right angle with the thighs. Then start the exercise by lifting your upper body and reaching with one elbow toward the diagonal knee. You can move the knees toward the elbows, but not excessively, to maintain tension in your abdominal muscles. Exhale during this movement. Subsequently, return to the lying position to continue directly with the other side.

Dynamic Bicycle Crunches

For Bicycle Crunches, it is characteristic to perform the movement without a pause. In the following section, you will find all the necessary information to assume the correct body position and execute the movement properly.


Body Position

For Bicycle Crunches, lie on your back. Your legs are extended and hover a few centimeters above the ground. Bend your arms and lightly touch your head with your hands. The upper arms are parallel to the sides. Lift both legs slightly off the ground. Your head is neither on your chest nor too far back in your neck. Ensure it forms an imaginary line with your spine.



Now, begin with the standard variation by guiding one elbow diagonally toward the opposite knee without pausing. The other leg remains extended in the air. As you bring your chest and elbow toward the other knee, also bend the diagonal leg to meet the upper body. The extended leg keeps the body in maximum tension. Exhale during this movement. Subsequently, return to the starting position. Inhale during this phase and prepare for the other side.


Additionally, you have the option to perform the cross crunches as bicycle crunches using a band. This increases the resistance. Once again, you guide the upper body with the elbow to the diagonal side, bending the knee in the process. The band is pulled upward by your foot, as it is attached to both feet. However, the other leg remains suspended in the air. As you inhale, you return to the starting position.

Common mistakes in the criss cross exercise

The Cross-Cross exercise poses a demanding challenge and is characterized by high complexity. This entails the risk that athletes in the fitness realm make errors that negatively impact the training effect. In the following section, the most prevalent causes of mistakes will be presented.


✅ Distortion through momentum: Often, fitness athletes incorporate momentum by involving the bent leg or arm. However, the movement should solely come from the upper body and the specifically trained side.


✅ Excessive speed: Execution tends to be inaccurate with too rapid a pace. A moderate and slow speed is the optimal method to maximize training success.


✅ Hands clasped behind the neck: When the hands interlock behind the neck, this favors lifting the head. Keep your hands relaxed at your head or clasp them on your chest. If you have sufficient experience, you can also clasp your hands behind your head. However, you must ensure not to lift the head but simply place the hands there loosely.

Alternatives and similar exercises to Criss Cross Crunches

Not every athlete prefers the challenging Criss Cross exercise in their training program. Fortunately, numerous alternatives are available for effectively training the abdominal muscles.


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